
Chapter 9: The Appearance of the Mysterious Three

Chapter 9: The Appearance of the Mysterious Three

Lyle sprinted through the castle halls, the guards and servants that managed to see him were at first confused by the man in black who was running with all of his might, but the guards quickly collected themselves and grabbed their weapons.

"Halt, who are you?!" The guards yelled out as Lyle suddenly appeared in front of them, his speed exploding as he drove his two daggers through the necks of two guards before passing by them.

A fountain of blood spurted out of their necks as the remaining guards were shocked at the sight. To see two of them killed in such a swift manner made them confused and they didn\'t know what to do.

Should they try running after Lyle, or should they stay and try to save the two guards?

Their answer came soon as the archmage Irin appeared, he was flying and entered through the broken window before stopping in front of the guards.

"Where did he go?!"

"T-that way, my lord." One of the guards answered as Irin blasted past them, his speed even greater than Lyle\'s. The guards glanced at each other and gulped, fully aware that this was not something they could participate in.

An alarm had been risen in the castle a couple of seconds ago, but most still had no idea why.

Only those in the courtyard in front of the castle and the death guards together with the ministers and other higher-ups of the dukedom knew what had happened.

Lyle ran with all of his might, his goal was to get out and try to lose the archmage in the city, or if that wouldn\'t work, in the forest adjacent to the city.

The empire had dispatched troops to arrive and take control over the castle, and they should be arriving soon, but Lyle doubted that they would be able to take down the archmage by themselves as nobody had expected that he was this powerful.

Spatial magic was incredibly rare and difficult to learn. There were only 2 mages in the entire empire that knew it, one was one of the oldest and most powerful archmages of the empire, while the other one was his student, a High Mage that was on the brink of becoming an archmage himself.

Even if Irin only knew two spells when it came to spatial magic, it was enough. The spell he used to attack Lyle was probably [ Spatial Cut ], one of the simplest spatial spells that existed, but also one of the most powerful.

The area of effect the spell had was limited, but almost everything in existence could be cut by it. The only weakness it had was its long casting time and relatively slower attack speed compared to other spatial spells.

Of course, that was under normal situations, from what Lyle knew, when the spell was performed by someone that had completely mastered it, the cut would be instantaneous and it was almost impossible to dodge it.

The slow casting speed of the teleportation spell and the cut made Lyle understand that the archmage had only learned the basics of the two spells, but that was enough to make him much more powerful than a normal archmage.

As for what element the archmage was most proficient at, Lyle previously thought it was fire, but that was what everybody thought, and since the power of his fire spells was lowest amongst all archmages, it was probably not his true specialty.

Lyle ran through the halls, jumped out of windows, backtracked, and did all kinds of things in order to confuse the archmage who was following him.

His race trait allowed Lyle to hide his mana perfectly and Irin was unable to use that to track him, otherwise, he might have already been caught by him.

Alarm bells were ringing furiously through the castle and all the guards had gotten up and were ready for a battle. Lyle had to kill many of them during his escape and sometimes he had to take an alternate path since there were simply too many of them.

Arrows and bolts were launched at him, and so were spelled by some weaker mages, but his speed gave him a huge advantage and they were unable to land a single blow.

As the castle was in chaos, an interesting phenomenon was taking place in the void around Corleon, the planet Lyle was at.

Many bright lights appeared in the void and converged on the planet while a crack appeared in the void itself. The crack enlarged before the fabric of space and time was torn, and out of it, 3 figures appeared.

The three floated in space, undisturbed by the shining lights that looked like a river of stars had appeared around the planet. The void didn\'t bother them as they simply stared at the planet before a man who was in the front took a step forward.

A single step was all he needed to bring himself thousands of miles to the front and stand right above the planet. The two other figures, a man and a woman followed after him until they stood right beside him.

"So this is the new planet the system has found, hmm, it has a decent amount of mana, and good size, and there seem to already be some beings that were close to Transcending, it has potential." The man at the front spoke, his mouth however was kept shut while his voice rang inside the heads of the two people behind him.

"Will the Order claim the planet, master?" One of the figures, the man asked.

"Probably, nobody else has found it yet, it would be best if we prepare for conflict, however." The man in the front replied.

"The Terons are locked in battle against the Alkaids, I don\'t think we will need to worry about them for some time." The woman spoke as both the men nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yes, but those pesky Oliades are constantly on our trail, we can\'t let information about this place leak to them before we do the necessary preparations to welcome this new planet in our ranks."

"First, let us meet those who are close to Transcending." The man spoke as he grabbed at the void in front of him.

In a grand castle that was situated on a cliff, a young woman could be seen sitting atop a throne. Her long black hair fell down to her breasts as a long red dress hugged her body tightly.

Her beauty was enough to make people wage wars for her, and that did happen multiple times in the past, but now, now she stood at the top of the world as she was the Empress of the Night, the oldest and most powerful of vampires in the world.

Suddenly the empress looked up, a confused look appeared on her face before her body was suddenly lifted from the throne and she disappeared. The guards, maids, and nobles that had gathered to discuss important matters were shocked by the sight as they simply stared at the throne.

On a different part of the planet was an empire. The size of this empire was so vast that the one that Lyle belonged to would be considered a village compared to it. In the capital of the empire stood a golden castle, it was hundreds of meters high and seemed to connect the sky with the earth when looking at it from below.

A man dressed in a golden robe stood atop a balcony that was situated on the top of the castle. A beautiful woman stood behind him, hugging him and whispering sweet words of love to him.

This man was Arshavin, the emperor and the person regarded as the strongest human alive. His might was enough to destroy mountains with a single punch and overturn rivers with a flip of his hand.

The two talked and laughed together before Arshavin looked up, and in the same manner, as the empress, he suddenly lost control, was lifted in the air, and disappeared.

The woman looked in shock at the sight and screamed out his name in panic.

The same occurred in 3 more places in the world, three figures that were regarded as some of the most powerful beings on the planet suddenly disappeared.

In the void outside the planet, all five figures appeared at the same time. The five glanced at each other in shock as they all knew each other and knew how powerful each of them was. They then stared at the person in front of them and opened their eyes in shock at what they saw.

A 3-meter tall man with long curled hair stood in front of them. He wore a black suit of armor and stared at the five with no regard for their status.

Behind him stood a man that was about 1.8 meters tall, his black eyes looked like they contained a black hole while his short red hair made them think of fire for some reason.

Next to the redheaded man stood a young girl that looked like she was no older than 18. Her long braided blonde hair fell down to her lower back as she stared at the five.

All five were shocked, they were shocked by the fact that they were floating in the void outside the planet, but they were even more shocked by what they could sense.

Each of the three people in front of them was powerful, much more powerful than they were.

The two that stood a bit away from them gave off a dangerous aura that let the five know that they were not on the same level at all.

As for the 3-meter-tall man?

He gave them a sense of hopelessness. It was as if a god stood in front of them. The mere sight of him made the five numb, they couldn\'t even talk or move.

"Hey, restrict your auras, you\'re scaring them to death!" The tall man spoke to the two behind him as they stared at him in astonishment.

"Um, master, I think it\'s you who is doing that." The girl said as the man blinked before scratching his head.

"Ah, sorry about that."

The auras the five felt were gone and suddenly they couldn\'t sense a single thing from any of the three in front of them, it was as if they were staring at three people who never had contact with mana in their lives.

The feeling brought horror to their minds, but they quickly collected themselves before staring at the tall man.

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