
Chapter 118 - Seeker's Essay (Pre-Volume 3 Auxilliary )

Seeker Carlean <[email protected]>

To: Darian Aquamarine <[email protected]>

Hi Sir,

Attached is my History Essay, The WGP.



Seeker Carlean


Advents and Effects of the World Governing Powers

The World Governing Powers (WGP) is an organization that made up several key figures of the most powerful nations that remained in power after World War 3.

At the end of the World War, the mysterious murders of several of the world\'s most powerful and influential world leaders which were spearheading the war efforts on various fronts suddenly left an awkward scenario for the various nations who were still fighting.

Those who managed to ascend to the heights of President and Generals in the gap that was made from the murders of these men, peace suddenly became the desired answer.

The world was too tired and too weak to continue fighting and the terrible effects of their war and an organization were developed from the pooled representatives of the remaining nation.

It was here that the World Governing Powers was established.

The World Governing Powers originally became the only functioning government that ruled over the entire world. Never has there been a time that the world united together and made great progress in the development of the world.

With all the technologies both from government and the remaining private sectors, the World Governing Powers then declared the Void Period which would be the dates that would not be recorded in the Julian calendar but would be counted as the Void Years.

In summary of the many promises that the World Governing Powers made during that year, they vowed to make the Earth as habitable, peaceful and progressive as it was prior to when World War Three began.

The development of the World Governing Powers was also necessary to resolve several key problems that the then world faced.

The Problem of Food

The first and most difficult issue that had to be resolved was the lack of food which various nations suffered from. Once the war was over, the territorial scavenging of nations that somehow supported them ended and meant that without stealing or conquering, they had to make do with what they had. Because of this, most other concerns be it territorial, political, historical and other claims to have ownership over a patch of land or sea in order to acquire to have a place for farming, raising cattle and to take advantage of the land\'s natural resources.

The task to ensure food had forced the WGP to consider extreme actions to ensure that the production of food would be maximized. Several countries and the boundaries in former Latin America, Africa, Europe and other parts of the globe had to be restructured. Talks that continued on until the first decade of the Void Years were made to finalize the recent structure and boundaries of these nations.

In order to further balance, it out, a mass repositioning of the cities had to be done as people were forced to move to wherever the WGP deemed necessary. This was of course to provide more labor for the farmland areas or on factories that needed to have people to man it.

Because of this, some nations were forced to accept foreigners from all over the globe. This, of course, led to the massive growth splurge of Asian, Caucasian, African and other lineages to become common on all countries while prior to the World War, the racial and ethnical divides were more clearly seen. Ultimately, this strategy to divide the world and redistribute them had shown remarkable and effective results which drastically lowered the daily death toll from starvation and poverty.

The Problem of Population

Even with the plans of reordering and redistributing the people around the world, the general condition of the world continued to remain in a critical state. The need to clean or revive locations that were bombarded with weapons of mass destruction was so urgent as its effects had started to spread. The WGP needed more people who would be tasked to work and clean these areas to quarantine the spreading of radioactive materials, diseases and other airborne or waterborne chemicals.

Aside from cleaning up these places, the manpower needed on several nations which had fertile grounds that would later be used to feed most parts of the world were also growing higher and higher. As more countries demanded more food, the manpower that the world could presently utilize was already low and if the growth rate remained as it were, then the continuing damages left by the war would cause more and more deaths.

It was then that the WGP had to force governments around the world to fund and raise test-tube babies in order to keep up with the supply. This generation would later be dubbed as the Lab Generation. The Lab Generation were boosted with faster growth but came at the cost that their life-spans would end at the age of sixty and seventy unless medical treatments were made to prolong. The Lab generations who managed to work and serve the WGP would later receive funding to ensure that they would live as long as an average human.

In reality, an estimate of about thirty to forty percent of the entire Lab generations were test-tube babies. The main issue was that the governments around the world could not provide for these babies. And thus, it was enforced for all families to adopt or raise sons and daughters if their income was at a specific range. This was regardless of their marital status. Single men and women who received a substantial amount were forced to adopt children and raise them appropriately.

The other main issue regarding the need for the population growth was the surrounding ideologies and culturally appropriated traits on the view towards child-rearing. At the peak of Post-Modern ideology, many people had already abandoned the need to start a family and many were in fact, married couples who would never have children. The enforcement of the governments with the prodding of the WGP was met with a lot of backlashes. The Pre-War Generations were generally resistant to this decree while the Void Generation who grew up knowing that they needed to make a difference were more open and accepting.

