
Chapter 330 - Swarming Of Monsters

When Lillian cast the summoning spell, her goal to kill everyone apart from her son was shared with all of the creatures that were to come through the portal.

So as the humans made a run for their lives, the Gargoyle also flapped its wings in order to chase after them. However, it bumped into something that was invisible to him. It tried to fly again but it hit the barrier again.

Sybil, who was looking at the Gargoyle from behind took a sigh of relief. And she thought to herself, "The barrier might hold him off for about a minute. Sisters, I hope that you all will come to aid before things go out of control."

Thankfully, the witches had taken a precaution while creating the barrier. They had taken the prophecy into consideration and had cast the barrier to trap any supernatural beings inside of it.

However, the moment of relief quickly faded for Sybil when she noticed something hovering right behind that portal to Hell.

A bloodfairy that was passing by had spotted the portal.

She was instantly attracted by something heavenly and her wings automatically took her in front of the portal. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Her wings fluttered in ecstasy and she moaned, "Ah! This sweet smell… I have been longing for this smell for over a hundred years."

She was attracted by the fresh scent of humans. She could hear the blood that was gushing through their veins.

Sybil had no idea if her magic attacks would travel across the portal or not. But still, she was conjuring a magic attack to take down that flying ghastly woman before she came to Earth.

At first, the bloodfairy was wary to enter through that portal thinking it could have been a trap. However, she heard the angry growling noise that the Gargoyle was producing. She saw that one of the creatures from Hell was already on the other side of the portal.

The bloodfairy gave a sinister smirk and whispered, "If the ancient demon such as Gargoyle can go through this portal then we definitely can."

Sybil was about to attack that bloodfairy but, to her surprise, she flew away. She took a sigh of relief and thought, "Oh, thank God! She retreated. I hope no more creatures from Hell will crawl through."

Little did she know that the bloodfairy had not retreated but rather she had gone to invite all of her friends. Rather than entering the portal alone, she wanted to share this rare opportunity with other creatures of Hell.

That bloodfairy was happily flying away while thinking, "They are going to jump with happiness when I give them the news. We are in for a feast."

The Gargoyle was continuously banging on the barrier. The barrier already had several cracks.

Sybil busied herself by mending those cracks. "I just need to hold that pile of rocks for a while," she was motivating herself so that she could mend the cracks faster than the Gargoyle was breaking it.

Unexpectedly for her, she heard commotions from the other side of the portal.

She glanced towards the portal only to be shocked to her core. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. And she feebly mouthed, "Oh, dear lord!"

Without wasting a second, she began to cast a spell on herself instead of the barrier.

In the next moment, a horde of bloodfairies and ghouls swarm through the portal. The whole area was overrun by the lower-level demons in no time.

"Look! What a tasty-looking human!" A few of the bloodfairies instantly spotted Sybil behind a tree. They were immediately attracted by her smell.

They flew at a great speed and picked Sybil up from the ground. Some held her hands while some held her legs. They spread her midair.

One of the bloodfairy then bore all her fangs and shouted, "Let\'s dig in, girls. We might not get this chance again!"

Without wasting any time, three of the bloodfairies sank their fangs on Sybil\'s body.

However, the moment Sybil\'s blood touched their lips and tongue, they felt a burning sensation as if they had just gulped hellfire. Their whole mouth was on fire.

They screamed in pain and cursed her, "This is a damn witch! Throw her away!"

One of the bloodfairy swung and threw Sybil away in fury.

Sybil flew past the barrier and across the willow creek. To her luck, she splashed in the river. She was hurt badly but wasn\'t dead.

The supernatural beings began to pile up around the barrier. Countless ghouls and bloodfairies, along with the Gargoyle, began to push their way through.

And within no time, the barrier finally crumbled down.

Adeline kept on turning back while she and the others were running towards Theodore. They had just reached halfway when Adeline noticed a swarm of women with dark red wings zooming directly towards them. A little behind those winged women, she saw the creatures that she feared the most… she saw the Ghouls.

Her throat parched instantly and she felt her knees getting wobbly. She was barely managing to run.

And before she could warn the guards regarding the mortal danger they were in, two of the bloodfairies jumped on a guard who was at the back. They pinned him down and instantly sank their deadly fangs on his neck.

He screamed for help but no one dared to stop and turn around. The moment they would stop, everyone knew that their fate would be the same. They knew that those ghastly creatures would suck them dry.

One by one, the bloodfairies began to pick up the humans in the air. Each human was surrounded by at least five bloodfairies. They were hovering around the terrified humans as if they were about to perform some kind of ritual.

The whole willow creek was filled with the terrifying roars of the monsters and the helpless screams of the human victims.

The Gargoyle had picked up two humans. It was holding them by their legs and hanging them upside down. And it was flying high up in the sky with the intention to throw them down on the ground and kill them. It could have easily crushed them with its bare hands but it wanted to relish in the kill.

The ghouls were also ready to join in the feast. One ghoul had already managed to tear off a mouthful of the flesh of one of the guards while the other one had punctured another guard\'s thigh with its claws.

And yet another ghoul was really close to piercing its long arrow-like claws through Raphael\'s back.

"Raph! Watch out!" Adeline shouted in horror as the terrifyingly tall and skinny ghoul was giving a close chase to Raphael.

Raphael tried to increase his speed but the long legs of the ghoul made it impossible to outrun it.

Adeline mustered up enough courage to draw her sword and run towards Raphael so that she could defend her brother.

However, before she could reach near them, the ghoul made its attack. With the swift strike of its claws, it managed to cut through Raphael\'s battle armor.

"Nooooooo!" Adeline screamed at the top of her lungs at the thought of losing her other favorite brother. "Not my brother!"

She stepped on a stump of a tree and jumped while aiming the blade of her sword at that ghoul\'s neck. She swung her sword and when she landed on the ground, that ghoul\'s severed head dropped beside her. And in the next second, so did its headless body.

A side of Adeline\'s face was covered in black blood. That ghoul\'s blood was dripping down the tip of her sword. She kept on standing there, motionless and breathless.

"Adeline, are you okay?" Raphael staggeringly walked towards Adeline and gently nudged her.

But there was no response from Adeline.

When a few other ghouls in the surrounding saw the lifeless body of their friend, they focused their attention on Adeline. They snarled and ran towards the Princess who was still in shock because of her very first kill.

But suddenly, all of them stopped on their track.

Not just those ghouls, all the creatures from Hell stopped whatever they were doing, even the Gargoyle. Every one of them felt the presence of someone thousand fold stronger than them. The very aura was so intimidating that those who were still in the vicinity of the portal jumped back to Hell.

Adeline already knew why they were acting that way.

The Princes and the guards, on the other hand, were confused by that sudden change in the demeanor of those predators. They stopped running and darted their eyes around to see what made those monsters cower in fear.

Theodore was hovering in the air in his glorious Devil form.

And his menacing voice echoed far and wide, "No more deaths of the humans. Not in my watch.. If you all wish to live then I give you exactly five seconds to run back to Hell."

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