
Chapter 205: Informant!

Chapter 205: Informant!


She was curious about the concubines that the pretending Lord had brought with him. "Are you able to provide me with any information regarding his concubines that he brought with him? We are only aware that he possesses three of them, but we are unsure of what they are."

"Ah, I see," the succubus murmured thoughtfully. "So none of them fit the typical profile of a concubine." She pondered for a moment before continuing, "Please, tell me more about each of them."

The incubus cleared his throat before proceeding. "The first concubine is a human witch by the name of Lauryn. Her magical abilities are not typical, and she possesses a unique energy that I\'ve never felt before. I believe that she may be a force to be reckoned with."

The succubus nodded, intrigued. "And the second concubine?"

"The second concubine is a white demon named Nyssa. She\'s also known as the Daughter of Pride, and she\'s engaged to the pretender. I assume that she holds a position of high importance in his court."

The succubus furrowed her brows. "Interesting. And the third concubine? What of her?"

The incubus took a deep breath before continuing. "The third concubine was the most surprising of them all. She is a newly fallen angel who has succumbed to the sin of desire. Her name is Aureal."

The succubus was taken aback. "A fallen angel? After all these years?" She paused for a moment before continuing, "I see. Thank you for this information. It will prove useful in our future endeavors."

The incubus bowed his head in respect before speaking once more. "Is there anything else you wish to know?"

"I agree with you. This is a politically disastrous situation. If we do not act swiftly, the impostor may call upon the Pariah of Pride for help, given that he is engaged to the Daughter of Pride. And we know that Azazel, being a fallen angel, will not hesitate to use this as an opportunity to gain leverage over us. Moreover, the human witch with her unknown powers could prove to be a formidable challenge as well," the succubus said, her expression grave.

She continued, "I will inform Arazra of this situation and urge her to prepare her forces immediately while keeping a low profile. Depending on how things play out, we may need to resort to a blitzkrieg strategy in the next day or two."

The incubus nodded, "Understood. I will make sure that our forces are ready to move quickly if needed. But we must also be careful not to make any sudden moves that could alert the impostor and his concubines."

The succubus nodded in agreement, "Yes, we must tread carefully. This impostor and his companions are not to be underestimated. We must be prepared for any eventuality and have a plan in place for every possible scenario."

With that, the two demons went their separate ways, each focused on their respective tasks and responsibilities in the upcoming battle for power and control.

The incubus Orman bid farewell to the succubus and her attendants before departing, leaving them to their plans. With his promise of support, the succubus felt a newfound sense of confidence, but also a sense of urgency. She knew that time was of the essence and that they needed to act quickly.

"Let us return to the seventh district and begin to organize our armies," the succubus said to her attendants, her tone firm and commanding. "We must ensure that my honorable brother takes his rightful place on the throne. He is the one who deserves it more than anyone else."

As she spoke, the succubus\'s voice faltered slightly, and her words became more hesitant. She knew that placing her brother on the throne would not be an easy task, and that there would be many challenges to overcome. But she also knew that it was the right thing to do, and that she would do everything in her power to make it happen.

With a determined look on her face, the succubus led her attendants out of the chapel and back towards the seventh district.

The attendants of Mistress Orsella bowed down in acknowledgement of her command, and with that, they began their preparations to organise the troops of Arazra.

As the sound of footsteps echoed through the chamber, it became clear that they were in a rush, hurrying to get everything in order before it was too late.

Orsella stood in the middle of the room, deep in thought, contemplating the best course of action.

Her mind was filled with worry and uncertainty about the situation at hand. She knew that they needed to act quickly and decisively, or else they risked losing everything they had worked so hard for.

As she watched her attendants rush around, she couldn\'t help but feel a sense of guilt for what she was about to do. She had always been loyal to her brother, but the idea of taking the throne from the current ruler, even if he was an impostor, weighed heavily on her conscience.

"Are we ready to go?" Orsella asked her attendants, her voice wavering slightly.

"Yes, your highness. Everything is in order," one of the attendants replied.

With a deep breath, Orsella nodded in acknowledgement. It was time to move forward and do what needed to be done. The troops of Arazra were ready, and they would not rest until the rightful ruler was on the throne.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is pretty enough we just have to increase fan value on the novel, so 1 or 2 power stone is enough, and you can comment too it is like just one time, but if you like the novel I won\'t mind if you send more stones, and plz don\'t forget the gifts.)

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