
Chapter 281 Human Sacrifices

Father Ezekiel continued to glare at me as the voices of the people behind him started to increase. 

"You haven\'t even seen a zombie," I pointed out to the man currently being restrained by my men. "If you had, you would know that they were blue or purple, not greyish green. So why are you lying to your followers?" I asked as I leaned back against my throne. Crossing my legs, I studied the man in front of me.

He was average looking, not too tall, not too short, not too skinny, and not too fat. His black hair was neither too long nor was it too short. In other words, he could disappear into a crowd and never be seen again. He was the worst type as far as I was concerned.

If you looked like a serial killer, people stayed away from you.

If you looked cute and innocent, people were always around. 

People judged a person\'s character on their looks, even if they would never admit it out loud. However, people with looks that didn\'t necessarily stand out, others always just assumed that they were harmless. Truth be told, there are more serial killers that don\'t look like serial killers than there are ones that do.

"I am not lying to them. You are!" he shouted as he pointed his finger at me. "You claim that the zombies are blue or purple, but I have never seen a zombie like that! You claim that I am some demon from the depths of hell, but I have bruised my knees every night praying for the people behind me. Can you say the same?"

"No," I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. "But I also don\'t claim to. You are literally so hot you are smoking, and yet you don\'t think that you are a demon. Isn\'t that what a demon would say?" Okay, so I was completely ignoring the fact that I have been calling upon fire a lot longer and better than he has, but that was also part of my point. You would only speak the narrative that you wanted people to believe, not necessarily the whole one.

"Listen to this Jezebel!" he shouted as he turned around to face the people behind him. "She is so good at manipulation and seduction that she can corrupt four brothers at once to do her bidding," he continued as he desperately shook his finger at me. 

"She is the false prophet that we warned against! She is everything wrong in the world today! We must not let her leave here alive!"

I had to chuckle as he managed to stir up his congregation. They no longer looked at him like a demon breathing fire but had gone back to looking at him like the man that was their savior. I was the common enemy, the stranger, the Jezebel. 

"If ever the Devil was born without a pair of horns, it was you, Jezebel. If ever an angel fell, Jezebel, it was you," I sang the first few bars of a popular song back in my first life, the words coming to my head the more Father Ezekiel called me Jezebel. 

"So you admit it!" shouted the man as he turned around to look at me, his eyes so wide that there was only white. 

"Sure," I said with a wave of my hand as my men let go of the bodyguards and came to surround me. "You think that I seduced and manipulated these men to bow before me? Sure. You think that I am a false prophet? Sure. But do you know what I am not?" I continued with a smile on my face.I think you should take a look at

"I am not a liar," I finished before I let out a giant roar. 

Father Ezekiel and his congregation, so quick to swarm us and bring us into the fold, forgot one small, little detail… they left the front door open. And we were not that far outside of City B.

There was a moment of silence as I let the echoes of my roar continue bouncing off of the object around us and carry the sound even further down the road. "Are you trying to prove that you are, in fact, a demon?" smirked Father Ezekiel after a few moments of silence.

"No," I said with a shake of my head and a smile on my lips. "I am just trying to prove that I command them." I finished just as an answering roar reached our ears. My smile only grew as the face of Father Ezekiel turned pale, and he looked around frantically. 

It took the poor, frantic man minutes that he didn\'t have to realize that my throne was built smack dab between him and the open door. 

"Close the door!" he shouted frantically as more roars echoed around us. It seemed that there was a whole horde out there just waiting for someone stupid to come by. In this case, there were plenty of stupid people signing up to be part of the buffet. 

And as their Alpha, it was only right that I feed them.

I chuckled at the thought as zombies came pouring through on either side of my throne. I let out a low growl, and they didn\'t venture forward, rather standing in a straight line, swaying back and forth.

"These are zombies," I said, holding my hands out on either side to gesture towards the zombies. You know, in case they somehow missed them because they weren\'t green or whatever.

"Jezebel!" shouted Father Ezekiel as the yelling and screaming of his flock got louder and louder. "She is controlling the demons! Look at her! She is controlling them!"

"I am," I said in a reassuring manner as I quickly counted the people standing behind the false lord. There were 25 of them, not including the preacher and his two bodyguards… so 28 in total. Counting the zombies next, I saw that there were 30 of them. The front-line team for the City B horde, then. Well, if they were protecting their borders, then they should get their fair share of food.

Never in a million years did I ever think that I would have one day been sitting on a throne offering up human sacrifices to the zombies. Then again, never in a million years did I ever think that I would have been reborn twice into the same apocalypse. 

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