
Chapter 296 295: Not As It Seems Part 3

The group stood in solemn silence, grief weighing heavily upon them. The loss of Xavier and others in the destruction they had just witnessed left a void that seemed impossible to fill to some. Claudia continued to weep softly, her tears mingling with the rain that still fell from the darkened sky.

Aron, despite his own physical pain and exhaustion, knew that they couldn\'t afford to stay in this vulnerable state. Limbo was unforgiving, and the predators were relentless. He cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the others.

"You can\'t afford to mourn right now," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "As cruel as it may seem, we need to keep moving. We\'re exposed out here, and we need to find shelter and recover."

Rose, Evanora, and Jagu nodded in agreement, their expressions hardened by the trials they had endured. They understood the necessity of Aron\'s words. Mourning would have to wait for these who wanted; survival came first for them.

Jin, torn between his sympathy for the grieving members and his growing trust in Aron, approached Aron hesitantly. "Maybe we should give them some time."

Aron\'s gaze met Jin\'s, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and coldness. "They are free to do as they wish," he replied curtly. "But I\'m leaving now. I don\'t care for the others, and it seems Rose, Evanora, and Jagu feel the same."

Jin\'s heart sank at the coldness in Aron\'s words. He understood the pragmatism behind Aron\'s decision, but it still pained him to see him turn a blind eye to the suffering of their companions so easily. Yet, he knew he had to make a choice.

Swallowing his own sorrow, Jin made up his mind. "I\'ll go with you. No sense in risking our lives over the dead."

Aron nodded, acknowledging Jin\'s choice. It was a small comfort amidst the chaos that surrounded them. As Aron and the others began to make their preparations to leave, they noticed Mrah and Khalel approaching.

"We\'re with you," Mrah said, her voice resolute. "We\'ve come too far to give up now. Limbo won\'t break us now."

Khalel nodded in agreement, determination etched on her face. "She\'s right, all this suffering we\'ve endured has to lead to something. We won\'t let the deaths of the others be in vain."

The mother and daughter pair had hardened through the trails they faced so far. A few deaths were no longer enough to sway their character and whether they realized it or not… Limbo began to change them.

Scarlett, who had been providing emotional support to Claudia, stepped forward with Claudia in toll. Her eyes were red and swollen, evidence of her own grief, but her voice was steady as she spoke. "I\'ll go too. Xavier would want us to keep going, to survive." Claudia revealed softly whilst Scarlett just remained silent.

Reginald, who had remained silent until now, spoke up. "I... I want to wait here for Aela. I won\'t leave her behind."

Jin tried to convince Reginald otherwise, explaining the danger they faced and the need for unity, but Reginald remained resolute. His mind was set on waiting for Aela, no matter the cost.

Leaving Reginald behind, the group set forth, their footsteps blending with the distant echoes of mourning. The western continent stretched out before them, its vastness unmatched. As they traveled, they marveled at its unique features—a land of rugged beauty, where towering cliffs and deep valleys coexisted with sprawling plains and dense forests.

They settled at various points along their journey, never staying in one place for long. The constant movement was necessary for their survival, as they switched from shelter to shelter, relying on Rose\'s scouters to keep them aware of the lurking dangers that surrounded them. The devices proved invaluable, alerting them to potential threats and allowing them to navigate through treacherous terrains.

While roaming the lands, their path led them to a region that seemed habitable, a green valley that caught their weary eyes. Aron\'s gaze lingered upon the landscape, a sense of recognition stirring within him. Despite the changes brought about by time and the relentless grip of Limbo, he felt a strange familiarity. Memories from his childhood, long buried beneath the weight of his troubled past, resurfaced.

He realized that this was the very place he had known as a child, where he had taken his first steps in this unforgiving world. The sight of the valley stirred mixed emotions within him, a reminder of both joy and sorrow. But there was more—a realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. In the distance, he noticed the towering mountain range, the very same one he and his father had tried to flee to when the relentless beasts of Limbo were on the move.

