
(227) Volume 23 8 — Great Disaster Nature Sculpting

Volume 23: Chapter 8: Great Disaster Nature Sculpting

It required a lot

of time for Undeads to walk to Natalia plain.

Skeletons were

really good at marching as long as they had perfectly fine legs.

It was because

they walked as they were ordered to, while dragging swords on the ground.

But with Zombies

and Ghouls they staggered and they kept going in the wrong direction.

“Get back in the


Necromancers were

busy managing Undeads.

Over 110,000


Skeletons had high

attack power so they were useful in battles.

They could be

revived and if necessary, curse spells could be activate through the corpses so

their departure was delayed as Necromancers tried to bring as many Undeads as

they can.

“No matter how

many monsters are in Natalia plain, we should be able to win easily.”

“With our forces,

we can even kill any boss-material monsters.”

Necromancers were

relieved looking at their Undeads force reassuringly, but Weed waited for

battle anxiously.

‘I have to hunt

more, I have to take more items. With this many Undeads there could be less

monsters for me.’

A source of

endless greed!

Any expectations

of clearing the quest with impractical ease shattered right after they arrived

at Natalia plain.

[El Vance Monastery]

It was a place of monastery established by the

Imperial family of the Niflheim Empire.


This is a placed embedded with sacred power.


Weakens Undeads body and cleanses any curse spells.


Necromancer’s magic abilities decrease by -24%.


Destroyed Undeads cannot be revived.

Faint wisp of

holiness was rising from rapidly from the ground.

As holy power

touched his body, warm feeling spread and strength fell from his sword bearing



Strength decrease by -3.


Health decrease by -240.

With the effect of Balkan’s Death

Aura, his health was supplemented again but on Natalia plain an enormous aura

of divine energy was rising up.

In the dark night the streams of holy

energies rising up looked very beautiful but to the Necromancers it was a

serious horror.

“Ku… At this rate how are we

supposed to attack with the Undeads?”


“Curses or dark magic will get

weak as it tries to penetrate the holy power and it won’t even be in range.”

“Let’s try it first.”

Jeanne and Otem combined their

power and activated their dark magic, calling up a cloud of poison.

Monsters immediately went hiding

inside the wall of El Vance monastery.

Even if it was a monastery its wall

were really high and its structure wide, so it could be possible that tens of

thousands monsters could have gathered there.

These monsters’ reproduction rates

were beyond imagination.

“Go! Pour down vicious poison


The poisonous cloud headed toward

the direction of monastery but the rode up the rising holy energy and


“This is really headache inducing.”

Weed’s expression soured as he also

looking at the monastery.

‘This is not just a quest given out

in vain to meet Balkan.’

They had to penetrate through the

most horrifying thing for Undeads, holy energy.

The holy power outside of Natalia

plain wasn’t as strong but inside the monastery lights were shining bright.

Far away from the plain was scene

of gloomily gathered Undeads, their expression souring at the light.

When they were human holy power

felt slightly bright, now they stung the eye with its brightness.

‘Undeads seem to feel holy power more


Necromancers couldn’t come up with

any definite solution and just stood behind where the holy power couldn’t reach


Weed considered time as money so he

gave an order.

“Youngest skeleton.”

“Yes, lord”

“Run straight forward.”

The shortest skeleton from Weed’s

unit run limpidly along his way to the monastery.

Even though they were Undeads, they

still had their instinct about death so they feared the holy power.

But the great, peerless Weed

perfectly controlled the skeleton with his charisma and leadership.

Tadadadada, tuktuk, boom!

The Skeleton ran forward hard while

getting hit by the holy power here and there.

About halfway to the wall of the

monastery, it looked like he was burning from the holy power.

With reduced health, it collapsed

while walking down without even swinging its sword once.

Before long it purified the

Skeleton with even leaving a corpse, leaving the Necromancers with their

tongues hanging out.

This time, Weed lifted his finger

and pointed at a Skeleton warrior.


“Yes, lord”

The Skeleton warrior was able to withstand

a few more steps but he still couldn’t make it to the wall.

“Skeletons can’t seem to go.”

Necromancers were disappointed bitterly

by the fact that the majority of their Undead armies were completely useless as

it was composed of Skeletons.

Only thinking vaguely about the

fear of holy power, they now could feel keenly after seeing the sight of

melting Skeletons.

“Dullahan, go forth as well.”

“Yes, I will follow your order.”

