
Chapter 247 - Epilogue Of Act 3

It was the first online broadcast since the WGP issued the severe limitations in trade and broadcasts worldwide.

But now Grace From God Ministries was finally allowed to do their broadcast since the WGP had revoked its duties from the world.

"You\'re watching that?" A young man frowned as he glanced at what his companion is watching.

"Yeah. I love this guy. He\'s very unlike most preachers. People call him the Paragon of Preachers."

"I don\'t care if he\'s called the Pimp of Preachers. Can we just get to Lynd\'s stream?"

"You haven\'t heard?! It\'s canceled! Every stream is canceled!"


"What were you doing last night? The world was turned over because a Kraken was attacked!"

"A Kraken? Who attacked them?!"

"We don\'t know. But the Kraken was destroyed! Watch the videos! Their enemy commanded a freakin\' moon!"

"A moon?!"

"What the hell, man?! Why do you think I\'m listening to this pastor preach? I\'m scared! Check the news! A lot happened! What do you think will happen if a Kraken sunk, and we don\'t know who did it!" The man cursed as the opening prayer began.

"Then switch to it! What\'s going to happen?!"

"You use your comm device to get the news! The world is headed to another World War, and I don\'t know when his sermon will reach this side of the world! Everyone\'s scared, and I\'m looking for answers!" The teen cursed and began to listen to the sermon.

The other teen began to scour through the news and read with horror.

General Harker lost half of his fleet in the sea and finally divulged an impossibly scary secret.

Pangea was being controlled. His actions were geared to attack an entity that he called the Lost Primordial.

The technology of the Lost Primordial could destroy a WGP Kraken. Harker planned a daring plan to lure the enemy out and attack it. Images of how General Harker destroyed the moon surfaced, and the WGP applauded his actions.

Yet the world\'s shock was twisted as the next series of videos became public, where Harker was forced to retreat.

The appearance of the lightning energy that attacked and sought out the soldiers brought down half the fleet confused, even Emperors. Yet because Pangea had shown daring loyalty to the WGP and even bore the burn of the WGP\'s harassment, several Emperors were moved to guard Pangea and even allocated some of its technologies to support the development of Pangea\'s greatest project. 

The Three shapes received approval to be built. The WGP also gave their final words to Canada and all the other nations who gambled against Pangea. They were to pay up the remaining balance.

Then came the most shocking announcement of all.

The WGP has withdrawn its authority in governing the world. They will only ensure that the last duties, including Pangea earning the money they were supposed to win from the gambles, would push through.

The next week, it will cease to be the World Governing Power and will cease its operations worldwide. Various locations and thousands and thousands of jobs would be lost. Bloodline descendants of the WGP would all retreat to the arctic nations or the World\'s Helm. The Kraken and Atlantis had gone dark. The Krakens were all submerged, and their signals immediately vanished.

"The world has grown outside of the WGP\'s eyes. Records of the Kraken show that key countries have technologies at least several decades ahead of what they have reported. If the world refuses to submit to us, then we will no longer guard it. You are free to kills each other. But attack us, and we won\'t be generous."

The spokesman of the WGP immediately left, and the entire building where the press release occurred began to shake and launched itself.

All over the world, various buildings and even skyscrapers uprooted itself to move.

The more terrifying things were large malls and complexes began to move on its own. Large leg-like structures allowed it to move, and it all moved towards the sea.

Nations trembled at the sight of these things. Some of them were business organizations and industrial companies which provided a large bulk of their materials and technologies.

Yet none of these happened within Pangea.

The sudden changes worldwide created collapses in the world market and even created panic leading to various violent outbreaks in each city.

The young teen paled as he continued to read the news. And he wondered what the big announcement of the WGP was.

He glanced back at his classmates who sat and immersed himself on the sermon of Pastor Calvin Luther Eagle.

He approached and respectfully asked the teen if he could listen along.

Calvin Luther Eagle stood with a very calm attitude.

"The news around the world is troubling. Wars and rumors of wars will soon come. And people are once more asking, what now? Many are inclined to read through the book of Revelation because they fear that the world is ending. Is it? My answer is both a yes and a no." Eagle smiled.

Deep underwater, the Leviathan had sent a small pod that connected the two with a long wire. The pod rose the higher parts of the ocean and was able to acquire that broadcast.

In just a matter of two days, the Commanders of both the Kraken and the Atlantis had redistributed their assignments. The Empress was named the Admiral of this large fleet. All over the Leviathan, the broadcast continues.

Soldiers continued with their repairs and listened at the broadcast.

"I don\'t know if the world is ending. But what I do know is that every generation will either witness, live immediately after, or see from a distance great terrors that will draw them back to the Bible."

"This broadcast is very boring." Voyer sat down angrily.

