
Chapter 82 - The Reformer

"In conclusion… This drug is a preliminary drug that I\'ve developed to help people reach the Unlocking up to Unbecoming Advent. I\'ve been developing this based on my cells. I\'ve figured that if I used Seeker\'s or any other, then the effects would be too drastic and could kill a person. So I used myself and Alean as the base. At Arthur\'s request, Cliff\'s data has been scrapped as his potential seems to exceed Surmounting Unbecoming." Charles spoke calmly. On the screen was him in one of his doctor attire. A coat that he hasn\'t worn for quite some time.

"But you still haven\'t answered my question. Why are my parents in pain!?" Lynd shouted angrily.

Charles laughed.

"Relax! It\'s part of the process! Remember what we\'ve been through?"

"We never had that!"

"You did! You just didn\'t notice it. Seeker has been slowly building your physical capabilities remember? You kept training till your body was sore and we were exposed to those hellish training. The stress that our minds and bodies experienced slowly piled up until we reached it. What you taught was simply sore muscles from your workouts were actually the changing cells of your body brought about by his training."

"So why are my dad and mom screaming in pain?!" Lynd demanded once more.

"Imagine all that stress being compressed as one big ball." Charles motioned swiftly as if trying to compress as something.

"And then placed in a pill. And have your parents eat that pill. All the stress that should have slowly changed your body suddenly happens and explodes. Wouldn\'t that be painful?"

"Then why did you make them take it?" Lynd growled.

"Don\'t worry! They won\'t die! They\'re mercs! They\'ve must have had the necessary physical training and all that! They can handle that stress! I\'ve already tested it on these three! And look how happy they are!" Charles laughed as he pointed to the three,

The Alakaster Sisters, as well as Eric, gave a happy wave.

"Of course they\'d be happy! They\'re Programmed Slaves!" Lynd could only grumble.

"Depending on the progress of their Unlocking, they will either experience pain or have no effect at all. Did Cliff take it?"

Cliff was in excruciating pain.

The airplane didn\'t have bidets on their toilets and he was forced to use toilet papers. It was unnatural for him knowing that bits and pieces of his own excrement would be meeting his underwear gave him a restless mood as he sat down his seat.

"What?" Cliff asked irritably noticing Lynd\'s stare.

Lynd turned back to his Visual Pad and gave a frustrated stare at Charles.

"Don\'t worry about your parents Lynd! They\'ve been through harsher pain than this! Anyways, I\'m really busy right now. With the data you and Zeek\'s been giving us, we are constantly improving the possibility of a drug that can boost a person\'s potential. See ya!" Charles immediately disconnected the call.

Lynd sighed and rushed back to the hangar of the large military plane and went to visit his parent who was still squirming uncontrollably in a small pod prepared for each of them.

"What did he say?" Alean playfully asked.

"He says it\'s normal," Lynd grumbled.

"Oh! Come here you!" Alean went and gave Lynd a tight hug.

Lynd blushed to the extremes.

"Anyways, we should be approaching the Tatsulok soon. Let\'s get into position. We can\'t be seen."

The large plane approached Pangea\'s version of the Floating Fortress.

A large triangle shape ship could be seen floating in the middle of the vast ocean. Like the F.F Churchill, the entire ship spanned several kilometers wide.

"Tatsulok Aguinaldo in sight." A soldier reported to Harker.

"Get in position." He told the group.

Unlike New Great Britain\'s 5th fleet, the Phil-Pangean fleet was located further north, just outside the Area of Responsibility of One China.

The Tatsulok Aguinaldo became the favored location for several countries to meet and solidify a possible alliance against the Australians.

As Pangea was generally neutral in its stance against New Great Britain and One China, it was the only nation that was deemed as safe for several enemies to meet at.

General Harker walked down the plane and saluted the Pangean Generals who waited for him.

"Well, if it isn\'t the troublemaker." A General frowned at the sight of Harker.

"Panderas. Nice to see you again." Harker answered coldly.

The other Generals could only sigh at the sight of these two bickering. Who knew how many died in the secret battles between these two.

"I should have you arrested for what you did. But I guess the death of your daughters enough." Panderas laughed happily.

Harker frowned and with a speed that far surpassed a normal human\'s he implanted his left fist deep into the abdomen of Panderas.

Panderas flew back a few feet and tumbled down vomiting blood and spit. Panderases reaction was swift. He reached for his gun but before he could pull the trigger Harker stomped forcefully at this forearms.

The sound of the bones breaking could be heard as Pandera\'s pained screamed seemed to overpower the sounds of helicopters and planes landing.

The other General finally managed to react and tried to separate the two but Harker had already moved with amazing speed and calmness as he walked towards the main buildings.

"I\'m not in the mood for your games Panderas. Talk like that again and I\'ll break your jaw." Harker answered coldly as we continued walking.

The scene petrified the other Generals and the surrounding soldiers. Not even Panderas\'s own men dared to point their gun at a General.

As the delegates from other Nations started arriving, two particular groups immediately went and paid their respects to the heroic actions of Harker Cipril.

One China\'s delegates, as well as New Great Britain\'s, paid a visit to the General.

As the delegations arrived and spoke with Harker on his office, another meeting was occurring.

"Arthur! Meryl!" Lynd rushed towards Meryl and gave her a tight hug.

Alean couldn\'t help but clench her fingers as Lynd hugged his best friend who recently turned into a divine angel.

"Oh… Umm… Hi Kristine!" Lynd gave a shy smile.

