
Chapter 213 The Original Owner of the Shadows

Chapter 213 The Original Owner of the Shadows

Thud... Thud...

Heavy footsteps echoed through the desolate land.

Although the terrain was covered by grey sand that was eerily similar to ash, it didn\'t inhibit the sound at all.

"Where is he..."

The being walked, muttered, shifting his icy eyes from ruin to ruin, searching for any signs of life.

The creature had two bat-like wings sprouting from its back, two horns emerging from its forehead and a tail that flicked back and forth in anticipation.

If not for its sinister smile, the Demon would look even cooler, however, right now, he seemed like a character out of a horror movie.


Suddenly, the abomination\'s nostrils flared up as a scent of iron pierced the stagnant air.

Its smile, which was already sinister, grew wider, revealing rows of sharp, sharp teeth.

In the distance, a temple rose from the barren landscape, its ancient spires reaching for the sky. It was a foreboding structure, its stone walls weathered by centuries of neglect. The Demon\'s eyes gleamed with anticipation as he drew nearer.

The temple\'s entrance lay ahead, and it was flanked by a gruesome sight. The ground was littered with the corpses of grotesque monsters, their twisted forms contorted in death. The Demon couldn\'t help but be intrigued.

Who had the strength to lay waste to these abominations?

Kneeling down beside one of the fallen creatures, the Demon examined it closely. His clawed fingers traced a deep slash wound across its decaying flesh. The precision of the injury caught his attention.

"Made with a blade..."

He muttered to himself, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

With a swift motion, he pushed the monster\'s corpse aside, revealing the telltale signs of a fierce battle. The temple\'s entrance seemed to be the epicenter of the conflict. The Demon\'s eyes glittered with interest. Whoever had fought here had possessed both skill and determination.

He couldn\'t resist the urge to investigate further. With graceful, yet unsettling movements, he made his way to the temple\'s entrance. The ancient stone doors were partially ajar as if inviting him inside. The Demon\'s smile never wavered as he stepped into the dark and foreboding interior.

The air inside the temple was heavy with the lingering stench of battle – a cocktail of blood, sweat, and the acrid scent of fear. The Demon\'s wings twitched with anticipation as he followed the trail of carnage.

He moved silently through the dimly lit corridors, his sharp eyes scanning the surroundings. The walls were marred by deep claw marks, and the stone floor was stained with the telltale signs of combat.

"Whoever did this must be one tenacious fucker..."

He mused.

The further he delved into the temple, the more he became convinced that he was on the trail of someone extraordinary. The remnants of a fierce battle told a story of desperation and defiance.

And then, he heard a sound – a faint, ragged breath.

The Demon\'s grin widened as he followed the sound, his curiosity piqued. There, in a shadowy alcove, lay a figure, battered and broken. It was the survivor of the battle, the one who had faced the horde of monsters with unwavering resolve.

The Demon approached with predatory grace, his wings unfurling slightly as he loomed over the fallen warrior. He studied the figure\'s face, obscured by sweat and grime, and saw a glimmer of determination even in the depths of exhaustion.


He murmured, his voice like a whisper of doom.

The survivor stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he met the icy gaze of the Demon. Fear and surprise flashed across his face, but he didn\'t have the strength to react.

"You were the one who entered the spire before me..."

The creature said while approaching the human.

"You have to die..."

It reached out with a clawed hand, almost grabbing the survivor by his neck, however, the very next second the Demon was sent flying across the room, crashing into a wall.


Its icy eyes narrowed and it smirked.

"Vicious bastard..."


Thud... Thud...

The sound of footsteps woke me up from my slumber.

Although I was fatigued from the grueling battle, I forced myself to sit up and assess the situation.

Something was approaching.

\'Mana Perception...\'

I guided my Mana into my eyes and squinted into the darkness.

My sight became a myriad of colors, however, a particular shade of crimson caught my attention.

A Humanoid creature was approaching the temple.

"So he finally showed up..."

I growled, knowing that a Demon was on its way.