Dullahans were very fierce


With their standards they were able

to make great achievements in battles but Weed carried out his experiment


The Dullahan reached the wall that

looked like it was about to collapse, but died under monster attack as it was

about to go over it.

Looking at Weed Death knights were pierced

with horror.

As next time, it was their turn.

Undeads were shivering in great

fear as underlings of Weed as he was a remorseless liege.


But Weed didn’t deploy any more

Undeads after sending out the Dullahan.

‘If about a Dullahan, then Death Knights

should be able to fight, at least for a short amount of time…’

Even if he gather every Death

Knights from other players, it would be hard to gather over 2,000.

If they send that much to fight the

monsters, they will be able to achieve something but they would melt completely

like ice creams in hot summer.

‘Quest will fail after that.’

A quest with four day limitation!

They spent seven hours trying to

get here because Undeads weren’t nimble.

If all their Undeads got

eliminated, they wouldn’t have enough time to gather the current quality and

number of Undeads.

‘There is only one chance.’

Weed was locked into a deep thought

as he looked behind the enemy lines.

They needed varieties of meticulous


“Don’t you think this quest

difficult is way too high?”

“Did the quest really say to destroy them?

This is completely impossible.”

“There are no solutions with the

Undeads. Maybe it’s a quest that can only be succeed at high level? To be

stopped like this here…”

“Maybe we should have hunted

monsters in advance so they wouldn’t gather here. Even in the canyon I let some

monsters run away, they must have all ended up here eventually.”

The Necromancers could not get the

point right now.

It was when Necromancers were in


Harien came to where Weed and Marie


Last time she heard a great method

from Weed so she came here for advice.

Weed was murmuring intently on his


“Japtem… Leathers not so good… If

there are treasures left in the monastery…”

He look like he was struggling

hard, locked in deep agony!

“Perhaps are you thinking about

solution to clear this quest?”

“Guessing monsters tendencies… the

possibilities of gold, silver and treasure… but definitely the treasures…”

Jeanne and Otem came along while

Harien was waiting for her reply.

While observing Weed, they did considered Weed as a great player as well.

It was hard not to acknowledge his

abilities, with him coming all the way here not with a magic class that could

summon Undead but a combat class.

It’s hard not to acknowledge him.

As a single power Weed’s Undead was

quite strong.

About ten minutes elapsed, Weed was

writing words and numbers on a ground with his finger.

~Leather, very rough and defective

so 1,750.

~Japtem, variety of items. Less relevant

to the quest, dispose as lump-sum to Mapan-nim.

~Monastery, information about

Niflheim empire history’s past holy weapons, not enough.


Decision postponed.

It was difficult for Jeanne, Otem

and Marie to understand how the cipher like phrase related to the monsters at


Harien waited, waited and finally


“Is there really no way to clear

this quest?”

Weed while looking at the phrases

piercingly, lifted his chin.


“Weren’t you trying to come up with

solutions for this quest?”

“No I was calculating something



Realizing that she was waiting and

expecting for something great out of Weed’s irrelevant actions, she backtracked


Harien was dispirited to think that

she was expecting something from Weed’s weird behavior.

“Huu, some hope he would rekindle…

I shouldn’t have waste my time.”

Jeanne and Otem were about go back

to other Necromancers.

Even if they go to them it was a

hard problem they were trying to solve but if they agonize it together they

might find a slightly better method.

They were in a position where they

needed to find a solution fast.

But Weed talked as if there wasn’t

any problem.

“We just have to beat the monsters

in the monastery.”

“Yes but how?”

“There are many ways.”

Weed had no need to waste any effort

in thinking about monsters.

He made decisions immediately and

was now estimating for after the hunt.

He took number of monsters inside

and their approximate levels, item drops and rough schematics on the monastery

and even the whereabouts of potentially hidden treasures into consideration!

‘Since it’s filled with holy power

there must be something there. The probability of it being in the basement is


As that treasure might high

extremely high value he was in serious thought about it.


Necromancers pass over their authorities

for their Undeads units to Weed.

“Please just go.”

“Just walk a little bit, hmm?”

It was because the Undeads wouldn’t

listen to the Necromancers.


“Yes, lord.”

“Death Knight shall follow the

commander-nim’s orders.”

Undeads didn’t resist against Weed


Part of it was because he was a

Death knight but his absurdly high leadership ability and items influenced a


There were many occasions where he suffered

many damages from large-scale battles but in the end, Weed achieved victories

and obtained a title of glorious Undead Commander.

