
Chapter 129 - Uninvited Guest

Megan\'s POV

"Hey, why do you need to smash this beautiful bouquet, Meg? You could have given it to me." Alice said the moment she got inside my office and found another bouquet on the floor. It has been one week that I received flowers every day from my mortal enemy. My best friend picked it up while she was shaking her head. I know my heart is thumping hard against my chest, and I was telling myself it was because of my anger towards the sender of the bouquet.

But I know deep in my core I am only fooling myself, I can\'t deny I felt excited again, and I need to reprimand myself for feeling this way. I don\'t want to ruin the flowers since I love them, but I am too angry with myself for feeling so excited. How could I feel this way when I knew he turned into a playboy.

"And what do you want me to do with that flower, Alice? I don\'t even know why he learned that I am working in this company. I think Axel\'s father hired a private detective to know where I am and what I am doing, or maybe there is someone who sells me to him." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest, and I could still feel the rapid beating of my heart.

"How could he send me another bouquet? If he reaches out to you and asks for your help, tell him I am not interested in meeting him again. After all these years, he must be crazy to think that I am going to forgive him of what he had done to my children and me." I said as I walked around my office while my best friend was looking at me with amusement on her face.

"I am telling you, Alice, Ashton will never have a chance to talk with me unless I am already married," I said in more than a whisper.

"Why, Meg? Because you are afraid that your heart will betray you the moment you will meet him again? And you are scared that instead of running away from him, you will end up throwing yourself to him? Come on, Megan, I can see it in your face how you are blushing right now. You only receive another bouquet from Axel\'s dad, and you become so stressed about it." Alice responded.

"Yes, I can\'t deny after meeting my ex, I realized he is still the one inside this stupid heart of mine, but this time I will contradict it, and I will never let my heart wins. I won\'t be a fool again, Al. I suffered enough, and I already promised myself that he will never have me even if it is the end of the world." I said as I sank on the chair in front of my table, and I felt so angry with Ashton for sending me the flowers because it made me reminisce about the past.

"But it doesn\'t mean that everything will be the same between us because there is no way I will give him another chance to have me. I rather hurt myself than to be at his mercy over again." I added.

"Ashton doesn\'t know how much I suffered after he abandoned me, and even if I tried my best to look strong in front of you during those times, Al, I felt like I was dying inside, but I don\'t have a choice but to be strong for my babies, especially when the time the doctor told me about Abigail\'s condition, and she died because of me," I said. I am about to cry again as I remember my little girl.

"Megan, for how many times I told you it wasn\'t your fault that Abi had a weak heart," Alice said, and I shook my head.

"I am partly to be blamed, Alice," I said, and she sat beside me and took my hand.

"Megan, you have to come to terms with yourself that your little girl is now an angel. Stop mourning over her death, I am not saying you have to forget Abigail, but she is now resting, Meg, and I am sure your baby wanted you to be happy." Alice declared.

I know my best friend was right, and I am just glad I am no longer crying. I remember the first few years, and there was no moment I wouldn\'t cry if someone mentioned Abigail\'s name because it was so painful on my part. I know Alice and Gael avoided that issue, but every time it was Axel\'s birthday, I couldn\'t stop myself from crying hard until my little boy\'s little arms hugged me.

"And about your ex, I think there is nothing that you should be worried about because Ashton is now already engaged to her girlfriend, and maybe he only wanted to see you because he yearned to have your forgiveness, and maybe Ashton felt guilty about what he had done to you." Alice declared, and I can\'t deny I felt so hurt when she mentioned Ashton\'s engagement with his girlfriend.

"And I think he also wanted your relationship to have a closure. Besides, you told me you wanted Axel to know his father in the future, and I don\'t think it is a good idea if you will talk to Ashton with anger the moment you introduce him to your son, so I guess this is the best time to forgive him so that you can move on with your life.", Meg." My best friend added in a soft voice, and I half laughed as I went back to my swivel chair, and I could feel my fury towards Ashton and his girlfriend.

"If he will marry his fiancee, there is no way I will let him meet Axel, and that is final. I will tell my son that his father died before I gave birth to him; besides, I am already living my life without him." I said out of my anger. How could Alice tell me Ashton only wanted to see me because he wants my forgiveness and closure and not win me back? I felt horrified with myself. Why am I even upset about it instead of feeling glad that he will not mess with my life anymore.

"Oh, Megan, you are only saying that because you are jealous, I know you can\'t lie something like that to your son. And why does it bother you anyway? I think that is what you want, right? You want Ashton to leave you alone?" Alice asked, and I am looking daggers at her.

"Alice, it is still working hours. Let us talk about work and not something useless." I said as I tried to change the topic because I knew my best friend got me, and I couldn\'t tell her I was jealous.

"Okay, there is something I wanted to tell you, Meg," Alice said, and I can tell by the look on her face she did something I am not going to like.

"What did you do, Alice?" I asked as I looked at her face.

"I signed us into a three-day nature retreat." She said, and my eyes widened in disbelief.

"A what?" I asked her and I couldn\'t believe what she said.

"It is my birthday gift for you." She said.

"Come on, Alice, it has been months since my birthday. How could you sign me up without consulting me?" I asked.

"Megan, you need to have a break; nature retreat is wonderful. It is for relaxation, healing, and reconnecting with nature, and I am sure we are going to enjoy and who knows, we will both meet someone special." She said, and I shook my head.

"You are going alone, Alice. I am not coming with you." I said with finality.

"You can\'t say no, Meg. I already paid in full, so all you need to do is pack your bag. I will tell you later what you need to bring, Meg." Alice said, and she didn\'t let me speak with her again as she walked out of my office in haste. I took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself, and I realized I couldn\'t say no to Alice\'s invitation because I am a nature lover, and I think a nature retreat is what I need after I met Ashton again.

It is Saturday, and the entire house is so quiet since Dexter and Ava left one week after Axel\'s birthday, and I could tell my son misses his uncle so much, especially their morning routine. Dexter taught my son the basics of playing football.

Alice said she couldn\'t come this weekend since she wanted to beautify herself before attending the nature retreat next weekend. Since Friday is a holiday, Alice scheduled us for a three-day retreat package, but I didn\'t tell her yet that I was coming with her because I am still upset that my best friend didn\'t ask me first if I would go or not. She didn\'t give me any choice.

Axel is still sleeping, and I am on my way to have my morning run, and as I walked down the stairs, I heard some knocking on the front door, and I wonder who would come this early, and I smiled as I remember Gael promised to visit us today.

Even if I felt upset that Gael didn\'t communicate with me for five days, no matter how many messages I sent him and how many calls I made, Gael didn\'t return any of my calls. I am still excited and happy to see him and to have him back. And I realized how much I missed my savior.. I was smiling like an idiot as I opened the door, but my face fell, and my eyes turned so big as I looked at the handsome face of my uninvited guest standing on my doorstep, no other than Ashton Pritzgold wearing the same smile that always melts my heart.

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