
Chapter 114 Buddha Came To Rescue? Xia Tian's Past? (2)

[A/N: Before reading further, let\'s clarify a few things that will help you better understand the chapter.

A psychopath is not created but rather born... and I am retaining that characteristic in Xia Tian\'s character... He was born extremely intelligent, but lacking empathy.

Psychopaths often question current social norms, good and bad, as they never find a justifiable reason for them.

They do things without conscience for their actions.

There is one more conjure that psychopaths do not lack empathy, rather they have it to that excessive extent that they become numb to it, which also justifies the statement that a psychopath can be an empath at times, depending upon his will.

As for Sociopath and Narcissist, these people are created, by their environment... They aren\'t born with those characteristics, rather these are slowly developed in them.

Few characteristics a of Narcissist:

- Feeds on the emotions of people around them.

- Like controlling everyone around them.

- Loves dethroning others.

- Loves destroying the confidence of others and doubting themselves.

- Speaks a lot.

Few characteristics of Sociopaths:-

- They manipulate others on instincts. It is like manipulating others is in their blood.

- Maintain long and creepy eye contact.

- Might get very aggressive and often bored or apathetic type behavior.

These were just a few traits, that I would be using in the novel, so it isn\'t an exhaustive list.

End of Note.

Thank you for reading.


He becomes the fallen immortal!

He once again becomes a mortal with no cultivation...

In this universe, it was the first time a son of destiny voluntarily surrendered his powers.

No one knows what was going to happen next, not even Xia Tian himself...

Would he be killed just like past sons of destinies by fate?

Or would he survive?

He survived... but at a price...

Even after surrendering all his powers, he still had his past knowledge of a peak Immortal, he needed to pay a price for that...

The price was quite ruthless as well...

Xia Tian started cultivating from the beginning again...

This time, he has pent-up frustrations from his life experience as a son of Destiny...

He doesn\'t like to be manipulated even in the least...

He loves playing with others, just like fate itself...

He feeds on their emotions...

As a son of Destiny, he received numerous women by fate, but all of them make him seem like he was only a toy for those women as well as fate.

Fate toyed with him... the women sent by him toyed with him... so this time...

He made those women his toys!

That\'s how Xia Tian got the concept of toys.

He was no longer a son of Destiny, but his brain combined with accumulated knowledge can easily raise his cultivation again.

This time, he does not need to act around the women, as he was no longer a son of density.

Like a free man, he does what he wants...

He loved manipulating them, playing with them, forcing them, making them cry...

Those terror-filled expressions he loved it all.

There might be one question, how was Xia Tian able to kill the women of other sons of destinies without any problem...

As a past Son of density himself, Xia Tian knows all loopholes.

One of the loopholes was killing the woman of a son of destiny, might be hard but it isn\'t impossible, fate only favors them and not protects them.

So he can toy with the future sons of destinies women without any problem.

Even if the son of destiny gets angered by Xia Tian\'s act and swore revenge on him, then the only thing Xia Tian has to do is hide till that son of destiny\'s purpose is completed.

Once that son of destiny\'s purpose is completed, Xia Tian can come and kill him without any scuffles, if not someone else will kill him nonetheless.

So Xia Tian becomes that side villain in the sons of destiny\'s life, who never appears till the end of the story...

He will commit a crime and disappear...

That gives rise to Xia Tian\'s manipulative or sociopathic traits...

Once Xia Tian reached immortal level again, he was met with Shui Ningxue, after that he stopped killing his toys and rather continue to let them live to serve him forever.

It was much better to see those women serving him than let them die.

Such of waste of those resources...

He enjoyed his life like that...

But everything has come to an end...

He still hadn\'t paid the price for the past accumulated knowledge as a son of destiny, that he used to climb to peak again...

So what was that price?

What price was imposed by Density upon him to maintain the balance and let him live?

The price is related to the reason why Xia Tian\'s first daughter was born in the third chaos cycle, and rather not the first one, which he was in.