When he was a Lich he killed

Kubicha in Jigolaths and obtained the title of Immortal Warrior.

Because of that Undeads believed

and followed Weed even if it leads to their deaths.

They were Undeads maintained by

Necromancers’ mana but they moved according to Weed’s order.

“Full attack, run forward!”

Weed shouted out in a loud voice.

Skeletons and Dullahans ran towards

the monastery as one.

A major offensive of 11 thousand


Once all these Undeads disappear,

there will not be enough time to collect Undeads again.


“Too hot, too hot!”

Through the holy power the

Skeleton’s started caught fire and started burning, but even so the other

skeletons continued running, stepping over their fallen allies.

In the middle of night the burning

skeletons were running down the plain.

It was like the Undead were making

a flaming path, even the Necromancers were awed at the sight.

“Let’s open paths for them, Bone


“Dark Crow”

Necromancers supported the Undeads

move forward by summoning walls of bones and growing plants that grew by

feeding on darkness.

Skeletons and Dullahans were able

to move forward a bit more by stepping on the bones and plants.

Of course it didn’t last long and

burned because of the holy power rising from the ground but Undeads used it as


Under unbelievable suffering,

Undeads move steadfast while taking damage. Weed’s plan was to move in with

every Undead and fight a final battle with monsters.

A position of Undead armies’ Chief

Commander with heavy responsibilities.

Usually it was difficult task if it

was shared, but there was no better method than this.

If the Undead closed the distances

with the monsters, Necromancers can fight with Corpse Explosions and curses.

Streams of holy power rising randomly

from the ground dealt a lot of damage to Undeads but mobilizing every Undead at

the same time so they can step over each other was the plan.

“This is impossible.”

In a situation in when their joined

strength was lacking, there were Necromancers complaining rather than casting supporting

spells that could increase movement speed or defense of the Undead.

They disagreed with Weed’s plan in

the first place but as Jeanne, Otem, Harien agreed, other Necromancers followed

with them.

But now as the Undeads were

crossing the plain and incurring massive casualties, these Necromancers started

to protest.

“It’s still not too late. Let’s

stop here and find another way.”

“I’ve been telling you it’s a

reckless plan from the beginning. If it proceeds like this and even if they get

to the monastery, they will all die before they can even fight. We know about

monsters’ strength very well. We must cancel this idiotic plan now.”

Players who agreed with Weed’s plan

started to doubt themselves.

It was understandable because all

they could see were Undeads burning and getting purified by the holy power.

It’s true that their chance of

success were looking smaller.

But if they stopped or retreat the

Undead now, the quest would end in complete failure.

They should have spoken before

Undeads moved out, right now it was seriously late.

They already invested over half


After the Necromancers started

protesting, the Undeads agreed as well.

“If we go forward we will be annihilated.”

“I don’t want burn to death like


As bulk of the Undeads disappeared

by holy power, a situation arose where the remaining Undead tried to disobey

Weed’s order.

They had to keep pushing additional

Undeads forward.

If the deployment of Undeads stop

like this, the forces currently running forward in the plain will all burn or

melt down.

Riding on his gargoyle Weed raised

up his rusty legendary sword.

And then opened his jaw.


smell… There is a smell


am singing but I still there is a smell


if I stop, the smell won’t stop.


With no tune and no rhythm,

definitely a song that was sung as the lyrics just popped up.

Sound of Death Knight with slightly

hoarse voice spread widely across the whole plain.

Jeanne, who was using magic near

the vicinity of Natalia plain, turned her head around.

“The person who sings this kind of


Harien, Otem, Bohram, Gruzed,

Varenna and other high-rank Necromancers also stopped what they were doing and

shifted their gazes to where Weed was.

It was a song they never heard


There is no way a reckless song like

this would ever be composed.

But they knew a person who would

sing a song like this in a battle.


is a dark night, very dark night


am a Death Knight


am a Death Knight who doesn’t wash his face


don’t have to wash my feet as well

“War God…”

“It’s Weed!”

They had some suspicions as he

chose a combat related class and was far ahead than any other.

But that person, singing a

senseless song that no one could absolutely mimic, singing a ridiculous song.

Even senior granny players in

Versailles continent knew him, watching palpitating videos of him through the


It explained everything now.

“That Weed was with us…”

“Use magic. Invade the monastery

and kill every monster!”

The loud mouth Necromancers

sprouting it was impossible started to do their tasks.