Kristine returned a smile back after which, she returned to a tired and exhausted stupor.

Lowengren walked behind Kristine with the same exhausted look.

"What happened to them?" Alean wondered.

"They took Charles drug. So they\'re a little nauseated." Arthur responded flatly.

"Alright. Everyone, get ready. We are about to leave. Our guide to one China should be arriving shortly." Arthur ordered without caring for the state of everyone who just settled down.

"How do we get to One China without leaving a trail?" Alean asked immediately.

"My father already made the preparations. Several soldiers from the delegates of One China are actually assassins. They\'ve made the preparations and we should be able to sneak into the plane without notice."

"Assassins? Friends of your father?"

"No. These are Meng\'s subordinates."

"What? Arthy! How did you pull that off?"

"Remember Seeker\'s little gift to Meng? Meng promised my father that he\'d help him out once for the gift. My father told him to help me sneak into One China without detection."

"Nutterballs. So we\'re asking our enemies to help us get to them?"

"They should probably bring us to one of their bases and treat us like VIPs. Once that happens, we wait for Richie to make his move."

"I wonder if Richie\'s managed to perfect Peal\'s of Thunder?"

"Seeker should be right. He wouldn\'t risk this. We could die after all."

"I don\'t know. Zeek\'s made quite a lot of messed up decision." Lynd sighed.

"What if Eagle is far stronger than Richie and Richie dies at the hands of this Overcomer?"

"Die? Why would he die? Did you think Seeker sent Richie to fight Eagle?" Lowengren spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Sebastian… Not everyone has your wisdom." Alean reminded.

Lowengren sighed.

"Alright… I\'m sorry. That med\'s got me all cranky. Why would Seeker have him face another Overcomer? That\'s just stupid. Eagle wasn\'t meant to serve as a training ground for Richie… In fact, If Richie dares to fight Eagle, he\'d be dead for sure."

"Then what\'s Eagle for?" Meryl couldn\'t help but ask.

"The only reasonable answer... is that Eagle is the reason why Seeker valued Harker." Arthur began.

Inside the room of Pastor Calvin Luther Eagle…

"…and then I realized… I was a lonely man…" Richie sobbed as he poured his heart out. The world\'s deadliest assassin sobbed for the first time in his entire cold and cruel life.

"Praise God… Realizations are the path to growth. You can\'t heal a wound by saying it\'s not there. Jeremiah 6:14. I\'m glad that my sermon has inspired you." Eagle comforted.

Richie continued to cry his heart out. The years of anguish, of paranoia, of fear, all the shackles which bounded Richie all shattered at the immense kindness of the man before him. His words broke through the thick carapace which numbed Richie\'s heart.

"Your voice… it commands great power… you are right in thinking that it draws its strength in your own confidence. But the truth is… you aren\'t that confident. You are afraid. And so you hide in isolation. But should you break free from those chains, and find the courage to enjoy the fellowship of the brethren, then your confidence will also shoot up. Are you willing to call me friend, oh lone assassin?" Eagle challenged as he had just done countless times in the altar.

"I am!" Richie\'s voice was firm. It wasn\'t loud but it was powerful.

The moment he said those words, a powerful shockwave enveloped the room. Eagle managed to brace himself and withstood the impact but everything else shook and was thrown away. The crystals, mirrors, and glasses nearby all started cracking at the tremendous force.

Even Richie was surprised at the sudden changes.

"I…I\'m sorry!" Richie immediately apologized.

"No need! I have seen a miracle today! This is the miracle of John 18:6! I am happy to have served you!" Eagle smiled.

"Go in peace. I feel that the purpose of your visit has been fulfilled."

"It has. Thank you, Pastor. I feel that we will meet someday. That kid should allow our roads to cross once more. Until then, I\'ll be happily watching your sermons online." Richie respectfully answered.

"Oh? What about your friend? He wasn\'t planning on seeing me? Truth be told, if he was the one who met me, then I\'m not sure what I would do!" Eagle laughed.

"Hmm? There was someone else? I came here alone."

"Oh… Looks like he was just here to watch."

"I can stay here if you want." Richie offered.

"No. Since my God has granted you victory, let your mission not be delayed. Besides… I don\'t think that Mathematician has any untoward intention." Eagle rubbed his chin.

"Lennox? He was here?" Richie was surprised and he continued to ponder this meaning.

"I think your right. If he was planning to hurt you, my instincts would have warned me about it." Richie mumbled.

"Go. I shall pray for your success in overcoming the last chains that bind your heart." Eagle smiled confidently.

Richie said no more. He stood up and walked out of the room.

He looked back and could not help but feel thankful to the young man who made him meet Eagle.

"What a powerful person. No wonder my instincts were warning me not to mess with that man. Now I\'m even his friend." Richie mumbled to himself as he started walking out of the residence.

Richie then recalled Eagle\'s words.

As Richie reached the outskirts of Eagle\'s residences, he looked at the distances and knew he was being watched.

"Lennox. Don\'t mess with him. Or you\'ll have to face me as well." Richie growled.

The Overcomer\'s voice wasn\'t a loud shout but an invisible force moved from where he stood and shot at the roof of a nearby mid-rise building.

Lennox was observing what had transpired. He took several steps back as whip-like sound zoomed pass his body accompanied by Richie\'s words.

"Interesting..." Lennox spoke calmly unaffected by the terror that should have sent any man kneeling in fear.. He removed his cracked glasses and started to walk away.

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