
Chapter 208 208: Dark Magic!

Chapter 208 208: Dark Magic!


Thaddeus displayed his twisted sense of satisfaction by devouring the rodent-like creatures and relishing the taste of their heads, especially the eyeballs and bones.

He made several bizarre noises with his mouth as part of the ritual for the specific spell he was about to cast. Thaddeus was now fully prepared for any eventuality.

Before Aureal could react, Thaddeus leapt off the rock, extending his arms in front of him. With a swift diagonal motion of his arms, he hurled bone fragments in the direction of the fallen angel.

The bone fragments broke off from his flesh, causing him to bleed heavily from the affected areas. The bone darts moved at an incredible speed and were small enough to evade Aureal\'s defences, making it impossible for her to counter the attack.

The bone fragments were not just any ordinary bones. They were imbued with Thaddeus\'s dark magic, which allowed him to control and direct them at his opponent.

As the bone darts hit Aureal, they shattered into tiny, razor-sharp pieces that tore through her armour and pierced her flesh. Aureal let out a painful cry as she stumbled back, struggling to regain her balance.

Thaddeus was pleased with his attack and decided to press his advantage. He summoned more bone fragments from his flesh, creating a cloud of bone shards that surrounded Aureal.

The fallen angel tried to dodge the projectiles, but it was difficult to avoid them all. She managed to deflect some of the bone fragments with her shield, but many others pierced through her defences and inflicted deep wounds.

Aureal realized that she was in a precarious position and needed to act fast. She reached into her pouch and retrieved a vial of holy water.

With a swift motion, she splashed the water onto the bone fragments, causing them to disintegrate into dust. Thaddeus was taken aback by this move but quickly regained his composure and prepared to launch his next attack.

As Thaddeus launched the bone fragments at Aureal, she quickly activated her armour plates in an attempt to defend herself.

The plates were successful in blocking three of the bone darts, causing them to fall harmlessly to the ground. However, the remaining three were able to break through the gaps between the plates and the links of her mail shirt, and flew towards her exposed flesh.

Aureal tried to dodge the incoming projectiles, but the darts were too fast and small for her to effectively counter.

Two of them managed to penetrate her armour and sank into her flesh, causing a sharp pain to radiate through her body. The third dart was caught by her hand, but it dug deep into her finger bones, refusing to budge even after she had stopped its momentum.

Aureal gritted her teeth and forced herself to remain focused. She knew that she could not afford to let her guard down for even a moment, not with Thaddeus still at large.

As she tried to remove the dart from her hand, she noticed that the wound it had caused was already beginning to heal. Despite the pain, she could not help but be impressed by the restorative powers of her celestial body.

As Aureal bit down on the bone shard, she had to stifle a scream of pain that threatened to escape her lips. She knew that she had to act quickly, as she couldn\'t afford to let her guard down against Thaddeus.

\'I have no choice but to cast my evil spells... What did I do differently the last time?\' Her mind raced as she thought about what she could do to turn the tide of the battle.

Memories flooded back to her, and she found herself reliving a past battle with an angel named Danna. It was then that she had successfully used her dark magic to slay the snarky angel.

As she pondered how she had brought about the angel\'s demise, Aureal\'s mind started to piece together the fundamentals of dark magic that she had studied in the past.

She knew that she had to remember the precise incantation and gesture required to cast the spell.

Aureal pondered her previous encounter with black magic, trying to recall how she had managed to defeat an angel using this forbidden power. She realized that if she had been able to protect herself from the effects of black magic, she must have also possessed knowledge of how to use it.

She remembered that the fundamental principle of dark magic was to create an atmosphere of darkness within oneself, regardless of whether it was brought about by being in a dark room or by shadows falling over a lit area. The power of the magic was directly proportional to the darkness of the location.

Furthermore, in order to manipulate shadows, there must first be a light source to cast the shadow. Thus, the user\'s shadow must be present in order for shadow manipulation to take place. Aureal believed that if she could tap into this understanding of dark magic, she might be able to use it to defeat Thaddeus.

Aureal closed her eyes and focused on creating darkness within herself. She let go of all the light and goodness within her, and allowed the darkness to consume her. As she did so, she could feel the shadows within the room growing stronger and more potent.

With a deep breath, Aureal focused her mind and began to chant the ancient words of the spell. As she did so, her hands moved in intricate patterns, invoking the power of the dark magic.

She opened her eyes, which had turned pitch black, and unleashed a burst of dark energy at Thaddeus. The energy was so powerful that it knocked him off his feet and sent him hurtling across the room.

Aureal felt a rush of triumph as she watched Thaddeus struggle to get back up, but she knew that this was only the beginning of their battle.

Aureal was feeling increasingly helpless in her battle against Thaddeus. Despite having the fundamental knowledge of dark magic, she was struggling to activate it, and Thaddeus\' mastery of bony magic was proving to be a formidable opponent. She knew that if the fight continued at this pace, Thaddeus would soon overpower her completely.

Meanwhile, Thaddeus continued to demonstrate his strange abilities. He devoured yet another rodent, relishing in the taste before launching a fresh round of bone darts.

These darts were different from the ones before; they were coated with a strange substance that Aureal couldn\'t identify. Thaddeus then leaped back to evade the swing of Aureal\'s hammer and simultaneously fired three darts from his left arm.

The bone darts, with their mysterious coating, were difficult for Aureal to defend against. She struggled to keep up with their speed and precision as they darted around her, avoiding her hammer swings. Thaddeus, on the other hand, seemed to be relishing in the fight, his gluttony fueling his powers and making him a force to be reckoned with.

Despite her best efforts, Aureal was beginning to feel the weight of the fight bearing down on her. She knew she had to find a way to turn the tide and defeat Thaddeus before it was too late.

But how could she do it? The answer eluded her, and for the first time in a long time, Aureal felt the icy fingers of fear creeping up her spine.

Aureal could not help but feel unnerved by the strange, dark magic that Thaddeus seemed to be wielding. She had seen many forms of magic in her time, but this was something entirely different.

As the bone darts made contact with the rocky terrain, there was an eerie, bubbling sound that echoed through the area. Aureal was able to dodge two of the darts, but one managed to make contact with her metal gauntlet.

The substance that the bone fragments melted into was unsettling to say the least. Aureal had never seen anything like it before.

The material was a sinister shade of green and seemed to be alive, as it continued to boil and bubble long after it had seeped into the ground. The fallen angel felt a sense of dread settle in her stomach as she watched the residue slowly spread across the terrain.

"What kind of dark magic is this?" Aureal questioned aloud, her voice laced with concern. She knew that if Thaddeus continued to wield this power against her, she would need to find a way to counter it.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is pretty enough we just have to increase fan value on the novel, so 1 or 2 power stone is enough, and you can comment too it is like just one time, but if you like the novel I won\'t mind if you send more stones, and plz don\'t forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do.

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