Marie was just waiting for Weed to


He took out a harp made by dwarves

and matched Weed’s song, improvising a performance.

‘It’s harder than composing a new


A best bard was matching Weed song.




for melon rose


are really expensive


are too precious to eat


eat anything at night


early is fine


gathered here, start singing


dear Undeads who knows no hunger, or exhaustion.


shall go forward

As soon as Weed finished his song,

he took out a horn.

A horn announcing victory in


A unique item that can bring out

incredible abilities in soldiers.

It was a treasure that could make

someone famous just by having in his possession.

Weed put the horn to his mouth and

blew it with all might.



Undeads’ morale is rising.


Undeads are craving for victory.


Temporarily boost physical potential by +120%.


Bad things will happen often to the enemies.


Weed suddenly gave

Lion’s Roar.

Then the

rebellious Undeads started rushing toward the monastery in unison.

Even the Undeads

suffering under the holy power sped up and ran forward.

They were weakened

by holy power but they were acting beyond their potential capabilities.

The loss of

skeletons was at an unspeakable level but they got close to the monastery.

Fierce and strong

skeletons stepped over their allies’ heads and shoulders to jump out to the


“Time to deploy

the Death Knights.”

Weed flew high on

his gargoyle.

The underling Death

Knights also got on their gargoyles and flew up beside Weed.

“Phantom steed


Death Knights

commanded by other Necromancers got on the phantom steeds summoned by their


Holy power from Natalia

plain to rose up till the sky but the Undeads were fully covering the ground.

The Undeads became


Either piercing

through the Undead, or avoiding the stream of holy power rising up, it was

possible to approach from the sky while flying.

“Let’s go!”

Weed flew with his

Death Knight units toward the monastery.

About that time

Undeads arrived as well, taking down the walls in three different places and were

fighting with defending monster.

As the Undead’s

health was almost gone they collapsed to the counter attacks.

‘But they are very


As he expected,

monsters weren’t normal as well.

It was not as much

as the Undeads but the monsters were also overwhelmed by holy power.

Multiple of

Undeads ran into monsters and about 3~4 Undeads clung to one monster.

“Let’s go down to

the ground.”

Weed went inside

the monastery riding on his gargoyle.

He was able to see

bright lights gathered in a bunch on the ground.

The gathered light

pierced the ground and a thick stem of holy power rose up threateningly.

Some Death Knights

fell from their gargoyles but most of them avoided with sharp turns and landed

safely inside the monastery.


You have arrived at El Vance Monastery.


Due to the abundant holy power physical abilities reduce by -45%.


Health decrease by -300 every second.

It’s difficult for

Undeads to be active in a church or a shrine.

It was not a place

that Death Knights could withstand for a long time.

Monsters came

unceasingly toward Weed.

“It’s the Undeads.

Kill and eliminate them.”

“It’s the Death

Knights commanding the Undeads!”

Monsters had capacity

for rational thought so they targeted Weed first.

If they took Weed

down, he would not die alone but shake up every Undead underling for losing

their commander.

Its influence

would be lower for humans or elves but losing a commander was a hopeless

situation for Undeads!

Of course for orcs

it didn’t matter if their commander died or not.

Whoever held the

glaive and shouted first become an orc captain.

“Heriam Fencing!”

Weed while

performed attack skill, slashed monsters.

His level for

Heriam Fencing went up, enabling him to strike 13 times consecutively.

And every time the

strike succeed strength, agility and destructive power increased.

Because he wasn’t

far from mastering the skill the swordsmanship skill proficiency rose steadily.

Weed’s Death Knight underlings fought together while guarding him.


“Wow… He really

is amazing. Even if he’s Weed and trying to clear the quest, how could he just

jump into a place swarming with monsters?”

“I doubted him

until he got on his gargoyle but he really went in. Does he not find his life


Necromancers were

deeply impressed by Weed’s brave action.

A commander

jumping into an enemy base full of dangers just to win!

‘Just like the


‘There is chance

of really victory in this battle.’

Weed rekindled

hope and bravery to the Necromancers.


recovered health to the Undeads that weren’t completely destroyed and

strengthened them with supporting spells.

“This front is

relatively safe now let’s advance as well.”

The land was

polluted by the corpses of the collapsed Undead.

The holy power couldn’t

rise up and just burned up the wreckages of the Undeads.

Necromancers got

on the ghouls’ backs and headed toward the monastery, close enough to throw




While Weed was

provoking monster and putting more effort into hunting more, he glanced


He was attacking

the inner area of the monastery with his fearless Death Knights, preventing any

chance for the monsters to become more active.