Why did he wait for the two chaos cycles?

It was all related to it...

He met the preconditions of becoming a supreme expert without a problem, the condition was to lose everything to gain everything...

What hasn\'t he already lost?

He had nothing to lose anymore...

In the first chaos cycle itself, he reached the legendary void realm.

The eternal endless sky becomes a small dot in his eyes.

Even directly killing sons of destiny was no longer a problem.

He can do anything, from the creation of life to destroying stars in a single move...

He felt like a god, yet he knew there lies something above it...

Then there comes the end of the first chaos cycle...

The universe was beginning to end...

This was something new to him...

A new experience to see the universe being destroyed and slowly created in from of his eyes.

The existence of primordial beings was revealed for the first time to him... Further confirming that someone lies above him and fate...

But when he thought everything was going fine, a mysterious thunder strike, that shook the space itself struck him.

All his powers, everything once again he lost them all...

He became the same ant that he once loathed.

It shouldn\'t have happened!?

Everything was going perfectly, so where did he get wrong?

A void realm cultivator can never lose his powers...

His soul may shatter and he would be forced to reincarnate...

But their soul would still remain at the level of void realm cultivation.

But Xia Tian\'s never remembered reincarnating?

It was like something someone sucked all his powers out, without any reason.

Even his soul was demoted to mortal cultivator...

Something like this never happened before...

What crime did he commit that the heavens were breaking their own rules?

Then he remembered the price...

It was the price that he need to pay...

As a son of destiny, he should have died once his purpose was completed but he survived, not only that he even reached the height that no son of destiny has ever reached.

But that survival comes at a cost.

He can\'t retain his power moving from one chaos cycle to another.

It was like a curse...

He can feel chains binding his soul...

If Xia Tian can survive three chaos cycles, he shall be allowed to live.

It was the condition imposed by destiny to allow him to live as a normal cultivator...

The first one was already survived ...

Two more were remaining...

But surviving a chaos cycle meant he had to reach the void realm again because if he didn\'t he would be killed when the chaos comes to an end.

If he doesn\'t enforce his soul to the void realm level again, then with his mortal soul, he can\'t survive the destruction of the universe.

He had once lost his cultivation and rose to peak again, wasn\'t it already enough?

It wasn\'t!

Anyone can raise to peak once, with the past knowledge of peak cultivator...

So this was the true price he had to pay.

With no choice in his hands, Xia Tian started cultivating again.

This time he was scared and careful...

His soul was of mortal...

He can\'t afford to die...

Careful and sacred like never before, he escaped and lived in fear of death.

He still manipulated and played with others, but there was a constant fear.

He tried to avoid the people who had cultivation above him.

By avoiding them, he can easily have his life and continue to cultivate in peace.

Even while playing with the women of sons of destinies, he was careful...

He felt as if the whole world was looking down on him and laughing...

He was forced to bend his knees many times to survive and to live another day.

Many times he even let his toys go into the hand of others...

Other men took his toys... When he was weak...

It was better to abandon his toys than to lose his life...

If not for his extreme intelligence and knowledge, he would have lost his life multiple times...

No once was enough for him to die...

The period did not last for long, as he once again broke the shackles and rose through the peak, and reached the void again.

Finally, Two times he survived...

One last was remaining...

He knew the universe will soon be destroyed again, and one last time he has to survive everything...

Once he does, there will no more restrictions and he can be a free man...

He was different from birth... Questioning right and wrong... Doing what he likes... Without any care for others... A psychopath-type behavior...

His experience as a son of destiny, and putting constant act among others made him a sociopath...

He started to love to manipulate others...

This was the point something inside of him snapped again...

This was the point he gained his narcissistic trait...

The little time he had before the universe was destroyed, he used to show others how he is much better than them.

He loved behaving like a narcissist during this period.

At the same time, the constant fire was burning inside of him...

Everything happened because he was born as the son of destiny...

All happened because of that \'Son of destiny\' title.

He hated it more than anything.

