
Chapter 334 - Throne Wars

Seeker had ended the long tale of his resurrection. He gave various details that only the WGP would know about the various techs of the nations. He also explained what happened in their future and presented this mysterious response to the WGP.

"Truth be told, we don\'t know what happened to you. You became so silent when the Russian-African war grew immense. The difference in that timeline was that it was more of a Continental War. The Caliphates were divided by Russia and Africa. Most of the European Nations gave a large bulk of their land to Russia. But Pangea, SPU, One China, and the rest weren\'t involved. There were skirmishes around the world. Pangea and Australia, the SPU, and One China… But it didn\'t erupt into a full-blown war that became a free-for-all." Seeker narrated.

Pheonix was already seated on his throne and had a very intrigued face.

"That\'s odd. We would never allow a country to grow so strong. And our future had two of them? The WGP ensures that they are the constant governing powers by being strong. It is our calling to rule over all nations and ensure that they aren\'t strong. This is why we even divided the world. If left alone, the Americas and Canada would have become a force to be reckoned with."

"Well, America and Canada did try to attack Russia… But Russia was just too strong. When the Aragarians revealed themselves, the world fell into chaos as it created wars when various nations revealed their alliance to these nations. Most nations were immediately conquered. The few who resisted were being massacred. You never rose or offered any noticeable resistance. At least based on what I know. I now know that our rise was full of many bloodsheds. I never met most of the families I know now. It was very hard to receive information about what\'s going on in other countries."

"Was Antarctica still standing in your future?" Another Emperor asked.

"No. By the time we managed to form our own armies, Antarctica was only a shell of what it once was. There was no one there."

"Did any of the Emperors and Empresses fight you?" An Empress asked.

"Very few. I recall that the Tyrant Empress had a huge battle against several Emperors. But details of that battle would only be known by the Tyrant Empress herself. You have shown me great power. The battle against Miranne Everhiss and her Invoking showed me that your power is something that the WGP must be wary of. So where were you in the past?" Seeker asked.

"It couldn\'t be… that, right?" One of the young Emperors asked.

"That theorized event? Are we that dumb?" Another frowned.

"He really is from the future. That even is something only we theorized! Then it must be true!"

"Then that means… The Everhiss family is losing its grasps of our true mission." Phoenix finally spoke. There was great anger in his eyes as he said this.

"It must be those other families! They must be the cause!" Another Emperor cursed.

Immediately, a discussion erupted among Emperors and Empresses.

The younger ones were talking about a theorized fight against Emperors, while the older ones, the ones who had received the orders of the Lost Primordial or the man they called the Progenitor, discussed their hatred against the other families.

Seeker didn\'t interrupt and waited. Eagle was also waiting for the rest to finish their discussion.

"I knew it would be complicated… But I didn\'t think it would be this complicated." Lynd shook his head.

"Cliff? Are you trying to piece everything together with your awesome memory?"

"I can\'t. But what I can discern is that the Emperors obviously fought each other. That\'s the conclusion they made."

"Emperors." Seeker finally called out.

The Emperors slowly stopped discussing and turned to Seeker.

"A Throne War. That\'s what happened." Phoenix explained as he stood up.

"Throne Wars?" Lynd was confused.

"Your tech… The one that the Progenitor left you… Is it this throne? It\'s a technology?"

Phoenix nodded. 

"The Rule that we built isn\'t just mere metals. We made it look like that because that was the instruction. We even intentionally leaked and released fake Rules. The one that the Tyrant Empress found was as such."

"That\'s why it didn\'t have an Invoking!" Cliff exclaimed.

"Yes. A Rule, the real one, isn\'t just a piece of equipment. It\'s a channel that links us into the dimensions beyond this. Miranne reported that Seeker and many others in your team have already found out the truth about the dimensions beyond the three, correct? The Throne Technology is a tech that allows us to create and harness energy around us. But it isn\'t the elements that you see in the world. It is the one that harnesses Origin."

"The Rule creates the energy? It\'s isn\'t the Kraken, the Atlantis, or Leviathans or even the Arctic nations that create it?!" Seeker was stunned.

"That\'s what we made it look like. The Everhiss clans hold the true understanding of the Throne. Everything else that the other families have are but imitations. They have a form of the tech that the Progenitor instructed us to reveal. But to activate this tech, requires our bloodline. The Invokings that you\'ve all seen are fake Invokings."

The group was stunned. The younger Emperors and Empresses, including Miranne, were startled.

"It\'s fake? Then how strong is the real thing?" Seeker was amazed.

"Not stronger. In truth, the real Invoking that we can do is only a tad stronger than what the rest can do. The only difference is the source of energy." Phoenix explained.

"Energy? The fake Rules created undetectable energy, and even the Presiders can\'t see! What is the real source of energy that can create an Invoking?"

"Not what. But where. The real Invoking draws energy beyond the three dimensions. The energy we managed to harness in that dimension, we imitated and forcibly created in this one. With just us, we can only harness a very small percentage of that Energy. So instead of relying on it, we tried to create it in this world. Eventually, we came up with that energy. We made it look like we\'ve learned to reprogram molecules of this world when in actuality, we are simply making it follow the real energy that exists in the dimensions beyond."

