
Chapter 261 Mandatory Things

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds as I tried to get my thoughts in order. I didn\'t overly do well with change and this… this was change.

"Do you not want to go?" Cerberus asked quietly. "We don\'t have to, you know that, right?"

"I want to go," I said knowing that that was the absolute truth. "I want to go, but I am scared."

"What are you scared of?" he asked kindly. It was like he was my best friend. Always there when you needed to talk but never offering judgment.

"I am scared that it is not going to be as I remembered, and what I would do if that happened," I admitted as I rested my elbow on the door between the metal part and the window.

"If it is not as your remembered, change it back. If you don\'t like it anymore, set it on fire. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that you can do wrong," said Cerberus his voice filling the cab with his conviction.

"But if other people have made it their home, can I really burn it?" I asked timidly. If I were talking to the boys I would be the first one screaming to burn it down, but not here. In this time and place, I could be the real me.

"Why not? They ate your food, lived in your house, and farmed on your land. That property is yours and it is you. If you are not happy with it either take everything you want and walk away or take what you want and burn it to the ground. You owe them nothing. You have saved their lives. Without you, they would not exist."

"You\'re right," I said with a sigh. And he was. I would wait and see what the ranch was like, but if I wasn\'t happy, or if it wasn\'t the home that I had in my heart, I could always rebuild somewhere else. I did it before, I had done it again, and I could continue to do it until I find a forever place.

"Besides," said Cerberus cutting in. "Who is to say that it is even changed? Wait and see."

"You\'re right," I said again, this time with a smile. "So, how long will it be until we get there?" I asked as I stared out into the darkness.

"If we were driving straight maybe about a month, but Liu Wei and Liu Yu Zeng were talking about doing a brief detour, only a few hours, into City B to check on their grandfather," said Cerberus and I stiffened up. If I remember correctly, not only was there a fucking manipulative spirit user next to that old man, but she had her eyes on one of my men.

Oh, and the zombies should have taken over the city by now.I think you should take a look at

But more importantly, was the bitch next to Liu Wei\'s grandfather.

She was on my list to kill so maybe I should pop in for a social visit before taking her head. "Let\'s make it a family trip," I said as I narrowed my eyes. If the city was taken over by zombies, I could consume their flames and become more powerful. If it hadn\'t happened yet then no matter what I get to kill Wu Bai Hee. It was a win-win situation no matter how I looked at it.

"I\'ll let the others know. Did you want to stop for the night first?" He asked on a completely different topic. I raised my eyebrows realizing that the men wouldn\'t have slept in more than a few days themselves and even though I had a full 7 days to recover, they hadn\'t.

"Yeah, find a place to pull off and I\'ll take out the RV for us to crash in tonight. Tomorrow is soon enough," I said making a quick decision. The men needed sleep, and I could spend a few hours reading a good book.

Cerberus must have spoken to the bikes because, after about 20 minutes, they found a small clearing in the middle of the woods where I could set up camp. The men got off their bikes a bit funny and I had to force myself to suppress a chuckle. As much as I wished I could ride one of those things, I knew my backside wouldn\'t thank me after a few hours.

"So, I hear we are going to City B," I said as I leaned against Cerberus\' hood. I brought out five RVs and placed them in a circle. Finding some firewood in my space, I created a log cabin fire pit and threw the pink flame into the center. I even took out some Adirondack chairs for all of us along with small side tables.

Once camp was all set up, I grabbed some metal skewers, hot dogs, and marshmallows and walked over to my chair. Sitting down, I took out more things like the ketchup, mustard, relish, hotdog buns, chocolate, and graham crackers. Now this was a perfect camp meal. All that I was missing was the potato salad.

"No one going to say anything or did you assume that I would not find out?" I asked as I tilted my head. They were still standing over by their motorcycles, not coming near me and I had to chuckle. "Come on boyos, I won\'t bite," I said with a smirk.

I mean, I was pretty sure that I was going to be a biter, but that was something we would have to figure out for sure in the future.

"Liu Wei and I just thought that we could peel off for less than an hour and then catch up," explained Liu Yu Zeng as he came to sit down beside me. Taking one of the hotdogs, he pushed it onto the metal pole before sticking it in the fire to cook.

"I am assuming that you forgot the part where the city was taken over by zombies?" I asked as I slowly rotated my hotdog. Honestly, I hated my hotdog barbequed. I hated the skin it developed and the burn marks. Give me a boiled hotdog with a steamed bun any day and I would be a happy camper.

Unfortunately, there were some things that were mandatory when out camping, and roasting hotdogs and marshmallows were at the top of that list.

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