
Chapter 162 162: Anne!

Power stones☺�☺�☺�☺�


The announcer introduced Orcus\' opponent, Janr, as "the lovely, the relentless, the smooth, and the merciless." Orcus suspected that the Emperor himself had handpicked Janr for this event, which made her all the more dangerous. He knew that he had to eliminate her quickly to secure his victory.

As he observed Janr, he noted her stunning appearance and kept a close eye on her movements in the minutes leading up to the start of the battle.

He carefully analyzed every strategic aspect of the conflict and took note of Janr\'s strengths and weaknesses. Orcus knew that he had to be fully prepared to face her, as she was a formidable adversary.

Despite the pressure of the situation, Orcus remained calm and objective, refusing to let his emotions cloud his judgment.

He knew that he needed to maintain a clear head in order to succeed in the battle ahead. With his mind fully focused on the task at hand, Orcus waited for the signal to begin.

Anne\'s appearance was quite striking, with her pale blue skin resembling that of ice. She had draped herself in a fur coat which seemed to be rather ineffective in keeping her warm.

In fact, it looked like it was doing the opposite of its intended purpose. Her shoes had open toes, her necklace was made of frosty crystals, and her hood ended at the center of her head.

Orcus noticed that there were dormant magics present on the surface of the fur coat, despite it being thin and not providing much warmth.

As he observed her, Orcus speculated that Anne was a Jotun, a race of giants who had the ability to manipulate ice and frost.

He made mental notes of her appearance, attire, and magical abilities, analysing them for potential weaknesses he could exploit during the fight.

He also wondered why she had been chosen as his opponent for the day, and whether the Emperor had any particular motive behind it. However, he pushed these thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand.

Anne\'s unique ability to fashion weapons out of ice was dependent on the presence of moisture in the surrounding air.

Orcus observed that this ability was somewhat limited in the Sands of Sloth arena due to the dry environment.

As a result, Anne was only able to create weapons that were within close proximity to her body, typically less than a metre away.

The match began with both competitors swiftly moving into action, eager to take the initiative and land the first blow.

Orcus was determined to keep a close eye on Anne\'s movements and abilities, analyzing her fighting style and tactics as they engaged in combat.

He noticed that Anne was adept at using her ice weapons to deliver swift, powerful attacks that were difficult to evade or block.

Despite this, Orcus remained focused and agile, using his shadow manipulation skills to maneuver around the arena and stay one step ahead of Anne\'s attacks.

The fight between Orcus and Anne was intense and lasted for a significant amount of time, going on for at least thirty minutes without any sign of letting up.

Each of them was determined to be the one to launch the first strike, and they were equally matched in their abilities.

Anne attempted to pierce or slash Orcus with her ice weapons, but he was able to twist his flesh in such a way that it would not be harmed.

On the other hand, Anne used her own abilities to create a small ice barrier to block Orcus\' meaty weapons each time he tried to strike her.

Despite their efforts, neither of them could get close enough to deliver a fatal blow. They continued to circle around each other, waiting for an opening to appear that would allow them to attack.

The tension between them was palpable, and the audience watched in awe as the two competitors displayed their skills and determination.

After a while, it became evident that neither Orcus nor Anne was able to deliver a decisive blow to the other.

Nonetheless, with the length of the fight continuing to take its toll on both competitors, they started to accumulate a few nicks and scratches.

As time went on, Orcus began to feel a sense of fatigue creeping over him. Determined to keep the upper hand, he decided to unleash his creative side.

In a startling display of demonic power, Orcus\'s left arm transformed into a whip-like appendage made of writhing, fleshy tendrils.

The strange weapon lashed around erratically, seeking to ensnare and entangle anything it could get its tendrils on.

Anne tried to create an ice shield to protect herself from the fleshy whip, but Orcus quickly adapted and redirected the course of his whip. The tendrils struck her, leaving a vivid red mark on her otherwise smooth skin.

Despite Anne\'s attempt to create an ice shield, she failed to protect herself from the fleshy whip\'s blow, and it left a red mark on her skin.

Orcus seized the opportunity to gain the upper hand, and the momentum of the fight began to shift considerably in his favour.

Although they continued to exchange blows for a while longer, Orcus finally delivered the decisive blow.

With his right hand holding the skeletal and meaty spear, Orcus aimed at Anne\'s chest before thrusting it forward.

Anne anticipated the attack and created an ice shield to deflect it, but Orcus was not deterred. Instead, he switched his focus to his erratic whip. However, executing this strike came at a great cost to Orcus as he subjected himself to intense agony.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the novel I won\'t mind if you send more stones, and plz don\'t forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle� . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. � �

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