
Chapter 6 6: Registering As A Scholar. Visiting The Martial Court Yard.

Standing in front of the luxurious city hall that screamed wealth, was Yoze. His eyes stung as his nose was assaulted by the scent of overpowering perfume coming from the fat man in front of him.

"So you are here to register as a scholar. Please come in and you are at the right place. This is where all the new scholars are supposed to register before we give you an official position."

"That\'s great, can you point me in the direction of where I need to go to register?"

Ignoring Yoze\'s attempts to get rid of the smiling man, the man said, " Nonsense, this building is very complex so I\'ll take you there. It\'s my job to take the new scholars here but I\'ll be honest with you I only take the good-looking ones. Hahaha."

Yoze smiled at the man\'s jokes while following the smiling man to not make the already awkward situation any more awkward. After going through many twists and turns, they made it to the registering counter.

"Thank you for taking me here Mr.?"

"Dwight Coal. What is your name?"

"My name is Yoze Thunder. It was a pleasure meeting with you Mr. Coal."

"The pleasure was mine, Yoze." Dwight Coal let out a bright smile after hearing Yoze address him by his name.

The registration process was simple but time-consuming. By the time it was time for Yoze to pick his Advisor position, it was pitch black outside.

"Since you scored in the bottom half of the exam, you can only pick to be an advisor from these less favorable positions."

Yoze could only complain in his heart as he had already made his choice and needed to deal with its consequences. When Yoze picked up the list he saw that the secretary had marked a down arrow below the 20th open position to show which ones he qualified for.

As he looked through the list, Yoze could see why they were considered to be less favorable than they needed to have more work done in these positions yet also paid less than the positions at the top of the list.

Yoze\'s eye suddenly caught one particular position and immediately made his choice.

"This one, I want to be an advisor of the Martial Court Yard."

The female secretary that was waiting for him to make his choice was startled by his sudden burst of energy. When she heard that he wanted to become a Martial Court Yard Advisor she couldn\'t help but persuade him to reconsider.

"Are you sure? This position is one of the worst ones. Not only is the pay much less compared to the others. But due to you being an advisor to martial artists, who seem to make it their goal not to ask for advice, your prospects of moving to a better position are slim."

Yoze looked at the Martial Court Yard Advisor position\'s monthly salary of 100 silver and thought he could make do with the yearly salary of ordinary people.

"Yes I\'m sure, I have a passion for martial arts so I\'m hoping to learn a thing or two while I\'m there."

Seeing that Yoze wasn\'t listening to her kind-hearted advice, the female secretary gave up trying to help this man and register him for the position.

"You are expected to visit the Martial Court Yard tomorrow to meet with the other advisors. After that, you will only be expected to visit the court if you are summoned for advising."

"Thank you."

When Yoze arrived back at the inn his heart was beating from excitement. He couldn\'t believe he was so lucky to get a position that put him so close to martial artists. From meeting his first martial artist a few days ago to now being an advisor to hundreds. It was a leap that Yoze would have never thought could happen in real life.

Yoze was so excited for tomorrow that he could only fall asleep after he exhausted himself from practicing Twin Fists.

The next morning, Yoze arrived at the Martial Court Yard early to see if he could meet any martial artists before he needed to meet with the other advisors.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Yoze suddenly heard a deep roar coming from within the Martial Court Yard and couldn\'t help but feel sick from the strength of the roars, giving him a headache.

"What is that noise?" Yoze rubbed his head to ease the pain and went inside to find out.

The closer he got to the main training ground of the courtyard, the louder the roars became. It grew to the point that Yoze felt the ground shaking.

When he met the source of the sounds, Yoze was amazed to see that it wasn\'t a roar from some kind of monster but more than a hundred martial artists training.


"I wonder when I can get as strong as these guys."

Yoze could get a good feeling that any of these martial artists could easily kill him with a single punch.

"Amazing what the body could do if properly trained."

Suddenly startled by a voice coming from behind him, Yoze turned around to see a wall of flesh behind him.

"Yeah yes, the human body is an incredible thing. I just wonder what the limit is. Is there nothing above a Martial Grandmaster or is it because they become something else after they cross the barrier."

The strong sturdy body of the middle age man behind him tipped Yoze off that this man was most likely a martial artist of the courtyard so he tried to keep the conversation going to show his respect.

The wall of flesh scratched his beard and showed a look of intrigue to Yoze\'s question before laughing.

"Hahaha, Martial Grandmasters are the known limit. Above Martial Grandmasters are Immortals and demons. They are the only ones who can break apart the biological limit of the body."

"I see..." Yoze fell silent after receiving the man\'s reply before asking him another question.

"Can I ask you a question, sir?"

"Sure, why not." The man that looked like a wall of muscles nodded his head.

"What are they practicing? I am practicing a martial art technique called Twin Fists but I don\'t think that even if I reach the limit of the technique my body can get as strong as theirs."

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