
Chapter 133 - 133 Shadow Prison!

As the saying goes, kill if you want to kill!

There is no more cruel punishment for an arrogant man than to have everything he stands for wiped out in an instant when he thinks he has everything under control!

With a smile on his lips, Will manipulated the shadow of the Ark Maxim into an S-shape for a moment and then into a B-shape, having fun!

In just a few moments, Enel, who was in the sky, felt the deep malice of the world towards him!

His Ark Maxim, which was made entirely of gold, turned into an S-shape and then a B Shape as he stared blankly at it, and the power system of the ship was completely distorted and destroyed!

And then... Boom!

It hit the ground hard!

His years of hard work at this moment seemed like a joke that could not be laughed at...

Enel, who was floating in the air like lightning, suddenly had bloodshot eyes! .

"Damn you Sea-Dweller!"

"I Want You To Die!"

Completely out of his mind, Enel aimed at Will\'s position and started bombing him with lightning wildly!

Although he doesn\'t know how the Ark Maxim that he has worked so hard to make has such changes, even him using his toe to think, he knows that it must be the doing of these damn blue sea dwellers!

"Go to hell! Die! Die! Dieeee!!!..."

Enel, who had been exhausted to the point where it was difficult for him to maintain his elementalization and floating in the air for a long time, finally fell down with violent thunder and lightning.

He wanted to see if the bastard had been electrocuted himself to cinders or not, and he didn\'t believe that that damn shadow really wouldn\'t break!

The next second, however, his vision was filled with endless darkness!

This move is the Shadow Box advanced ability - Shadow Prison!

Will, who had already been ambushed below, launched a sneak attack before Enel had completely fallen to the ground!

The scattered bats, which had become their own shadows, directly transformed into huge spherical shadows with a diameter of nearly 100 meters and wrapped Enel and Will inside!

This was to prevent Enel from having a chance to escape, after all, there was nothing he could do if the person with the power of the Thunder Fruit was determined to escape.

Wrapped in the shadow Prison, Enel tentatively attacked the surrounding area, and then his face turned extremely ugly!

The seemingly thin layer of the shadow wall was so tough that it didn\'t show any signs of being torn apart even though it was deformed by his attacks.

And he doesn\'t know if it\'s an illusion, but Enel always felt that the space here was shrinking fast...

"There\'s no need to try anymore, you can\'t break the prison lock of the Shadow Prison in your current state, and the space here will shrink to its limit in 30 seconds..."

"So don\'t run away, either live or die, let\'s have a real fight!"

Will grinned extremely bloodthirsty, he had very little time left for his awakening, it was do-or-die!

Enel was furious, he never thought his \'fun\' would end up like this, but he had to fight to the death since it came to this!

It was a good thing that the opponent\'s extremely tough shadow warrior was gone, or else he wouldn\'t have a chance to win this battle.

Raising his hand to charge up a 10 million volt lightning ball, Will quickly arrived in front of Enel\'s body and began a melee attack.

Compared to human martial arts, Will was more like a wounded beast, with the only attack after attack in his eyes!

It\'s a hunting skill he developed from living on Vicious Beast Island for over a year.

Although he was able to predict each of Will\'s attacks, the opponent\'s method of not dodging or avoiding them in exchange for injuries really made Enel suffer.

Especially when the opponent\'s attack was so powerful that one wondered if he was an ancient beast in human skin!

After another crooked head to avoid Will\'s right fist, the fierce wind of the fist still tore a wound in Enel\'s face, but at the same time, the black thunder ball also blew Will away!

Puffing, puffing, puffing... Wheezing…

Did he die?

Gasping for breath, Enel looked hopefully at Will, who was flying backwards, but to his despair, the other man was on his feet again!

Although the chest was scorched black from the blast, it was apparently not seriously injured under the protection of the dark skin.

At this time, the Shadow Prison had shrunk to a diameter of only 5 meters...

With such a small space to move, even if his Mantra were more powerful, it would be impossible for him to keep dodging.

Will, who had rolled over, ignored the pain in his chest and rushed over again!

Forced into a corner, Enel\'s eyes were filled with fierceness, and he too awakened his madness. 

In this case, let\'s see who will die first!

Enel\'s body was once again lit up with a dazzling electric light, and he was draining his energy and even his own life force!

Will endured the damage caused by the lightning and used a vicious combination of punches that caused Enel to vomit blood, and the sound of broken bones almost overlapped, which was very odious!

Enel gritted his teeth and let out a roar, the unbearable pain was the last straw that broke his potential!

The blood-red lightning was gradually gathering in shape...

Will\'s brain was stinging like needles with a strong sense of crisis of life and death, and the hairs on his body almost stood on end!

If he gets hit head-on with this move... ...he will die!

Whether to disarm the Shadow Prison to save himself or...

Almost instantly, Will made a madman\'s choice!

He wanted to kill Enel first before his opponent could attack him with his red lightning! 

Otherwise, he would never have had a second chance to get his hands on the Thunderbolt!


Will and Enel both shouted in their hearts!


Enel\'s incredulous expression was frozen on his face, his broken throat preventing him from making a single sound, strength ... Strength... The strength... The temperature... all were rapidly leaving him...

Breaking through the layers of electricity and lightning, Will broke Enel\'s neck with a single punch before the blood-red lightning could take shape!

The violent lightning directly dissipated most of it, becoming dimmer and dimmer, but in the next second the remaining lightning struck Will\'s body!

That was the final counterattack of the still-unconscious Enel!

Before plunging into endless darkness, seeing his opponent lying dead or alive on the ground,

Enel raised the corners of his mouth, and slowly closed his eyes ...

The god of Sky Island... has fallen!

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