
Chapter 68 Where. Is. Caster?

But just when he thought this couldn\'t get worse, Tom saw many of the gang members walking towards their cars and Chris also turning towards him with a grin. 

"Gun. Give me the gun, Tom." 

Chris opened his mouth as a murderous, maniacal look appeared on his face. 

"What?!" Tom turned his scared face towards Chris as he shrunk under his crazy look, \'How does he know I have a gun?!\'

"Gun." Chris repeated again, pointing at Tom\'s back where the pistol was hidden for safety.

"I-it\'s for emergency only…" Tom murmured in dread.

"It\'s an emergency." Chris looked at him again and then opened his mouth again, "I won\'t kill anyone, except just one person."

"Wha-" before Tom can retort further, his eyes met with Chris\'s who gave no signs of speaking any lies. He gulped down his saliva, contemplating in his mind about the decision as he looked at Chris\'s murderous yet honest look.

"They are approaching." Chris looked at Tom and then at the approaching gangs of ragtag goons. Of course, enhanced by the extremely talented memories of Alfred, he wasn\'t afraid one bit about these pathetic goons. 

"B-Be careful…" Tom shakily took out his shining silver coloured pistol as he slowly raised towards Chris.

"It\'s mine now. I will get you a new one." Chris snatched the pistol with no mood of hearing a no, after all, he had a mission to complete.

[Sub Tasks.

1. Establish a Company- Requirement- Atleast one thousand sales daily.

--Nameless island and Yacht at SeaShell city.

2. Safety First: Buy a hot weapon for self-defense - Gun Shooting Knowledge.


2… loading

3. Shift to a better city: Cafe Shop in the city host shifts into. -COMPLETED- REWARDED

3. The cost of a life: Kill a human being - The skills of person assassinated. 

Tip- Assassinate the highest level person possible for the best rewards.

4. Get B-Grade city access card - a random property in B-Grade City]

[Main Quests.

1. Have a \'Genuine\' Income of 100,000$ per month - System Level up 

2. Become a Grade-B awakened- Permanent VIP access card to a B-Grade city]

Another nasty headache filled his brain as Chris massaged his forehead and clenched his fists around the gun as the memories filled his brain.

"Give me the magazines." Chris shook his muddled head and asked Tom again, his strained voice slowly getting calmer as he could finally see the goal in sight.

"Who taught you to shoot…?" Tom asked in awe as he passed the spare magazines, watching Chris remove the safety of the gun and then getting his grip stable on the gun after checking the loaded 15 bullets.

Without giving an answer, Chris kicked the door of his Horshe open and got off, glaring at thr incoming goons with his pistol ready to fire.

Sure, he wasn\'t going to kill any of these since he still remembered the 3rd mission he had gotten a while back.

Although he sometimes had a thought of assassinating Sierra after reading the reward of the overpowered mission, he knew he would neither be able to complete the task nor he would be able to escape the guilt of that either.

He earlier had planned to kill some talented criminal or a skilled person who was on the deathbed to complete this mission. But, now that this opportunity had presented itself… he would surely make that teacher pay… that son of a bitch Caster.

He wasn\'t going to kill them, but, who said he can\'t injure them either?


He shot at the legs of nearest goon and caught his body by his hairs, pulling his hairs to keep him standing as Chris glared in goons eyes and asked in a chilly voice.

"Where is Caster?"

"W-Who Caster? I don\'t know any-" the goon sensed his inevitable doom in Chris\'s eyes as he shivered and fumbled his words in fear.

But, Chris was in no mood to hear bullshit as he slapped the goon on his neck and threw him in floor.

"I will ask you all again, Where. Is. Caster?" 

Using his aura at the max, he suppressed those despicable bastards under his aura, which as expected, wasn\'t as effective as suppressing some E-Grade citizens. Afterall, the level between the two cities was completely different.

Asking loud did sound like a dumb move, since it might alert Caster and might even cause him to flee. But, that\'s what Chris was aiming for.

He knew how that bastard looked, and no doubt, he can recognise him at first glance.

Thus, all Chris was waiting for was… 

"Bastard, who the fuck are you to throw your weight here?!" one of the goon shouted, taking a gun from his pocket as he clumsily fired Chris.

\'Heh.\' Chris grinned as he easily dodged the bullet that threw whole district in the turmoil. Many other goons began to get overconfident after seeing the example created by the goon that Chris was desperately waiting for.

After all… there was no doubt he was Caster\'s man.

Keeping his eyes on the escaping, tricky hooded goon. Chris avoided some stray bullets which had now turned into a messy gunfight.

With some minute amount of guilt welling in his being, Chris picked up the goon he had shot in leg and used him as the human shield against those messy gunfires.

Since the death of his human shield wasn\'t directly by Chris, system didn\'t count that death by Chris\'s fault and thus, luckily, 3rd mission still remained uncompleted.

No matter how much guilt he had for his first kill, his sister always came first as he mercilessly used more people as shields and threw them away, speedily moving his way after the hooded goon.

Seeing the maniacal teenage on his tail, the hooded goon also sped up, weaving his way masterly through the narrow and confusing arrays of streets.

On his way, he tried to obstruct Chris\'s way by throwing many objects and obstacles to block, or atleast slow the maniacal teenager down.

Alas, with Chris\'s experienced memories, there was no way he would be blocked by such run of the mill, cheap tricks. 

The distance between the two stayed stable with none of them being able to shake off each other of their sights.

Chris\'s bodily prowess was much better while the hooded goon\'s mastery over the alleys was simply fantabulous, thus both were balanced out.

Soon, the hooded goon reached some sort of a port. Which Chris had no idea existed within this secretive district.

Chris must say, this goon sure was stupid. He might have been trying to alert his boss Caster about the incoming threat, but, he stupidly led the threat right in front of Caster\'s lair.

Well… it was stupid or smart, only time will tell. Afterall, Chris was now in a foreign territory that was directly under his enemy\'s control. Even a kid would know how safe that is.

Unluckily, Cathy\'s cell phone was turned off at the main gate of the red-light district. Probably because of the change in vehicles or something. So, the option to directly track her wasn\'t really possible.

Chris acted to stumble on a piece of rock and fell on his knees as he watched the hooded goon quickly run into a huge warehouse that was built by the port, and a decent sized ship stood by the port with its anchor still down as the ship was being loaded with some cartons of goods.

With a laugh, Chris got off the ground as the gun in his hands cocked. But, this gun wasn\'t the one he had snatched from Tom. It was a 7 round bullets lightweight pistol which was quicker but weaker than Tom\'s handgun.

His gun ready for some action and his footings stable and alert, he walked in the door where hooded goon escaped from. Some of the red blood was still fresh on the ground that easily marked the direction where the hooded goon had run off to.


Walking in the darkness, suddenly a gunshot echoed in the silence as Chris\'s foot was narrowly missed by the bullet.

"Good try." 

With a short scoff, Chris looked into the direction where the bullet came from and estimating with the sound of gravel crushing under the target\'s rushed feets, Chris acutely shot the target\'s legs and hands that held the semi automatic assault rifle.

After that, Chris quickly walked towards the target which was a regular normal unawakened human that didn\'t look like Caster. He kicked his head again as he bent down and picked up a helmet like mask and placed it on.

\'Cool.\' Chris smirked as he looked through the helmet, his whole vision was painted in green and he could easily see ahead despite the darkness of this place.

Night-Vision Glasses.

Chris smirked and picked up the assault rifle. "Well well, Caster. Where are you~?" he gave a toothy grin as he looked ahead into the green hallways.


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