This is the reason Xia Tian gets offended if anything happens around him that resembles the son of destiny in the slightest.

If someone cockblocks him, he loses his cool. This was one of the reasons Ran Ling died...

If a woman like Li Nan meets him, who only sees her side of the story, he loses his cool...

If he sees someone like Shui Ningxue, who is loved and treasured by everyone, he wants to just destroy that innocence and make her feel pain...

All the women around the son of destiny, become his plaything and object of satisfaction...

He sometimes tortures them, sometimes loves them... but one thing is permanent, they belonged to his feet.

He keeps them alive, to let them know their place...

Slowly and slowly, Xia Tian becomes, what he is today.

The second time, the universe was destroyed again...

The second chaos cycle came to end, bringing the dawn of the third one.

The third time and the last time...

Xia Tian knew, if he reached the void realm this time, all the restrictions will be lifted...

He can become like a normal cultivator, leaving behind the enigma of the Son of destiny.

The third time again was a disaster...

Gaining toys, losing them...

But he knew, even if he don\'t lose them, he would have to kill or sacrifice them all because that was the precondition to reaching the void realm.

Sacrifice everything to get everything...

The precondition needed to be fulfilled every time, as his soul was demoted every time due to curse.

Unlike in reincarnation, where the soul retains the original level, his soul was demoted to mortal level.

So once again, losing everything, he reached the void realm.

It may sound like a very easy thing to do...

But three times, losing everything... Cultivating in constant fear of death... All of this made him what he is today...

Leaving everything behind, a new light shone in his eyes as the last chain holding him back was broken...

No more restrictions anymore...

During all this period, he wasn\'t idle.

He has thought of everything he needed... To go against God himself...

He has thought even further... What to do after he becomes a god...

What to do then?

Xia Tian\'s peculiar experience has told him not just to think about goals, but also think about what to do afterward.

One of the plans, he had was the creation of a few perfect women...

That would be his daughter...

Failing many times, he succeeded at last...

The first successful one was born after ninty two failures...

She was born against the rules of the universe...

A price also needs to be paid for it, which was later paid as well...

This universe strictly runs on balance... You can get anything ... As long as you can pay the equivalent price...

The first daughter of his was born...

But she was a disappointment...

Not her, but Xia Tian felt disappointed in himself...

Everything went wrong.

He did not carry out his plans further and waited for the third chaos cycle to end.

In the fourth one, finally, with a new plan, he was ready again.

This time, he retained his powers and powerful soul, so life was pretty easy for him.

Easy really? But didn\'t he already pay the price for it? So how is it easy?

In the end, even the void realm was a vicious cycle of

balance, not spared from the rule of balance.

Regardless, this time again seven more were born...

Unlike this last time, Xia Tian maintained precautions and they turned out to be a success...

Xia Tian did not tell much about his daughters or their purpose to Buddha, rather he only focused on his experience as a son of destiny.

The Buddha rubbed his chin, "So you treat them as toys, to fulfill your petty revenge against them?"

He asked despite knowing the answer.

Xia Tian smiled gently, without answering.

It was indeed his way of revenge...

Treating those arrogant women... Shattering their beliefs...

It was all his way of revenge to get back at his life experience as a son of destiny.

He never behaved without reason...

He has a reason for everything...

This was the reason for it.

"Aren\'t you satisfied yet?" asked Buddha.

Xia Tian chuckled at his innocent question. "Do humans ever get satisfied? No... One goal is completed only to find yourself getting another one... We can never get satisfied..."

Buddha smiled. "But you aren\'t a human anymore. You are a God." His serene voice brought a strange silence in Xia Tian\'s mind space. "You can have anything you want, if you want revenge, then change the rules of this universe. Create another, and do what you want. Why still behave like the past? You aren\'t your past anymore, you are a God. Fix your mind, you can easily remove the sense of revenge from your mind now, assimilate the God ego and complete your powers..."

Xia Tian silently listened. He felt a bit of pity for this innocent Buddha.

