
Chapter 80 80 Authur's Strength

"Ohh, so you have a trick up your sleeve, okay impress me," the man said.

"Ray return back to camp, we\'ll talk later, that is an order" Authur shouted.

"But, how do you plan to defeat him?"

"You must also think I\'m weak because you have never seen me fighting, Ryan take him back to camp," Authur said and removed his sword.

"Your magic, I\'ve heard of it before, I wonder how you managed to get your hands on a forbidden magic, but today you would become a prisoner" Authur shouted and dashed forward towards the man.


"Keep moving forward, stop looking back" Ryan shouted at Ray.

"Do you think they are alright?"

"Yes sir Authur is capable of defeating those two by himself now stop talking and move"


"How did you know that they are the ones responsible for the attacks?" Ryan asked him.

"I didn\'t know they were the cause, I had a hunch and just wanted to find out," Ray said.

"But they are also looking for you, why are they looking for you?"

"That I don\'t know, I\'ve never seen them before," Ray said.

"Well, when Authur gets back you will be questioned so you better have an answer by then"



Authur strike the mud wall and broke through it, the man moved back to avoid the debris of the wall.

"Why have I never heard of you, you are clearly skilled," the man said.

"I\'m a little rusty, it\'s been long since I fought a mage," Authur said and dashed forward.


Shit, I didn\'t explain the first part, let\'s rewind a bit, maybe a few minutes back.


Authur dashed forward towards the man and swung his sword, the man could match Authur\'s speed and he quickly moved back to avoid the sword.

The silver haired man stretched his hands to touch Authur but he also moved jumped back and swung his sword again, the silver haired man leaped backward creating space between them.

"Don\'t allow him to touch you, that\'s how his magic works" Authur said to the remaining knights making the two silver haired men shocked.

"Haha, he figured out your magic" the man sitting laughed at the other one.

"Even if he figured it out, it\'s not like he can do anything about it"

"Do you want me to help?" the other man asked

"I don\'t need your help, I can take care of seven knights, you can stay back and rest, this would be over soon"

The other silver haired man stood up and walked away, it was like he knew that all the knights would be defeated.

"I\'m leaving, I\'m going to bring the boy, make sure none of them follows me," the other one said and left.

"Attack him, bring him down at all cost" Authur shouted and the knights all rushed towards the other one.

"Not so fast"

[Mud Spikes]

The silver haired man put his hands on the ground and the ground in front of him cracked and sharp stone spikes shot toward all six of the knights chasing the other silver haired man.


All the sharp spikes that were shot at the knights were shattered to pieces by Authur and the knights all went after the second man leaving Authur and the first silver haired man alone.

"That was quite fast," the man said.

"How is it possible for you to have Earth attributes and also teleportation abilities?"

"What can I say, I\'m a genius" the man smirked and placed his hands on the ground again and sharp spikes were shot towards Authur.

Authur either dodged or used his sword to shatter the spikes, he dashed forward and attempted to slash the man but his sword was blocked by a wall in front of him, before Authur could slash him he had created a mud wall in front of himself.

Authur strike the mud wall and broke through it, the man moved back to avoid the debris of the wall and the Authur\'s sword.

"Why have I never heard of you, you are clearly skilled," the man said.

"I\'m a little rusty, it\'s been long since I fought a mage," Authur said and dashed forward.

The silver haired man created another wall.

Authur quickly moved sideways as spikes also shot out from the wall. The wall broke down and the silver haired man laughed as Authur was breathing heavily.

"Where is all your confidence, I thought you could defeat me, I guess you are just a weak knight like the rest of them"

"You think I\'m weak, I\'m just assessing your strength so I won\'t kill you by mistake," Authur said, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

"Bastard" the silver haired man shouted and placed his hands on the ground and this time the spikes were bigger and faster than the last one.

A total of five spikes were shot towards him, Authur opened his eyes and charged forward with speed that even the silver haired man could follow.

Authur dodged the spikes and charged straight towards the man, before he could erect another mud wall Authur was already within striking range.

Authur slashed his sword so hard that it could cut a tree in one swing, but the silver haired man managed to avoid receiving a fatal wound by moving sideways at the last second.

But that wasn\'t the case, Authur managed to completely slash his left hand off.

The silver haired man rolled on the ground but quickly stood up and then realized that one of his hands was gone.

"Argh," the man shouted from the extreme pain he felt in his hands.

"You bastard, you will pay for doing this to me" the man shouted.

"You should consider yourself lucky, I was going for your arm and leg, let\'s try again," Authur said.

The silver haired man stood up and whispered some words and stretch his right hand and a portal was opened in front of him.

"We\'ll meet again," he said and looked towards Authur but he was not there.

The man wanted to jump into the portal but was held on his robe by Authur. Authur grabbed him before he could jump into the portal and flung him towards one of the trees.

The man landed with a thud and before he could regain control his right hand had been slashed off by Authur.

"Arrrgh" the man shouted from pain.

Authur grabbed him and sat him near the tree he crashed into.

"Now, I will ask you some questions and you better give me the answers," Authur said strictly.

"Who sent you to attack the students and why do you need Ray?" Authur asked.

"You would pay for this with your life, haaaa" the silver haired man shouted and a black shadow enveloped his body.

Authur jumped back immediately and observed what was happening, the arms that he lost grew back but this time they were black in color.

The rest of his body was also covered with this black shadow leaving only his eyes which were also pure black same as an infected beast.

"You would pay for this" the man shouted.

Authur held his sword tightly ready to strike.

"Wait, you are badly injured, you should return back" a voice spoke.

Authur\'s eyes widen, something just spoke from the shadows covering the man, something else was controlling the shadow that was covering the man.

"But we can\'t leave him alone after what he did to me," the silver haired man said.

"Don\'t worry he will pay"

A portal opened close to the silver haired man and a large boar came out, the boar that ran away the first time came out from the portal.

The man walked towards the portal and Authur rushed after him to stop him from leaving.

The boar near the man reacted quickly and used his nose to hit Authur as soon as he got close to the man.

Authur didn\'t expect the strike and it sent him flying, he didn\'t think a boar of that size would have such reflexes.

Authur landed on the ground and his sword went the other way, he coughed and stood up quickly but the boar was still standing as if it was waiting for him to regain control.

Authur walked towards his sword and picked it up and faced the boar.

The boar was unlike any he had seen, he had seen almost all types of beasts, but this he had never seen, it was just too large, fast, and strong.

Authur thought of a way to kill the beast and took a deep breath, he infused more ki than he did when fighting the silver haired man.

A loud thud made Authur open his eyes and he saw the boar charging toward him with speed.

He quickly jumped sideways to avoid the boar\'s Head, the boar missed Authur and collided with a tree, the tree broke in half and fell.

\'If I get hit by that, I\'m not sure I will survive\' Authur straighten himself and took a deep breath.

"You can\'t survive" the boar spoke.

"What, how can a boar speak?" Authur asked.

"The boar isn\'t talking, I\'m speaking through it"

"Who are you?"Authur asked.

"I\'m am..."




Author\'s note

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