
Chapter 180 Return Favour?

They both needed to talk to each other without Coulter\'s interference and acknowledgement. The woman was not sure what she should conclude from all the chat with Coulter. And for that Malcolm\'s expertise was needed. He was the one who could sense emotions and any kind of slightest change in people.

[What do you think of him, Malcolm? Is he telling the truth?]

Medusa kept her gaze darted towards Coulter so as not to make him suspicious. Although that ability was only exclusive for them. The vampires had already lost that kind of tactic long ago. Malcolm on the other hand was listening to both of them carefully thus he had a lot of things to say to her.

[It appears so. I think he is telling the truth. There had been a lot of unnatural casualties, we both have witnessed a few too. Right? Do you remember the time at Jack\'s place? He literally killed him without even flinching. How is that possible for someone who had never been involved in killing?]

Coulter kept on speaking while they both conversed in their heads. It was necessary to make sure that they both were thinking in the right direction. Thus they both were listening to Coulter and talking to each other at the same time.

Medusa could not deny the fact that whatever he said was absolutely true. But somewhere she was unable to change her feelings for him. How could she accept that the one whom she had been deeming as her saviour was in turn the one bringing doom to her kind.

Her expressions turned worrisome while Coulter concluded that perhaps she had been paying attention to his words now. Although it was still doubtful whether he was spouting the truth or not. Or perhaps he was simply merging two different cases for his own benefit. However it was still unclear and they both were put in a twisted situation.

Malcolm tried to explain her more incidents which indicated that whatever Coulter placed in front of them was true. He was able to enlist every kind of incident in a row making Medusa worry even more. Although he was not doing that just to take revenge from Kayden, when he was not even present at that moment.

[You can\'t deny that his touch caused mutations in you too. Also not to forget that Lydia is also a victim of his powers. And I really hope you are not excluding me from this list. I think this old man is telling the truth. After seeing all those things and incidents, if we ponder then it is highly possible that Kayden is behind all these deaths. Although I am not sure if he is aware of this or not. But the possibility is higher that somewhere he might be involved in all this.]

Malcolm\'s words made her curious if she had been thinking in the right direction or not. It was highly possible that Kayden was behind all of this. But then again how was it possible that both of them being his blood servants were unable to detect it?

[Now that I think about it, are there more people who got affected by him? And if people died because of his careless touches. Then how come we are still alive? There are so many things which did not make any sense but we can\'t also deny them.]

Malcolm\'s conclusion was drawn based on what he had been thinking. And it seemed reasonable that it might be plausible. Because there was no way they could be alive but others died. Although they both completely forgot about their \'belonging\' to Kayden as blood servant. It was also possible because the both were not vampires.

There were and could have been many such possibilities. And it was too early to figure out which one was true. Thus they both silently kept on listening to Coulter\'s words which were utterly hinting towards Kayden. But this was the first time he took his name clearly. It sn tagged their attention and both of them shifted their focus towards him.

"I was confused at first about all these cases. They are highly unnatural because vampires can\'t be killed like this. And no species can drink a vampire\'s poisonous blood and stay alive. It raised my curiosity and I began to investigate any information on trespassers. And right on time Jack\'s case came to me and after digging into it the only lead I could find was Kayden."

"It reminded me of just one thing, that prophecy. Although now that I think over the matter again, I do not think that the former queen was the problem. Instead her son, the miraculous child, that vile seed is the one who will bring us down. Since Kayden is also a part of her, that is why even after she is gone the calamity will still befall upon us."

Coulter spoke in a distasteful tone because he could accept the fact that he was going to die. Medusa on the other hand was listening with concentration equally as Malcolm. She was not sure about the part involving the former succubus queen. She could only talk about Kayden with whom she had stayed.

Although somewhere in her mind she pondered over the matter assuming that Coulter might be brainwashing them against Kayden. After all he had forcefully marked his daughter as his mate which also ruined his reputation. It was obvious for him to take revenge or save himself from misery.

It was highly possible that her guess could be true and it was all Coulter\'s doing to save his job and reputation. It now made sense to Medusa that he was provoking them both to work against Kayden in order to save themselves and their lives. After all, who would not like to live?

Medusa could not take his blabbering anymore thus she bluntly confronted him about his intentions. Malcolm was also taken aback by her words when she suddenly decided to come clean to him. Coulter also went quiet for a moment when he heard Medusa speaking. His eyes widened upon seeing the succubus\' expressions becoming serious ones.

"Are you telling the truth? Or just trying to provoke us both to turn against Kayden? Because if that is your thinking then it is not going to work. You can\'t make us rebel against him with all those vague proofs. They can be fake too, you could be merging a few cases to prove your point. And it is not like you don\'t have any reason to do that. You do have Lydia to make as your base to do all this. Am I right, Coulter?"

She stated everything which was in her mind and looked at Coulter with her stern expressions. Medusa did not want to sound weak or appear as someone whom he could manipulate. Thus she tried to sound confident in her tone while confronting him.

Malcolm also glanced at Coulter in suspicion, as they both waited for his reply before they could proceed. Coulter on the other hand became frozen in his place, his face had no expression as he was not sure how to react. But it did not take him longer to grasp the situation.

He started laughing hysterically, acknowledging that they both were still not trusting him. Although it was obvious that he was not lying, after all who would risk his job and life to help somebody? It was already clear that he wanted to help them and in turn he needed something.

But now the question was, what did he require from them?

Coulter somehow managed to suppress his laughter as he raked through his hair. The man looked at them and shook his head, although deep down he could understand why they both had a hard time trusting him. He was the one who handled the cases and had reasons to hate Kayden.

Kayden Jones had snatched his daughter and risked his reputation and job. Thus Coulter had so many reasons to plant them both against him. It was not unknown to him, that was why he could understand their perspective.

"Fine, fine. It is up to you both in whatever way you want to perceive my words. However I was telling you guys the truth. Although you are right about that part where you said I might have something on my mind."



I will be deleting the priv hoping that all the chapters are released as normal ones in July. I\'m not sure if it would work or not.


It\'s highly possible that I\'ll be dropping this book or the updates will be sporadic. That\'s uncertain for now.



Evolution System: Rise Of An Irregular Returnee

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