
Chapter 216 216- Prophecy (Part 3)

Chapter 216 Chapter 216- Prophecy (Part 3)

Chapter 216- Prophecy (Part 3)

"Lili and the shadow monarch were... husband and wife?" Rin asked inc complete disbelief.

"Yes, and they dearly loved each other. Especially the shadow monarch, he never even allowed for any woman to get close to him, simply because he was loyal to Lili. They lived a peaceful life, far from the continuous conflicts of gods for power and reign over more worlds. Until something happened..." Eisheth\'s expression changed ever-so-slightly at the last few words.

"In the realm of gods, power is everything. The more power you possess the more worlds you can control and the more worlds you can control, the higher you climb in the social standing amongst gods. That\'s one of the reasons why the shadow monarch was the true king of that realm. He reigned over thousands of worlds and was able to maintain balance in all of them effortlessly."

"Lili also was a very prominent figure and ruled over countless worlds along with her husband. So, being this popular, it was bound to catch the eyes of some greedy gods. Many wanted to kill the shadow monarch and steal his worlds for themselves and so they worked together to plot against him. Then, on one fateful night, they ambushed the shadow monarch and through a weird artifact, sealed his powers temporarily which allowed them to finish him off."

\'... No way.\' Rin frowned when he heard the last part. It was a very unfortunate event.

"However, before his death, the shadow monarch was able to help his wife run away before he activated a power that only he had out of all gods. That power allowed him to completely erase his existence from the realm of gods and instead his soul was to be reborn in a new body. His wife Lili was tasked with finding the best candidate to carry that soul so that the shadow monarch could finally be reborn."

"Don\'t tell me..." The boy\'s eyes widened as he already predicted what Eisheth was about to say before she could even finish.

"Yes, that candidate, that perfect successor for the shadow monarch was you, Rin. You were the one to be the next shadow monarch. From the very start, you were destined for this. That\'s why Lili gave you the opportunity and hope to revive your deceased family members." Eisheth words struck Rin powerfully.

He never expected that everything will actually be planned. From the very start, he was already involved in the grander scheme of things. He was the plan of the shadow monarch to get revived.

"What will happen... if the shadow monarch is revived?" Rin asked with a hesitant tone. He feared the answer to that question more than he cares to admit.

"I do not know myself but the certain thing is... You will never be the same again. This very world will never be the same too. Divine Sapphire is a place the shadow monarch is very fond of and could even be considered his most beloved. That\'s why even when he died, he made sure to pass this world to Lili so that you can be reborn in it."

Silence then took over the room again as Rin tried to digest all the information or rather the bombshells that got dropped on his head. He lifted his hand hesitantly and looked at it.

\'So, I was nothing but a shell for the shadow monarch to return. It was never intended for me to get back what I lost. Lili just wanted to give me a goal to follow so that the shadow monarch could come back. The stronger I got, the higher the chance of his return became. Then, all my memories, my life back on earth and here... Were they all just a big nothing burger?\'

Ever since Rin was reincarnated in this world, he had a firm belief that he finally seized an opportunity to change his fate. To finally get back what he lost and to live a happy life with his loved ones. He thought the power he possessed was truly his and his alone. But, now, he understood that his life was nothing, it was all a big fat lie, a facade created by Lili so that she can prepare for the return of her husband.

\'But, if he returns, what will happen to me, the real me? Will I lose all my memories and my feelings?\' He asked himself even though he had no answer.

The mere idea of his memories of his family being erased, everything that happened with Elise, and his feelings for her disappearing sent a shudder down his very soul.

\'I don\'t want that. I will never allow for that to happen. Like hell, I would let those fuckers take what\'s rightfully mine!!\' Clenching his fist, Rin\'s aura erupted as his anger reached new heights.

\'Liar! That shitty goddess is a liar! She used me all this time! I will not let her reach what she wants at the cost of my own life!\'

"Ohoh?" Eisheth looked at Rin with an amused expression. "I can see you decided what to do."

"Yes. If that goddess thinks that I\'m going to let her do what she wants, she\'s gravely mistaken. This is me, the real me. No one else can steal that and no one shall do unless they kill me and erase me from existence. However, they should brace themselves for something way worse."

Shadows creeped out of Rin\'s body and spread across the room, covering it in darkness. Then, Rin stared coldly at Eisheth.

"I\'m not the shadow monarch. I\'m Rin Silvereye and I possess the power to manipulate the shadows. If the very gods want to take that from me, they have to fight me to death."

"Fufufufu! Good! Very good, Rin! I expect no less from my destined master." Eishethe smiled wildly as if she was excited beyond words before she continued. "Now, that you know who you are and why you\'re here. How about we move to the main topic."

"Main topic?"

The queen then nodded her head and started unbuttoning her robe before dropping it down, revealing her milky skin and her amazing curves. Under the light of the starry sky, her figure was mesmerizing and ethereal akin to a goddess.

"Rin, impregnate me."


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