
Chapter 176 Appraisal

A week had quickly passed after Vincent attended the Black Tower\'s academy.

During these few days, he attended not only the Arcane Mysteries Class but also the Mundane Magic Class under Professor Ceren.

Since he was blind, he was given special treatment by the Professor. She even allowed him to learn through a Knowledge Base Crystal filled with different but familiar technology brought and shared by the Celestial Beings.

Apparently, the Celestials introduced other sources of energy like electricity and such but it didn\'t become popular because of the existence of Energy Stone.

The stone originated from a drained Beast Cores. After filling it with a bit of Aura, it would become Energy Stone that Raizen had previously introduced to Vincent.

That became the source of energy or replacement for electricity.

Of course, the concept of electricity through hydro and wind turbines wasn\'t completely abolished as there are still devices run by electricity within the Black Tower. Unfortunately, it was just kept here for the sake of research and the organization doesn\'t seem to have any plans on spreading the use of electricity.

Anyway, Vincent found this really interesting and it was such a shame that it wasn\'t developed because of the presence of mana and the energy stone.

Furthermore, he also learned about the existence of a group of craftsmen who didn\'t just focus on creating deadly magic weapons. This group developed a method to use Energy Stones to create groundbreaking technologies that are now being used by everyone.

They are things like the knowledge base crystal, messenger crystal, floating mystic ship, spatial ring, and others.

These magic technologies were based on something they have found in the items or devices left by the Celestial Beings.

Of course, Vincent wanted to know more about these things and the best thing to do that is to own or purchase them.

Well, the knowledge base crystal can\'t be purchased but the messenger crystal and floating mystic ship can be purchased as long as you are clear from criminal records and you have the money.

At this moment, Vincent decided to visit Appraisal Mastery Hall.

He had decided to come here today not to learn how to appraise an item but to earn money. Luckily, the Black Tower has several halls where the students can actually work and get paid money. Furthermore, he would also earn some honor points on top of earning mana crystals.

"Are you Vincent Kayser from the Arcane Mysteries Class? Professor Levent mentioned you."

"Yes. That\'s me…"

"Great. I\'m Ozan, the manager of the Appraisal Mastery Hall. You\'ve probably seen me in other classes during—Ah, never mind. Do you want to start working now?" Ozan asked as he scratches his head. He didn\'t immediately realize that Vincent was blind.

Although he knows that Levent was mostly teaching students with disabilities, he didn\'t expect a blind person to be an appraiser at all. Of course, with his experience, he was able to guess that Vincent probably has gifted hands or senses that allow him to appraise an object without seeing them.

It could be a Tier 4 Mana Art or a gift he was born with.

"Yes. I can start working now. As you can see, I need a bit of help with this job. Is it possible if you lend me one of your assistants?" Vincent asked.

Although he could also earn money by hunting Savage Beasts or even Magic Beasts, there are just too many students who are competing for a better haul. Finding them can also be quite tiring.

There is also the Hunter Organization that is doing most of the urgent requests of the Black Tower in regards to collecting materials or beast parts.

In short, working as an appraiser would allow him to earn the same amount as those who are working outside.

"That\'s fine. There is always an attendant with an appraiser to do all the recordings and inventory of the items. Your only task is really just to appraise them and allow them to record what you\'ve found out. Since you\'re new here, we decided to put you in the first phase of the appraisal. Is that alright?"

"Yes… I\'m fine with that. May I ask how many items would I normally appraise?"

"Hmm… Since we\'ve recently made a huge trade with the Red Alliance, we have a lot of new items in our inventory. Perhaps, 15 to 20 items per appraiser every day. You can take your time. You don\'t even have to appraise them all in one sitting. Appraisal Magic can be tiring after all… Although we have records of what are the items sent by the alliance, we still need to appraise them to ensure the quality and discover if the Red Alliance missed something in their appraisal."

"Red Alliance?" Vincent repeated.

He then recalled that this continent has six powerful organizations, The Black Tower, Solomon\'s Pillar, Red Alliance, Demonic Cult, Martial Arts Alliance, and the Star Garden Peak.

"Oh! You\'re not familiar with them. I heard from Levent that you\'re from an island nation where Barbarians are thriving. Is that right?" Ozan said with interest after recalling where Vincent had come from.

"Ah? Yes… The Tudor Kingdom." He wasn\'t sure whether the barbarians there are thriving but it must be close.

"Yes! I heard that name before. The Red Alliance is actually made of the Barbarian Race. If I\'m not mistaken, they have decided to send a few Barbarian Kings there to slowly take control of that island. You guys are lucky to get the attention of the Black Tower." Ozan said which enlightened Vincent of the events that has occurred in the kingdom.

Anyway, Ozan probably didn\'t know that he has already broken off his relationship with the Zemin Clan.

He decided not to correct him and asked more questions.

"The Red Alliance and the Black Tower are in a peaceful relationship? Are the Barbarians here that intelligent?"

"Of course, they are. Your kingdom\'s rulers were probably just afraid of the strength of the barbarians, so their race has been relegated to being the enemies of your nation. However, on this continent, they are just the same as us. They may be different but they don\'t naturally prey on us. They can be friendly if you get to know them sometime."

Ozan said with a longing face. It was as if he was recalling a Barbarian that he had known in past.

"Ehem… Anyway, you can start working now… You don\'t have to get pressured since you\'re the first-phase appraiser. There are still others who will do the second and third appraisals. As for the final quality check, it will be done by a Blue Emblem Appraiser."

As soon as he said this, someone brought Vincent to his workbench so he can finally start with his work and earn some money.

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