Seeker and Lynd were both shocked at what they heard. Almost immediately, they thought of the same thing.

"The Rule perfects the science of the Unlocking!" Seeker exclaimed.

"If that\'s the case… that\'s Eternity right there!" Lynd also shouted.

"What? What\'s going on?" Cliff asked in confusion.

"We\'ll explain later. Then what exactly happened that you all didn\'t appear in my future?"

"The Throne Wars is the only explanation. It has never happened and is only discussed as a theory that most Emperors think of. You see, we believe to be undivided. But apparently, we are fools to believe that. Most likely, we killed each other in your future. We fought each other. Some in the WGP must have wanted to side with the Aragarians." Phoenix explained.

"If that\'s the case, the Unlocked needs to get access with those Rules! The real ones! Not the ones that you used to create Origin energy. Those are untamed energy! We already know how to create those! And it\'s even far more powerful. If we use the energy you created through the Rules and created Invoking. The enemy might wield it! We need an Origin that follows the person!"

Lynd began to create fiery energy imitating Gardo\'s family science.

"Like this. But this is a weak version. You call it Origin. We call it Realm. The elements you see before you don\'t harm me, although it\'s fire. This is what Seeker meant by tame and untamed. You guys could create the energy that we can use to do stuff like this. That\'s how the battle in the Kraken was easy for us." Lynd explained. 

"Lynd is right. I was even able to manipulate the Origin energy that Miranne created. But if we are to fight these Aragarians, we need to get Throne Technology immediately!"

"We\'ll have a problem with that. You see, the real Rules are hidden within the mightiest fortresses of the WGP. And even we can\'t access it. The truth is, the Progenitor left two thrones for us to study. And that was how we were able to understand and imitate it. Understanding Origin or Realm allowed us to rise to power. But if you want it, you\'d have to take it."

  Seeker smiled.

"Then it\'s final. Are you willing to betray your peers?" Seeker asked.

The Emperors and Empresses were startled at such daring questions.

"Yes." Phoenix was the first to answer.



The shocked group was startled at Phoenix\'s very direct and immediate answers.

"Members of the Everhiss clan… Are you still hesitating? If we don\'t help Seeker now, a Throne War will happen, and we won\'t be able to save this world and fight the enemy that the Progenitor raised us up for!"

The group fell into silence.

"We have to betray the WGP. Because they have betrayed the will of the Progenitor!" Phoenix declared.

"Father is right." Miranne suddenly addressed everyone.

Many Emperors and Empresses were hesitating and began to discuss with Phoenix or those nearby about the implications of all these. Many expressed moral and ethical concerns about their plan.

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person\'s enemies will be those of his own household." Eagle began.

The room was suddenly silent when Eagle read from his Bible.

"Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Matthew 10:34-38. This verse is fulfilled in many forms." Eagle began.

"The bitter truth is, the Grace of God will save some, but from this verse, we know that people will reject us and even plot to kill us. Jesus is a divisive God. He will honor those who love Him and throw those who rejected Him into the fire."

The Emperors and Empresses suddenly fell into deep contemplation. 

"Our battle against these Aragarians could be a typology of the coming Kingdom. When the Kingdom comes, we will see the devils and the adversaries of the children of God wage war against us. Revelation states that this battle will practically throw Earth and the universe itself into an upheaval. What bothered me are the two polarizing scenes that the Bible presents. On one side, the Bible tells us to trust in God and wait for His Salvation. Revelation details verses that command the Saints to endure and die. Yet at the same time, there are hundreds of verses which most Christians won\'t be able to fulfill."

"You mean those verses about war and how those who trust in God are strong in battle." Seeker answered.

"Yes. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. It is alive and living. There are no verses that I should only consider to be \'for historical purposes.\' I believe that when God says a single man can chase a hundred, I believe it to be true and will be fulfilled one day. The Unlocking even fulfills this prophecy." Eagle smiled.

"As for you, Everhiss. It could be this… Your enemies will be your own family. The power that you wield and have the chance to possess may grant power to those who believe. As is written in Zechariah 12, And the Lord will give salvation to the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not surpass that of Judah. On that day the Lord will protect the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them on that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God, like the angel of the Lord, going before them. And on that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." Eagle read once more.

"The weakest will be like David… And the house of David shall be like God, the angel of the Lord going before them. This interesting. I assumed at first that this verse was a hint of the power of Jesus Christ as it mentions David and the angel of the Lord, a title that scholars attribute to Jesus Christ. But could it be? Is this verse to be taken literally? I leave that up to you. What I do know is that this Seeker is rightly named so. He seeks the Truth. And you might have it!" Eagle smiled.

There was silence.

"Seeker… What plans do you have for the future? If you want the Everhiss clan to betray the WGP, we need to know if it is possible for this family to fight the whole WGP and Overcome it. It\'s not that I doubt your power, but you all cannot fight the full power of the WGP." Phoenix answered bluntly.

"That\'s why we make the WGP go out of their shell. As we speak, another meeting is underway. Arthur Humphrey is discussing a terrifying plan that will wreak havoc in Africa and possibly overturn Europe, the Middle East, and the African continent." Seeker explained.

"What plan is that?"

"I don\'t know... But Arthur believes he placed the most formidable people for that job...."

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