Rather than being

heroic by being in the forefront, he was making the Undeads fight and waiting

behind for the perfect chance!

“I’m sure there

are great treasures somewhere in the monastery.”

His craving for

items led him to the inner side of monastery.

If he comes with

other Necromancers after the battle ends, he would have to share the treasure.

But there was no

need to share treasures he picked up secretly!

Now was the only

chance to search the monastery.


In front of his

eye the holy power gathered and erupted skywards, far away the ground was hit

with magic casted by Necromancers and Skeleton mages.

After deploying

the Undead and judging the place to be slightly, the Necromancers advanced

toward Natalia plains.

‘There must be a

treasure somewhere. I need to look for a collapsed structure or stairways to


Even for Weed it

was difficult to find clues about the unknown treasure with the monsters and

the wreckages.

Because monsters

were heading to Weed he was also busy fighting with his Death Knights.

“Cut them all!”

He gave an order

to raise the Death Knights’ morale.

“I follow

commander’s order.”

“Kill the


Weed’s class was a

combat related Death Knight.

Even if he had underlings

with same class, there was nothing like being outnumbered by monsters.

As Undead who

found it hard to withstand the monastery, the Death Knights could not win over

the holy power and began the collapse.

Weed’s health was

decreasing scarily fast.

To others’ views,

it was either fearless bravery or completely craziness.

‘There is no

reason why this old and desolate monastery has so much holy power left.’

If Weed didn’t get

the feeling that there was enormous treasures here, he wouldn’t have started

such a reckless battle.

“I guess I have no


Weed took out a

sculpture from his sides.

It was not a Fine,

Masterpiece or Magnum Opus sculpture.

Made out of woods,

it was a sculpture based on a storm he encountered coming back from Jigolaths on

a ship.


Dark Clouds and Thunders

Sculpture made from

dismantling woods from the mast and wine barrel on the ghost ship.

With the two wide wooden

board representing earth and sky, in between lightning and whirlwind is


Due to the limitation of

the material, it lacks many artistic expression. An inerasable scent of wine

still permeates.

Artistic Value: 49.

It was worthless

to sell it as a sculpture anywhere.

But Weed stored it

preciously, waiting for someday to use this sculpture.

‘The day has is


Weed decided to use

a secrete Sculpture skill and acted immediately.

“Great Disaster Nature Sculpting!”

- Great Disaster Nature Sculpting has been used.


Art stat decreased by -20 permanently.


20,000 health and mana has been consumed.


All stats reduce by -15% for four days.


Affinity to Nature dropped.

? Great Disaster Nature Sculpting can only be used once per day.


When dangerous disasters are called upon, depending on the damage

fame or notoriety can increase.


You can die in the middle of the disaster so be careful.

Even though there

were many monsters left, Weed disarmed his sword and laid down on the ground.

“Death Knights get

rid of your sword and lay down!”

Death knights

couldn’t follow the sudden change of command while battling.

Weed ordered


“Throw away your

swords and defend with wooden shields.”

Death knights threw

away their rusty swords and raised their basic wooden shields.

It was broken and

rotten so no one knew whether it could function as a shield but it was better

than nothing.

Taking one-sided

attacks from monsters for about ten seconds, Weed raised his head up slightly.

“Did the skill


Great Disaster Nature Sculpting differs in its strength based on Affinity to Nature but didn’t have

to raise it separately through skill proficiency.

While Weed was all

confused, the wooden sculpture that was used in the skill dismantled like soft

sands and spread out everywhere.

“Kaoh! Kill the Death


Monsters were

fighting Death Knights with axes.


Lightning struck


The aftermath was

incredible, the 6 monsters in the vicinity was burned charcoal black.

A great disappointment

descended on him as Weed was expecting something incredible force.

“So should I have

used a Masterpiece or a Magnus Opus as the basis for this skill?”

Even though it was

a secrete Sculpting skill, it was disaster that felt empty.

It was the same

power as a simple lightning bolt used by magicians.

Even though it was

not something that completely changed the battle situation, there was no need

for Weed to suffer so much in learning this skill if it was at such standard.

Suddenly, although

no one noticed it because it was early morning, stars in the sky gradually hid


Soon, dark clouds

completely covered the sky and unusually loud sounds occurred.


Instinctively it

gave him the chill.

“It just comes


Weed hurriedly hid

his body in a pit.

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