
​Chapter 1847: Travel back a 1000 years!

"How could we even trust you?" Jessica was the first to speak up.

"I mean, these guys might have known you before, and you might have known Quinn before, but even then I would say they wouldn\'t be able to trust you!"

"She does raise a fair point." Muka added but was least surprised when she heard this. When she saw that the others had been asked to leave the room, in her head, this was one of the possibilities that could occur.

"You are Agent 1 of Pure. The second in command of the entire group. In fact, even now you are in front of us as the leader of Pure currently."

"Not only this, but you have been Rank 1 of Pure for as long as we know the organisation has existed. So why... why now of all times would you choose to suddenly turn against your leader?"

"You should also understand that the fact that you have mentioned this to us, means that unless you have a good reason, it will be just as easy for you to turn your backs on us one day."

Chris slowly sat back down in his seat, as he looked into everyone\'s eyes directly.

"My life has been complicated from the beginning." Chris answered, speaking slowly. Everything he was about to say, was heavy to him.

"My connection to Zero is similar to a fatherly figure. He treated me better than any other father I had before."

"He raised me from young, feeding me and teaching me to fight to get stronger, but there was a strange look in his eyes."

"Although I saw him as my father, it did not feel the same way. He never once praised me no matter what I did for him, no matter how long I stayed by his side."

"But I didn\'t care about any of this because I was raised with a single purpose, to kill his student, Leo. I thought, maybe if i completed this task of his, maybe then he would finally praise me."

Who Zero was and why he had created Pure was a mystery to many. The one that knew most about Leo and Chris was Peter since he had been informed by Quinn, but even he found this part of the tale confusing.

"From what I know, Leo was one of Zero\'s best students in the past. But because of him, all of his fellow students, his family and the entire village had died."

"However, Leo was also seen like a son in Zero\'s eyes. At the time, although he blamed Leo, there was no way he could kill one of his own son\'s."

"However, as time went on, this anger started to grow inside him. There was torment as he had dreams of his family reaching out to him. All while Leo himself had been hailed a hero, the Blind Swordsman."

"By the time he had summoned the will to kill Leo, he had grown old. His body wasn\'t like it used to be so he searched out for someone he could raise to do the task for him, and that was me." Chris explained.

"At the moment, the two of you sound like great friends." Mitchell commented, and the others agreed. They were wondering just how Chris words would turn this tale around.

"That part of the story will come later." Chris replied.

"For you to understand everything and for you to believe that I truly wish to get rid of Zero, you need to understand from the beginning."

"Everyday, I heard tales of his fellow students that he had trained at the temple, but the one he talked most about was Leo."

"Although Zero had committed to taking out Leo, when he talked about him, it was always in a soft gentle tone and in a good light."

"It left me confused, my emotions strange. For me it was almost like listening to a father who had another son, a son he was extremely proud of. Before Leo, Zero had a bigger hatred for another, and that was the government. The military force in charge."

"They were the ones that had forced them into this war and had sent no help whatsoever when their whole village had been attacked."

"Along his journeys, he ran into a woman named Lucy. She too had a hatred for the world. A man with a higher ability had forced himself upon her, and in doing so she had been left pregnant with a child."

Peter\'s eyes lit up when he heard this. Lucy was Layla\'s mother. And although they had heard from Agent 2 of this fact, Layla was always unsure if it was true or not. As to why, it was because her mother had treated her like trash all those years.

"This... is probably something I should keep to myself." Peter thought.

"Using her strength, her passion, and her ideal of getting rid of the abilities and systems of the world, Lucy, Zero, and I created Pure."

"We were the beginning of the organisation of Pure. During this time, Zero had taught Lucy how to use Qi. Lucy grew fast and was talented."

"On top of that, she had revealed a skill she was able to do that Zero was not, to directly control Life force Qi."

"I didn\'t notice it then, but looking back on it now, that was when Zero\'s views and actions started to change."

"Zero has been able to live this long thanks to the life steal. I\'m not an idiot and as to the people he has used it on... well, although he has never kept it a secret from me, I never agreed with it."

"You see, me and him never had the same views. I was only raised to do one thing, to fight against Leo. To do his bidding for him, like some type of avatar or puppet he used to pull strings."

"I was fine with that though, it was my part of the deal for being looked after. But now with his life back, his body getting younger, he could begin to do things himself."

"The people Zero started to bring into the group, Lucy didn\'t agree with, as their views didn\'t align with hers, there was internal fighting at Pure and eventually, Lucy\'s position got weaker within the organisation that she had started."

"Still, I followed the person who I saw as my father and for the first time, on the battlefield while fighting against a Dalki, I met Leo. He was just as great as Zero had said he was, perhaps even better."

"If we were on our own, then I believe both of us would have died that day. There was a good feeling I felt, fighting by the side of someone I had heard about so long, to defeat an enemy together."

"I enjoyed that feeling and for the first time I felt like... I had a family."

"I know it\'s stupid and I\'m sure Leo didn\'t feel that way, but it was why I couldn\'t bring myself to attempt to do what Zero had trained me for all those years, not yet anyway, not until I could continue to experience this feeling."

"I guess it was after that, I started to feel lost within the organisation. My whole life, I had been raised to kill someone."

"Yet, I felt happy when being with them? Could you even imagine how I felt at the time, how confused I was?"

"I know it may not sound like a difficult life to many, but to me, It was hard to just live with myself everyday. Feelings of betraying my father, feelings of having no goal, no self worth."

"I was already at a turning point, but only later did I find out what Zero was planning, what he felt all this time, and only after Leo, whom I call my brother and friend, died."

"Before I continue, I will ask you again. I need you on my side because in this fight against Zero, I will be on my own."

"None of Pure will follow me. The reason why I haven\'t acted is because I have needed support."

There was silence between everyone and they looked at Muka for an answer.

"We will need to hear what you have to say about Leo first. As we said, Quinn isn\'t here, so it will be up to us." Muka replied.

"Very well." Chris said.

"To find out what happened to Leo, we have to go back to Earth around a 1000 years ago, when the attacks from Sera and him started."

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