"This is the order of the Empress." Cort answered.

"Then why are we here with these two aliens? And why haven\'t all of those aliens been killed?" Voyer asked angrily.

"And why are you so relaxed. I know that your feelings for the Empress are as strong as mine. Yet you allow that Chase Brander to disgrace her."

"I loved her knowing that her heart was already taken." Cort simply explained and sighed.

"And that\'s what we\'re here to fix." Arthur came in and delivered a large metal safe. Several complex locks were in it.

"Open this. It will solve all your problems with love. This pod that you are in will be ejected from the Leviathan and will be traveling towards Egypt to meet the Empress."

"What? You are separating us from the Empress?! Why can\'t the Empress journey together with us?" Voyer roared angrily.

"Inside is our latest weapon. Study and it and grow stronger." Arthur ignored Voyer.

"The two Aragarians are yours to command. We\'ve already implanted a chip in their body that will self-destruct at the flip of a switch. The Empress will have the access codes to it. Goodbye." Arthur immediately turned, and the pod that they were on immediately detached.

As Arthur moved outside of the room, Miranne Everhiss and Chase were waiting.

"This plan is risky. Why are you sending two Aragarians out there? What if their kind contacts them?"

"They are our allies now."

"That\'s crazy! And Voyer! He is so obsessed with me that he will do anything to have me! You should have killed him! Even Cort is a liability."

"Not anymore. Do you think your beauty is that amazing? Their obsession towards you will vanish the moment they open that safe."

Miranne continued to frown but didn\'t say anything.

"If you are confident with your plans, then I won\'t ask anymore. But what do you mean that I will follow them?" Miranne asked.

"Not you. Another Empress. A real one."

"What was inside of that safe?" Chase asked.

"A photograph of the Tyrant Empress is inside that safe. That photograph was created using her very cells." Arthur answered.

Inside the pod, the four men had already opened the safe and found several pictures of the Tyrant Empress.

The powerful scent and allure immediately spread, and the sight that they saw of a bewitchingly beautiful woman was the only thing that they gazed at. Their suits began to activate the necessary life-sustaining protocols as they even forgot to breathe.

Eagle\'s sermon was all over the world. In one of the many bases in Mordor\'s region, three men sat down and listened at Eagle\'s explanations.

"Imagine living in the ancient world, where wars between Rome and many nations were happening. Imagine living when World War 1 happened. Imagine living during World War 2 and 3 and even on the Void Period. Wouldn\'t you also conclude that the world is ending? Frankly, it is very arrogant of us to assume that the world is ending. Why should we become the very generation that gets to see it? And so in humility, I submit to you, to not assume that the world is ending."

"Madison, I don\'t understand why we need to listen to this," Cheryl complained. 

"Yes. We are in the middle of a mission here." Oark also complained.

"It\'s already practically completed. Relax. No one\'s going to go here. This is Eagle. He is in league with Seeker. So we have to listen to what he has to say."

Cheryl rolled her eyes and sat down as the sermon continued.

"Seriously, though... I never thought I\'d see the Fangs. Who was that?"

"That should be Sting. I still can\'t believe the powers that this Unlocking gives. And he expects us to gain powers similar to that..." Oark remained shocked at the memory of Sting\'s attack.

"Oh well. Wake me when you\'re done, Madison. I\'m going to sleep. With the pending missions we have, I don\'t know when I can sleep comfortably again." Cheryl rested on one of the couch at the back. She wasn\'t bothered at the dead bodies nearby.

"Every period of history will somehow see a moment where the End of Times looks like it was near." Eagle continued.

"Now... This era is upon us again. I said yes and know because maybe it is, or maybe it isn\'t. At most, if Jesus is not returning yet, what we are in, is another era that will be a typology, a foreshadowing of the events to come. It will draw people to listen to His Word and return to it. As intended."

Somewhere in New Great Britain, a certain young man had finally broken out of his prison.

"Where is she?" He searched and searched. The sermon of Eagle resounded on the hallways. He moved carefully and was practically unseen by the CCTV cameras mounted all around the building. This was because he could slip through walls.

Soon he found the room that he was looking for.

A beautiful young lady bathed in a large pool with scents and aroma, which was lavishly infused to make the water itself smell beautiful.

Her expression was blank as she listened to the sermon.

"Kristine!" The young man called.

"Jake! What? I thought-? How did you escape?"

"I found a way..." Jake\'s wearied expression surfaced.

"I thought it was impossible. But I was so worried. I thought you were... In that fear and worry, and the memory of you, I found a way to evolve my powers..." Jake smiled.

"Kristine. I need you here now. Come to my chambers. And wear the outfit I\'ve prepared for you." A cold and detached voice was heard.

Kristien trembled.