But as the science was clearly revealed, there were practically no one on Earth who remained without a child when they reached the age of 27.

However, having a one-child per family was still not enough as several nations on other parts of the globe were facing extinction and thus more and more people on other nations were sent either by force or by mutual agreement.

The problem was that people who had homosexual orientations or who identified as any gender that were not heterosexual by nature nearly occupied about 40% of the population of the world. And because of that, most homosexual families would only adopt the bare minimum amount of having one child.

The WGP launched a global propaganda which later became a movement that challenged the ethical and moral responsibilities of everyone. The very belief and mindset on the acceptance of homosexual relationships were all challenged and the media quickly followed suit of promoting the benefits of being in a heterosexual relationship. The very arguments that the world had long supported were all quickly challenged, ridiculed and received attacks from all medical perspectives.

Studies stating how homosexuality is classified as mental illness resurfaced. The WGP spared no sense of grace and continued with its adamant tirade to attack all gender groups who could not biologically and naturally consummate and give birth to a child.

Rumor has it that the WGP later developed more sexually transmitted diseases that was far more terrifying than AIDS. In the Void years, it was said that over 30 sexually transmitted diseases emerged that specifically targeted people with homosexual relationships.

Despite the rise of many groups to counteract this blatant accusation delivered by the WGP and supported by the local governments, ultimately, the groups which were dubbed as the LGBTQ++ during the Post-Modern era later succumbed to the immense persecution, threats, and bullying they received.

Various religious groups were funded by the WGP and the governments of each nation and used religion as a tool for attacking and further ostracizing people.

Even the Void year historian Joseph Fas concluded that history repeated itself. "The same scorns, and limitations imposed on all who identified as these genders returned with a more powerful and hateful form. Just when you thought religion was finished due to the challenges and victories that those of this community had garnered, the government and the people which supported them abandoned them. Some will say it was necessary. But I say it was cruel. The millions of people affected and the hundreds of thousands who would later commit suicide were all buried and only later revisited when governments received their sovereignty over their lands and people."

Even up to now, the scorn and attacks against the non-orthodox genders continue as the common people have yet to move on from the brainwashing attacks that the government and the WGP did. And as religious groups naturally received more support at that time, the looming fear which these religions imparted continues to remain a painful thorn to those who are inclined to this sexual orientation.

This later urged the expected phenomenon that we call "Going back to the closet."

The Problem of the Environment

The effects of the Third World War were devastating on the environment. Weathering conditions across the world were becoming more and more random as droughts started appearing on countries with heavy rains, and snowfall started impacting countries near the equator. Death tolls due to the changing weather also spiked up. Heavy rains and strong winds also caused radioactive materials to travel to different locations infiltrating water supplies.

India, Egypt and other countries in between Africa and Asia were so damaged that it was only until the end of the first decade of the Void years that people could live with a life expectancy that was in line with the general population. The WGP\'s main bulk of efforts were done to remove nuclear radiation or any other environmental remnants from any weapon of Mass destruction, the drive to do reforestation, and the protection of wildlife.

Several countries also developed means and ways to help the WGP in terraforming Earth once more.

New Great Britain\'s weather-controlling technology were unveiled, Americas Miscellaneous technology also aided in utilizing nanoparticles for regrowth, and nearing the end of the second decade of the Void years, the newly formed Pangea also revealed its eradication technology which was a radioactive-free technology that was useful for terraforming damaged mountainsides.

Germany\'s Aqua tech also proved useful in reviving the sea life through the Coral Resurrection projects, and the Aqua clean drive which are continually used to remove chemical wastes that were dumped on the ocean.

Most environmental hazards were removed by the end of the Void Years and it was said that the teeming forests on every continent were even denser than it was back on the 1900s.

The Problem of Possible Wars

By transferring all military technologies to the World Governing Power, the World Governing Power had the resource and the men to practically end a nation should it want to. The surrendered weapons of mass destruction were used to warn any nations who were getting out of line after the war. Due to the heavy losses and the atrocities that several countries had performed against each other, terrorist acts funded by an enemy country were rampant and the World Governing Powers had to use several show of force to establish their place in the new world.

