
Chapter 125 - (125) Strange Battle

\'So, it\'s possible to have monster companions?\'

Geth looked at the card with interest.

It was a brown metal card with rounded corners. The backside had the Rune for \'Tame\' engraved, while the front was blank.

He imbued some of his Mana into the card as directed. The card lit up a light blue, and a Rune appeared on its surface.

As Geth stared at the Rune, he could feel its outline being burned into his mental sphere. The Rune simply meant \'Tame.\'

Geth looked over the information for the Skill.


Tame Creature, Common (Lvl 0)-

Cost (500 MP/Tier) Ability to use Taming Cards to tame monster companions. Companion kills grant half of all earned experience to the caster and the other half to the Companion.

Current success rates:

Tier 1: 80%

Tier 2: 40%

Tier 3: 10%

Tier 4: 0.05%

Success rates can increase or decrease based on the creature\'s Level compared to the caster. Creature has to be unhurt to cast.

If taming fails, the caster must wait 1 hour to cast again on the same creature. Cannot tame beyond the limits of the Taming Card.

If Taming fails, card is destroyed.

Tame limit- (0/5)


\'Well, I suppose I would rather try it on a Skeleton than a Goblin,\' Geth thought. At least the Skeleton wouldn\'t smell bad.

\'I\'ll wait until I find something decent and try my luck.\'

He stored all of the items except for the ax, leaning it up against the wall near the entrance. It was a couple hundred pounds on its own, and he wasn\'t sure what else he would find.

Geth made his way down the hall again, running his hands along the walls on both sides. He found three similar rooms, each with chests.

After clearing them, he found that every chest contained one or two Uncommon Taming Cards.

He now had six of them in his possession and intended to try one before completing this Dungeon. Just before the end of the hallway, he found a fifth circular room on the left.

After walking into the room, he found it was the same as all of the others. There was a single ornate chest in the middle, with foot soldiers and a Sub-Boss in the shadows of the surrounding walls.

Geth approached the chest in the center of the room while scouting his potential targets. The Skeleton Archers were his targets.

If he could have a few of them adding damage while he aggroed a creature, maybe soloing a Boss outside of the Undead would be possible.

The chest was a bit different this time. It was still ornately dressed, but there was something different about it.

\'I can\'t tell what it is... Albus, do you see a difference between this chest and the previous ones?\'

Albus examined it before responding, \'It doesn\'t look any different to me.\'

Geth had Inspection active constantly these days. The chest looked normal to him, and he could see two glowing objects in the bottom, just like the others.

\'Maybe I\'m overthinking things,\' He thought as he reached his hand out to open the lid.

As soon as his fingers brushed the latch, the Skeletons against the wall became active. However, that wasn\'t the only thing that happened.

The chest\'s lid snapped open on its own, revealing two long rows of very sharp teeth!

"What the hell!"

Geth jumped back away from the chest and closer to the incoming Skeleton Guards. He threw up a Barrier to hold the archers back while he cleared the room.

The Guards and Raiders didn\'t stand a chance, dying only after two casts of his Invocation. The chest was a different matter. It wasn\'t taking damage at all.

He rotated around the room and slammed the Sub-Boss with his staff, doing a significant amount of damage. He cast Restoration on the beast while attacking it.

The Archers had already torn apart his Barrier. They were too close for him to use Mass Invocation without affecting them too.

\'How irritating!\' Geth thought.

The Restoration was still doing considerable damage to the creature. At 177 damage per tick, it was nothing to scoff at. The Barrier it was supposed to provide also instantly caused an extra 110 damage.

Right at 9300 damage would be done by the end of the 2 and a half minute duration.

\'It will take around fifteen minutes or so, but it\'s the best way to avoid causing damage to the Archers.\' Geth stood and allowed the Sub-Boss to attack him.

This one had a spear, and with his current Agility, he was able to dodge most of the attacks. The few that the creature did manage to land on him healed long before he was struck again.

He allowed the arrows from the Archers to hit him. They barely caused a scratch. 

Even if the Archers used a Skill to empower the shot, it didn\'t phase him.

His main problem was the chest. The damn thing was Level 50.

Geth\'s only solution was to keep the chest caught within Barriers or keep a mud pit formed under it.

The strange monster was quite spirited, constantly trying to break free and make its way to him. 

The fight was quite strange, a big man dodging an even larger spear. All while keeping an angry treasure chest from trying to eat him and arrows bouncing off of him like toothpicks.

\'I may have to leave this part of the story out,\' Geth chuckled to himself. He was sure that his party would ask about the raid when he returned.

The Skeleton Knight turned to ash about seventeen minutes later and melted into the stone floor. He formed a deeper pull of mud below the chest and threw up some more Barriers.

His attention turned towards the Archers as he pulled out one of the Taming Cards.. He concentrated on one of the Skeleton Archers as he circulated his Mana through the Rune on the back of the card.

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