With some effort, I quickly drank a health potion, which relieved some of my exhaustion.

I also assessed my Mana reserves which were running dangerously low.

"I\'ll have to conserve it..."

Muttering under my breath, I lowered myself back to the ground, feigning that I was in deep slumber.

Although I was weakened, I could attack it with a surprise factor.

A small smirk appeared on my lips but soon my face became a stone mask and I closed my eyes.

Tap... Tap... Tap...

The sound of footsteps drew nearer, echoing through the alcove.


I heard the creature\'s groggy voice and opened my eyes wide, feigning surprise and confusion.

"You were the one who entered the spire before me..."

The Demon kept muttering something under his breath, and I strained to catch his words.

"You have to die..."

However, I could clearly understand their meaning.


The being came closer, reaching out with its clawed hand towards me.

Fortunately, I was ready.


With a quick shift of my body, I channeled my Mana into my leg, mustering all the strength I had left.


The Demon was sent flying across the room, crashing into a wall.

"Vicious bastard..."

The Demon\'s impact against the stone wall sent a tremor through the ancient temple, dislodging bits of debris that rained down like a dark omen. I rose to my feet, my breath ragged, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The Demon, now recovering from the surprise attack, slowly peeled itself away from the wall. Its sinister smile had given way to a scowl, and its icy eyes locked onto me with renewed intensity.

"So, you have some fight left in you..."

The Demon hissed, its voice dripping with malice. It flexed its clawed fingers, aching for another confrontation.

I knew I couldn\'t afford to waste time. My mana reserves were low, and the odds were heavily stacked against me. But I had faced overwhelming odds before, and this time would be no different.

I extended my hand, summoning a flicker of mana into a concentrated orb. The ethereal energy pulsed and danced in my palm, casting an eerie glow on my determined face. The Demon\'s eyes widened in recognition of the arcane power I possessed.

"Let\'s see what you\'re made of..."

I muttered under my breath, my voice barely audible.

With a swift motion, the Demon lunged at me, its wings unfurling to provide an added boost of speed. I sidestepped, narrowly avoiding its outstretched claws, and hurled the mana orb with precision. The orb struck the Demon\'s shoulder, causing it to recoil with a howl of pain.

The creature\'s blood, a dark and viscous fluid, spattered across the temple\'s ancient stone floor. It hissed and cursed in a tongue that sent shivers down my spine, a language that belonged to the darkest of realms.

But there was no time for fear. I summoned another burst of mana, this time shaping it into a protective barrier that shimmered like a translucent shield. As the Demon recovered from the initial attack, it lunged at me again, but this time, its claws met the barrier with a resounding thud.

I could see the frustration in its eyes as it clawed and scraped at the barrier, unable to breach the protective shield. The demon\'s strength was formidable, but so was my determination.

With a mental command, I released the barrier and let loose another barrage of mana projectiles. The projectiles darted through the air like streaks of light, striking the Demon with unerring accuracy. It howled in agony as each impact sent shockwaves of pain through its demonic form.

But the Demon was not one to be defeated easily. With a surge of dark energy, it unleashed a wicked spell that sent tendrils of shadow coiling toward me. I jumped and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding being ensnared by the malevolent magic.

The battle raged on, a symphony of clashes, dodges, and counterattacks. Each move was calculated, each strike precise. The ancient temple bore witness to our clash, its walls trembling with the intensity of our struggle.

As time passed, the Demon\'s movements grew sluggish, its sinister smile now contorted into a grimace of pain and frustration. It was running out of tricks, running out of stamina.

But so was I.

We circled each other, both of us breathing heavily. I knew I couldn\'t keep up this pace for much longer. My mana was nearly depleted, and fatigue threatened to drag me into the abyss of unconsciousness.

However, I couldn\'t say the same for the Demon.

Although he was tired and his body had some bruises, his condition was way better than mine.

"Let\'s take it up a notch..."

It smirked when suddenly, a massive scythe appeared in his hand.

He was becoming serious.

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