Aron\'s mind traveled back to that fateful encounter, when he had ventured into the depths of those mountains and come face-to-face with Argos. The memories surged forth, a mix of fear and curiosity intertwining in his thoughts. Argos, a mysterious figure shrouded in secrecy, had played a pivotal role in Aron\'s life, leaving an indelible mark on his soul.

Setting up camp in the lush green valley, the group took respite from their relentless journey. Aron, driven by a restless desire to unravel the mysteries of his past, expressed his intention to venture into the nearby mountains. Rose, always watchful, insisted on accompanying him, her unwavering belief in Aron never waning. Evanora on the other hand, was just brought along with the other\'s safety in mind.

Jagu and Jin, recognizing the need for protection in the absence of Aron\'s leadership, remained behind, their eyes scanning the horizon for any potential threats. They understood the dangers that lurked in Limbo, and their duty was clear—to keep the others safe, to hold the fort while their companions explored the secrets that awaited them in the mountains.

As Aron, Rose, and Evanora ventured toward the mountains, their footsteps resonating in the rugged terrain, Rose couldn\'t contain her curiosity any longer. She glanced at Aron, her voice tinged with anticipation. "Where exactly are we going? You seem familiar with this place."

Aron\'s gaze remained fixed on the path ahead, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "This is where I grew up. After separating from my father, this became my home, a place of both solace and hardship."

The terrain shifted as they approached the inner part of the mountain range. The once majestic peaks now appeared worn and battered, as if an earthquake had ripped through the area in the past. The ground was scarred, rocks strewn haphazardly, and remnants of shattered structures lay scattered about.

Aron\'s heart skipped a beat as he recognized the place that had once held the entrance to Argos\'s library—the very place he had called home. But now, it lay in ruins, a solemn reminder of the passage of time and the destructive force that had befallen it.

As he approached the remnants of the library, his keen eyes noticed signs of recent tampering. His brows furrowed in confusion and curiosity. Something had disturbed this place, and he had to uncover the truth. A sense of déjà vu washed over him as he spotted a large handprint on a gigantic boulder nearby.

His mind raced, memories intertwining with uncertainty. This was the same boulder his father had used to close the entrance to the cave where he had hidden Aron. Had his father returned here, long after Aron had left and Argos had destroyed the library?

Driven by an inexplicable urge, Aron approached the boulder and placed his hand on the handprint. A wave of emotions washed over him as he realized that his hand nearly matched the size of the imprint—a testament to his growth since the days he had spent in this very place. Rose watched in silence, her eyes filled with a mix of wonder and concern. What kind of life had Aron experienced growing up in this desolate place?

As Aron, Rose, and Evanora stood near the boulder, a sudden blast echoed through the air, coming from the direction they had left the rest of the group. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and the distant sound of cries reached their ears. Instinctively, Rose turned to Aron, but she showed little concern.

"Do you think we should go back?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. Rose didn\'t hold much regard for the lives of the others, thus to her, the danger that had presented itself could be ignored.

Aron\'s gaze shifted towards the source of the commotion, a flicker of indifference in his eyes. He understood Rose\'s question, knowing that their return might be warranted. However, his focus remained on the destruction that lay before him—the remnants of what used to be the library. It was clear that Argos had obliterated every trace of the place that had once been Aron\'s home as well as a treasure trove of knowledge.

With a solemn sigh, Aron shook his head. "There\'s nothing left here," he said, his voice tinged with resignation. "The library is long gone, and any remnants that may have remained have been taken by someone else."

Rose nodded, her gaze lingering on the boulder one last time. Aron\'s decision resonated with her, for their journey had never been about sentimentality or preserving the lives of others. They had their own mission to accomplish, and lingering in the past would only hinder their progress.

The mentioning of a library had her especially curious but she stopped herself from inquiring, even though she couldn\'t understand Aron\'s emotions, she knew now wasn\'t the time to ask.

Before leaving, Aron reached out and pressed his hand firmly against the boulder, leaving his own handprint next to the one already imprinted there. It was a silent declaration, a mark of his presence in this place before finally turning his back on it.

"We should hurry back," Aron said, his voice firm yet devoid of emotion. "Perhaps whatever or whoever is attacking will pose another clue."

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