"Yes... Admiral Ramsden."

"I told you to call me master."

"Yes, Master." Kristine answered as she did her best to hide her choking cry.

Jake\'s expression turned ugly.

"It... was the only way to save you." Kristine couldn\'t look at Jake as her tears began to fall. Behind her, hoisted on the wall, was a very seductive attire.

"No! No!" Jake saw the scene and began to weep.

Behind her tears, Kristine was still carefully listening to the sermon of Pastor Eagle.

"One thing that we should look at... in Jerusalem. If the Times of the Gentile nears its End, then Jerusalem will once more take center stage in the events of the World. As it always has in the past. Isn\'t it interesting? The Jews have always been involved with every major power that rose in this world. From the ancient world of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Rome, Germany, and so on. It is as if history has deemed that they must die!"

In Pangea, Lynd was seated on his room. He continued to listen at the sermon while reading through the news.

"Jeremiah 16:14-15 offers this promise; Therefore, behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when it shall no longer be said, \'As the Lord lives who brought up the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt,\' but \'As the Lord lives who brought up the people of Israel out of the north country and out of all the countries where he had driven them.\' For I will bring them back to their own land that I gave to their fathers. If this is happening once more, then we know the Times of the Gentile is coming to an end. The following verse offers an incredible picture."

Lynd ignored the powerful presence that he felt approaching him and even increased the volume as he tried to bring himself to listen to Eagle\'s words. But Lynd was immune to this. His closest friend betrayed him. And though he wanted to deny it, the conclusion that he came to was undeniable.

Footsteps could be heard approaching Lynd.

"Lynd Indigo." A tall man called to Lynd. But Lynd ignored him.

"Verse 16 reveals this; Behold, I am sending for many fishers, declares the Lord, and they shall catch them. And afterward I will send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the clefts of the rocks. Many will ask, what does this mean? But the mystery of the Fishers has already been revealed. Jesus calls the disciples and promises them that they will be \'fishers of men.\' And this was the fulfillment. It ushered in the times of the Gentile, where God\'s mercy and grace are spread through the Gospel of Christ. But that era may soon end. The times of the Fishers will end. And what does this verse say?"

"Lynd Indigo." The tall man called once more and took several steps closer.

"Afterwards, meaning after the era of the Fishers will be the era of the Hunters. And this mystery is yet to be revealed. But the verse brings us to remember the events in Joshua 10 when the conquest of Israel\'s armies was so great that the defeated kings hid in caves. And again, we see this illustration mentioned in Isaiah 2:21. Where the wicked will hide in caves and flee because of the terror of the Lord. And lastly, we see it in Revelation 6, where the same language is stated. Kings and mighty men will hide in caves. Read these verses! Jeremiah 16:16, Joshua 10:16, Isaiah 2: 21, and Revelation 6:15. I believe that these verses call out the days of the Hunters."

Lynd finally sighed and turned around to look at the man.

Lynd\'s expression had grown very dark. The soldiers assigned to guard him were no longer around. Even Halley Vagrant, who reported and cascaded information about his next mission, couldn\'t be contacted. Even the emergency pings he sent to Harker garnered no response.

"But shall we fear the era of the Hunters? No! For in Zechariah 12:8, He gave us this promise. \'On that day the Lord will protect the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them on that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God, like the angel of the Lord, going before them.\'"

The man behind Lynd was a tall man with strange silver attire. His suit seemed to be alive as the metallic liquid continued to circulate and reformed into an armor. The forming armor emphasized the great muscles on his body. He had muscles that seemed larger than Greydon Meng.

"I am Hercules. Your stream was very interesting. Are you a seed of the Progenitor?" Hercules asked.

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about..." Lynd answered angrily. He had copied Arthur\'s thoughts and finally concluded that Seeker used him to lure Near Overcomers and Ranked Heroes. With the sound scan that Richie taught him, he found several powerful entities around the area.

"God will protect us! David was a giant slayer, and the weakest of us will be like him! A giant slayer! You have seen the Dawn soldiers of Australia! Those giant men seemed like a mountain, but those with the weakest faith will have the power to defeat them! And those with greater faith will be like the angel of the Lord! They will move literal mountains with their faith! These are the Overcomers! And they will Rise!"

"Then, you will die." Hercules laughed.

"Who knows? The Overcomers may have already risen and are among us!"

"Any last words?"

Lynd gathered all the energy he had in his mouth. This was one of the strongest attacks he could create. He was so angry that he did not care to hide his powers in this attack.

"Alright. Since you asked for it, listen well to my last words." Lynd glared at the tall man.

The tall man smirked, and a large spear was formed from liquid metal. He held it and waited for Lynd to deliver his epitaph.

Lynd stood up.

"FUS-" Lynd took a deep breath.


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