The political upsets that led to several revolutions also became a priority. Several countries had wanted to oust the WGP from their power and supplant it. But when the World Governing Power had issued a mass execution on one of the countries supporting this movement, the remaining countries immediately stopped from their acts.

Celebrated Void Year historian Joseph Fas of the New Great Britain concluded that the period of the Void Years naturally involved mass killings, show of might, threatening acts of abandonment from the WGP\'s support and research for scientific was seen as an abuse of power from the nations who wanted to replace the WGP as the new world leader. But to the rest of the world, who wanted to get back up on their feet and just return to a habitable state, the World Governing Powers was seen as right.

It was said that the World Governing Powers had killed over seven million at that time period. Several minor wars and skirmishes also occurred at that time period when several nations who refused to lay down their arms and allow the WGP to take hold of all their scientific studies attacked the WGP\'s main headquarters in Poland. But the armies of these nations were easily decimated when they revealed the gruesome technology that the WGP later banned the Americas from developing, the unveiling and usage of Hellfire Technology had basically burned the invading armies to a crisp.

The WGP had promised that they will return authority and power to most governments once the situation of Earth would stabilize. It was on the second decade of the Void year that the WGP announced that they will stop meddling directly with all nations but only remain as an organization that will continue to watch Earth and ensure that no wars that would become as treacherous as that of World War 3 would ever happen again.

Nearing the end of the Void Years, the majority of nations voted for the continuing existence of the WGP in order to prevent the rising super-powers from attacking and harassing the smaller and budding nations.

The Problem of Balance

The WGP concluded that the world ended up in the current post-apocalyptic state due to human greed and nationalistic pride. They did not give out any historical and political statements but stated that people simply thought themselves to be better than the rest. In order to maintain this balance and to ensure that nations would rely on each other, the WGP imposed the Technological Possibilities law that would be abided by every nation.

Each nation would have monopoly of the use and production of products unique to their own technological possibilities. This ensures that nations will need another nation to provide for a specific product. Although the goal of making "all nations equally rich" was not met, many of the weaker nations were making strides and strides in their development and thus, the dividing perception regarding the rich first-world and second-world countries and the developing third-world countries slowly diminished.

Each nation now had a technology and product exclusive to them and apart from several nations that belong to the Rotting Lands of the Americas and other nations which had been barred of trade, most countries which were considered to be poor and belonged to the "third-world" group rose economically and could even be a nation that the major super-powers such as the Americas or the New Great Britain would dare not engage recklessly with.

In an effort to unite the world, the WGP also funded the growth and development of several online games. The logic was that online games provided a platform where people all over the world could meet and participate. These small organizations that were tasked to create a game that would be suitable for the masses would later produce the most awaited games in all of history. The Piercing series and the Generals are among the fruits of this.

Because of this, computers that were classified as "high-end gaming" devices became a natural commodity as private corporations were forced to cheapen their prices.


 The WGP is an organization that was established with well-meaning intentions. Though they were extreme and oftentimes brutal, the effects and lifestyle that our present age enjoys could not have been made possible with the very bold decisions and movements made back then. Sadly, this did not unite the world all the more. For in our present era, we live in a times dubbed as the Age of Distrustful Nations.

What originally was meant to unite us and make us all equal, further divided us. In my opinion, the WGP made a mistake. It wasn\'t just greed that people struggled with. They also had the issue of contentment. Now in an era where everything and every country is almost equal, it increased the paranoia of the stronger nations and made the weaker ones desire for more.

The WGP which were supposed to be the guardians of this Earth became the object of jealousy for the entire world. Will peace ever be made possible? I doubt it. Unless greed and envy are removed from the Earth, more secret organizations, similar to the one currently challenging the WGP would definitely surface.


Darian Aquamarine <[email protected]>

To: Seeker Carlean <[email protected]>

Hello Seeker!

Glad to see you back on your feet. I hope you recovered from whatever wounds you received. I\'m glad to know you are ready for school.

We might have to move you to a different class now. Do consider the Royal Class that I teach. I\'ll do my best to not come into conflict with your training regime.

In fact, you don\'t need to attend. I don\'t think you need me to teach you how to make it in life since you earn twice and probably three times of what I make.

Please give me a discount or a free pass to your streams!



Professor Darian.

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