
Chapter 449 Interrupting Lunch

"That\'s my girl!" shouted Crazy before disappearing from the car. \'You might not see me, but I am always watching,\' she giggled inside of my head, causing me to roll my eyes. But she was right. The guys had never once wavered in the three years that they were by my side. 

I think it was time that I shared some of the not-so-pleasant memories, and hopefully, by tearing off the scabs, the memories would fade away, and I could finally start to heal. 

However, before I could open my mouth and let the guys know I wanted to talk to them, Cerberus slammed on his brakes, causing my forehead to be knocked against the wheel and start bleeding.

"Fuck," I groaned as I heard five frantic voices calling my name. "I\'m fine," I called out as I reached up and touched the bright red liquid flowing from the center of my head. Two years and not so much as a scratch. At least I don\'t have to worry about my blood attracting zombies.

"What\'s going on?" I asked, rubbing my hand on my black leggings. Black: the best color in the apocalypse. Hides blood and bloodstains like it\'s nobody\'s business.

"Humans," grumbled Wang Chao. He got off his bike and started to walk toward the truck, his eyes never leaving my forehead.

"Wanna kiss it better?" I joked as I opened the door and jumped down.

He leaned down and gave me a kiss right on top of the cut. Within seconds, the pain stopped. "Huh," I grunted in surprise. "Didn\'t see that coming."

"What can I say?" he smirked. "I\'m magic."

"Yeah, yeah," I grunted as Chen Zi Han rushed over. Picking me up, he put me on top of Cerberus\' hood and took out a clean cloth from his jacket. Liu Wei handed him a small bottle of water, and between the two of them, the blood was quickly cleaned up. 

Pulling out a small, compact mirror, I saw only a thin pink line from where the cut used to be, and even then, it was healing up rapidly. "So, what are the humans doing now?" I asked with a sigh, vanishing the compact and turning to look at the guys.

"Getting eaten," shrugged Liu Yu Zeng. Out of all the guys, he was the only one with his back to me. Walking over to him, I wrapped my arm around his waist, and the two of us watched a team of power users valiantly fighting against a horde of maybe 20 or so zombies.

The other guys made their way over, and we stood there, just watching. 

Unfortunately, it didn\'t take long for one of the humans to spot us and rush over. "What the Hell are you doing? Stop watching and help us!" he cried. I guess he thought that I would be the weak link because he was about to grab my arm when Liu Yu Zeng quickly put a stop to that idea. 

Now, I am sure that breaking the poor man\'s arm was going a little overboard, but I was willing to cut my men some slack. 

"Sorry," I said to him with a shrug. "But we will not be getting involved. Your teammates look like they need some help; you might want to go back."

"You broke my fucking arm; what use am I now?" growled the man, pointing to where his radius was sticking out of his elbow. I would admit. It looked painful.

"You were just flinging out fireballs," replied Liu Yu Zeng, rolling his eyes. "I don\'t think a broken arm is really going to affect your aim all that much. Heck, it might even improve it."

The man looked at Liu Yu Zeng, his face turning red with anger. However, my joker was completely unaffected by the look. However, I guess when you are Disease, a human glaring at you is really not that big of a deal.

However, with one man out of the fight, the rest of the humans looked around to see where he went. Finding us, they, too, rushed over like they had just seen their saviors. "You have to help us!" cried the only woman in the group. "Please!"

"And just how do you expect us to do that?" I asked, cocking my head to the side and looking at her. 

"By taking our place," she sneered. Grabbing me by my upper arm, she flung me directly into the center of the horde. 

Fucking fighting power user. 

Luckily for me, two zombies managed to catch me before I landed on the ground and injured myself. "Thanks," I grunted as the zombie gently placed me on the ground. "Are any of you hurt?" The zombie cocked his head to the side and opened his mouth to pant.

"Yeah, I guess that is a dumb question," I said, answering my own question. The other zombies around us also cocked their heads to the side and started to pant… their version of laughing out loud. "Well, I\'ll get out of your way so you can go back to having lunch. Is your Alpha around by any chance?"

As one, the zombies turned around to face the tree line, and I could see a light purple zombie leaning against one of the larger trees. Grunting my thanks, I walked back over to my men.

"I am thinking that that didn\'t quite work out how you thought it would," I said, looking down at the woman. She was currently on her knees, Liu Yu Zeng\'s gun resting against her temple. I looked to see the remaining members of her team pinned down by my guys, unable to do anything for fear that she would be killed as a result.

She snarled at me and tried to get to her feet, but Liu Yu Zeng unclicked the safety on his gun.

"If you think he won\'t shoot you because you are a woman and the world desperately needs women right now, I am afraid you are very much mistaken," I said as she studied Liu Yu Zeng for a moment longer than I liked.

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