
Chapter 178 178

"Your men considered the girls in those cages a threat. But that wasn\'t the case. Oh no, the biggest threat was the one that you let escape," the man in front of me whispered into my ear as his hands continued to stroke me in such a way that I could feel the bile rising in my throat.

I kept my mouth shut, not because I wanted to, but rather because I had no choice in the matter. My mind was still fighting what my eyes were seeing, but I couldn\'t understand what was going on. All that I knew what that someone, not one of my men, was touching me. And I didn\'t like it.

I opened my mouth a few times to cough, unable to control it. As his fingers grazed over my breasts, I heard him start to pant. "You seemed to be in complete control back then. Not caring about anything, able to kill without a second thought. How did it feel to have their blood on your hands? Do their cries keep you up at night?"

He continued to stare into my eyes as his voice and touch engulfed me. But still, my brain was whirling. Blood… hands… cries.  I tried to gasp as I fought to refocus my eyes on the man in front of me. But he was a strong spirit user. Too strong to have only been doing this for a few months.

"Twins," I said with a gasp, my lips trying to form their customary smirk. That was it… twins.

I heard his low chuckle as his fingers went from a light graze to gripping my left breast enough to leave a bruise. I hated this feeling, I hate to be powerless. I ripped myself apart for thinking that I could handle this. But I couldn\'t, I was too weak…

Weak… the word spun around in my head like a song on repeat. I was weak. I was worthless without the men. I needed the General and his army to be strong when deep down inside I was still that little girl from Canada that tried too hard to please everyone so that I wouldn\'t be abandoned.

I was weak.

\'Not yours,\' hissed the voice inside of me and I physically jerked in my chair causing the man in front of me to tighten his grip on me. \'They are not yours,\' it hissed again, this time I could picture the smug smile on its face.

Fuck that.

Fuck all that shit. I was not weak; I was not worth only what the boys thought I was worth. I was not nothing without them.

I was the fucking Queen.

The seductive voice inside of my head broke off suddenly as the man that was pinning me to my chair lurched back, a look of pure disbelief on his face as he cradled the hand that was assaulting me to his chest. "Twins, right?" I asked as I stood up from my chair, my blanket falling into a pool by my feet. Stepping over it, I slowly approached the man.

"Because I distinctly remember his brain being splatted on my cheeks and hair. It was a bitch to try and wash out." He had the exact same face as Yu Xue Yang, but since I managed to kill him, this could only be a family member of some kind.

When he heard me talking about the brain splatter, the spirit user\'s face morphed into an animalistic rage. Now it was his turn to advance on me and given his height, he practically had to bend over in two to be able to loom over me as he did. But I refused to cower. I was not weak. No matter what he tried to convince me.

"Did you know that because we were twins, we were able to be in each other\'s heads? I mean, the vaccine made it so much more… real. But even before that, we could feel when the other one was injured, or was upset. After the vaccine, I could see what he saw, taste what he tastes, and feel what he felt. Do you know what it feels like to have a bullet pierced through your skull?"

"I would assume that it would be pretty painless, seeing as it would destroy your receptors long before your nerves could carry the feeling of pain to the brain." It was why a bullet to the head was considered to be a mercy to many. Much less painful than bleeding out of a wound that you couldn\'t close.

I guess my answer was not appreciated when the man tried to grip my throat. "You don\'t have your men to protect you right now," he growled as his fingers tightened, cutting off my air.I think you should take a look at

I would have laughed if I could, but as it was, I could only smile. "You think that I need the boys to protect me?" I asked as I gasped for air. A broken chuckle was forced out of my throat. "Bless your heart," I said right before I called my pink flame to come out. 

The man that thought I was an easy target yelped again and jumped back, trying to create as much of a distance between us as he could. But the poor guy didn\'t realize that I was not the victim in this encounter.

He was.

I rotated my neck from side to side, massaging it. It would start to swell soon and I would not be surprised to if I was going to bruise. The boys wouldn\'t like that.

"The boys? They are alive because of me. Their men? Alive because of me. This is my castle, my fortress, and you barged in because why? You wanted revenge? How is that working out for you? I mean, I guess I am grateful that you didn\'t prolong this, but still," I said as I advanced on him. He tripped over a throw pillow that was laying carelessly on the ground and fell down hard.

His feet tried to find gripping, but all they did was push him back further and further away from me until his back was to the front door and I was crouched in front of him. "Now doesn\'t this look familiar?" I hummed as I took out my 9mm from my space. I raised it to his forehead and just let it rest there. I didn\'t give his brother any advanced warning before I killed him. Mostly because I didn\'t even know that I was even going to kill him in the first place.

But this one? This one needed to suffer. I slowly brought back the hammer until it made a satisfying click. I could see him start to shake. "I seem to have a lot of issues, I will fully admit that," I said, starting a conversation with him as fear and terror seeped through his skin. "I seem to be finding new issues on an almost daily basis that I never even knew about. However, one of my biggest issues is people. More specifically people that think that they can come into my home and threaten me… try to kill me."

I was seething as I remembered waking up without my men because this… thing… was somewhere in my home and no one could find him. I was not as pissed off as I would have been if this situation had gone on for a long time. But I didn\'t like my sanctuary invaded.

I didn\'t like someone that I thought could be a friend turned against me.

I didn\'t like people threatening me.

I could feel his slimy mind try and infiltrate mine, just like before, but I was too caught up in my rage to really pay him any heed. That was the weak spot of spirit users… especially the manipulators. They worked best when your thoughts were in order.

But when there was nothing to latch on to? Well, that made it harder for them to change your mind to whatever it was that they wanted.

I watched as the man in front of me trembled. The big, strong man that thought that I was the weakest link in this place, that thought I was worthless, was now in complete terror. "How does it feel?" I asked, my voice calm and curious despite my mind begging for his blood.

He looked up into my eyes, his own trying to glow as he used his powers to get the upper hand again. "How does it feel to know that someone that you didn\'t think twice about is the reason why you are going to die?" My gun arm didn\'t shake, no matter how long I held it up to his head, I was steady.

"Should I be worried that there is someone else in your head that is going to come and try to get revenge?" I raised an eyebrow as his eyes blew open. "Well, if you are in there, bring it on. Just understand that I am not strong because of my men. My men are strong because of me." With that, I pulled the trigger, not caring if the bullet passed through the door behind his head.

"Fucking brain matter," I grumbled as I watched the body sliding to the side, blocking anyone from entering the penthouse. Grey mush and red blood combined on the floor under the head as his eyes stared off into space.

"Huh, didn\'t even get his name," I huffed as I stood up and walked away from the body. Someone else could clean up the mess. I needed a shower.

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