
Chapter 27: Too much to handle.

Chapter 27: Too much to handle.

Marlow was determined to unearth the truth about the secret departure from the palace as he came to know from palace informants. In his heart, he had suspicions and believed that this was not a mere coincidence that the woman was here. King Louis, while attending to his royal duties and courtly matters, held himself with grace and nobility, but his conduct outside the palace often revealed a different persona—one that was often treacherous and lewd, especially when it came to interactions with women. Marlow had known him long enough to recognize these contrasting sides of the king and knew how to control his own emotions and use them to his advantage.

After their discussion about Neena, Marlow decided to press further. "Your Majesty," he began, his tone respectful but insistent, "I understand the compassion you extend to those you encounter, but I must inquire about the specifics of the arrangement with Neena. You mentioned you had asked her to work here, but it appears she has left the palace."

King Louis, aware that Marlow had honed in on this matter, decided to be candid. "Marlow, it\'s true that I extended my assistance to her, but her departure was by choice. She didn\'t feel comfortable here in the palace."

Marlow scrutinized the king\'s words. "And was there anything in particular that made her uncomfortable? Perhaps some incident or issue within the palace?"

The king paused, contemplating how to reveal the truth without disclosing too much. "There might have been... misunderstandings," he replied carefully, his eyes guarded. "She may have had a different perception of what life in the palace would be like."

Marlow nodded, acknowledging the king\'s response. He knew he wouldn\'t get much more from Louis at this point. "Your Majesty, I understand that people\'s experiences can be subjective. I shall take your word for it. If there are any further developments related to this matter, please keep me informed."

King Louis gave Marlow a measured look. "Of course, Marlow. I appreciate your diligence. You have my assurance."

Marlow offered a respectful nod and withdrew, leaving the king to his affairs. However, he couldn\'t shake the feeling that there was more to Neena\'s departure than met the eye. He knew he had to be patient and gather information.

After Marlow left King Louis\'s chamber, he couldn\'t maintain the fa?ade of a loyal and upright minister any longer. As he reached his private office, he swiftly shed that persona, revealing a shrewd and cunning mind beneath. He had his doubts about Neena\'s sudden departure from the palace, and whether was she the one to be related to the amulet.

Seated behind his grand desk, Marlow summoned one of his trusted detectives. "Listen carefully," he instructed the detective. "I want you to discreetly follow the woman named Neena. She recently left the palace. Find out where she has gone, and report back to me with any information you gather. Keep it confidential, and be meticulous in your work."

The detective nodded and promptly left to carry out his orders. Marlow had learned to rely on his network of spies and informants, and he expected results soon.

As he waited for the detective\'s return, Marlow turned his attention to other matters. He was well aware of the palace\'s intrigues and the king\'s ever-shifting desires, but he couldn\'t help but reflect on Neena. A smile crept onto his face as he thought, \'Long time no see, Neena.\'

As Neena walked along the unfamiliar road, her thoughts were a whirlwind of fear and confusion. She had left the palace in haste, not knowing where her steps would lead her. As she continued her solitary journey, a stranger approached her, asking for assistance. She hesitated but ultimately decided to help.

However, her good intentions were quickly shattered. A hand suddenly clamped over her mouth, and her world went dark as consciousness slipped away.

She awoke to the sensation of water splashing across her face, jolting her back to reality. The moment her eyes focused, the voice she had feared for so many years filled her ears. It was a voice that had haunted her, a presence that she thought she had left behind.

The person stood in the shadows, concealed by darkness. They questioned her, asking if she recognized them. Neena\'s heart raced, and a sense of fear enveloped her. Panic coursed through her as she tried to scream, but the hand covering her mouth prevented any sound from escaping.

In her frantic struggle to free herself, Neena\'s actions went unanswered. The shadowy figure approached, and with a firm grip, they seized her chin to force her attention. Fearful and wide-eyed, Neena locked gazes with the mysterious individual, and her voice quivered as she asked, "You are...., and what do you want from me?" She stuttered.

The suspenseful encounter left Neena in a state of shock and fear. Her past, which she had hoped to escape, seemed to have caught up with her in this sinister encounter on a desolate road.

In the dimly lit room, a chilling laughter erupted from Marlow\'s lips. His hysteric laughter sent shivers down Neena\'s spine as she stood before him, fear etched on her face. She couldn\'t believe her eyes, for the man who stood before her was the last person she had ever expected to encounter.

In a trembling voice, she stammered, "Are you... The minister?"

Marlow\'s laughter continued, and he replied, "Oh, Neena, you\'re shocked to see me in this grand role, aren\'t you?"

Neena was filled with a mix of emotions — shock, fear, and confusion. She had known Marlow from her past life, and now he was a minister in the royal court.

He continued, "You haven\'t changed a bit, you know. Still, the same as you used to be, selling your body. I recognized you this morning in the king\'s bed, even though he didn\'t know who you were. Your mark on your thigh made it clear to me that the woman on the bed was you."

Neena\'s eyes widened in disbelief and dread as Marlow revealed that he knew her true identity. She had believed that her past life had remained buried in obscurity, but now it was unraveling before her.

Summoning all her courage, Neena retorted, "What do you want from me? Why are you here?"

Marlow laughed again, a dark and sinister sound that sent a chill through Neena\'s body. She uttered his name in a hushed tone, "Supremo..."

Marlow seized her hair in a cruel grip, his eyes filled with a cold determination. In his other hand, he held up the amulet, the very amulet that had disappeared from his mansion.

With a twisted smile, he inquired, "So, did you bring it with you, Neena?"

Neena\'s heart pounded as she realized the risky situation she had fallen into. The past she had longed to escape now loomed before her, threatening to consume her once more. Her secrets and her fate hung in the balance, and she had to find a way to navigate through the treacherous web of Marlow\'s intentions.

The room felt heavy with tension as Neena and Marlow faced each other in a dangerous game of secrets and manipulation.

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