Assimilate god ego?

He already has powers...

So what was Buddha talking about?

It was the ego of the last true God of this universe, that contained all the information Xia Tian needed to know more about gods, this universe, and beyond.

He might have power now, but the information was missing.

Xia shook his head and interpreted him, "No! Not happening. I can\'t use god powers on myself..."

"Why?" The Buddha asked.

His face showed a worried look as if what he was fearing was about to come true.

Xia Tian grinned widely and spoke, "Because that would be against the B-A-L-A-N-C-E"

His words send a chill down Buddha\'s and the Lotus he was sitting on shivered, showing his inner feelings.

For a whole minute, he was unable to speak.

And in the end, he smiled wryly. "You are like him, excessively obsessed with balance... Now I know why you were chosen to inherit his legacy..."

Xia Tian gave no heed to his remarks.

Excessively obsessed with balance?

He just found nothing wrong with the current universe...

Everything was balanced as it should be...

This is one of the major reasons, he wasn\'t using his God powers on anyone, because if he did it would be breaking the balance.

A God interference is in itself equivalent to breaking the balance.

Then, why he used his powers to bring Shui Ningxue back to life?

Her case was unique.

As she should be dead.

However, the presence of her half-intact soul in this universe was definitely the work of another God, possibly his predecessor.

So it should be fine if he used his powers on her.

He was only fixing things...

This is also the reason, he wasn\'t even using his powers to make him forget about his past experiences, or change his behavior.

It would be all equivalent to breaking the balance or cheating.

Until he is dealing with another God-level being...

Using his powers is equivalent to breaking a rule of the game...

However, the Buddha dropped another bomb.

"You know what happened with your predecessor, he was also like you... No, you are more like him... Excessively obsessed with finding balance in everything..."

"... He Died! So, what do you think now, if you pursued the same road as him, what will happen to you?"

His voice sounded with a mix of threat and care... As if warning Xia Tian.

He wasn\'t talking about the predecessor God of this universe, but rather Xia Tian\'s predecessor predecessor.

The last generation wasn\'t even counted as God by Buddha, he completely ignored him.

Xia Tian also understood that Buddha was referring to the first-generation God, who created this universe.

There were a total of three generations of gods in this universe.

One was him.

Last was his predecessor, who was ignored by Buddha, as the latter did not count him as a god.

The second generation was a disappointment.

And before him, was another true God of Balance, the one who created this universe from the beginning.

Budhha thought, he would make Xia Tian change his decision, after all, if Xia Tian haven\'t assimilated God\'s ego, he would know nothing about the last true god.

But all of this was proved wrong, when he did not find a single change of expression, after revealing the fact that the first-generation God actually died.

Normally, it should make Xia Tian flinch at least, but he was still standing still... No, rather he was laughing inwardly.

"Y-You! You know everything!"

The Buddha finally lost his cool, making him land on the empty white surface, as the lotus disappeared below him.

"What do I know...?" Xia Tian felt like laughing out loud seeing the exaggerated reaction of Buddha.

As much as he knows, the Buddha should be the one representing peace and serenity.

So making him break that character, truly satisfied Xia Tian.

The Baldy irritated him a lot, he will make sure to teach him a lesson this time.

It took a while for Buddha to retain his sanity, though he felt extremely awkward facing Xia Tian.

He coughed lightly and spoke.

"It looks like you know everything, not only that you also managed to fool me."

The Buddha was about to go, he no longer needed to explain anything to Xia Tian.

Yet the latter did not forget to add salt to his wound.

"Do you really believe he died?"

Xia Tian said lightly.

The Buddha raised his brows for a second before lightly smiling.

Then, he walked away and disappeared from Xia Tian\'s mind-space.

The latter grinned feeling satisfied as never before.

If Buddha was a girl, he would have plowed her sacred hole here and now.

Unfortunately, this baldy was a man.

He can have some cute disciples maybe.

Xia Tian was considering visiting Buddha\'s universe to lay his evil clutches on the latter cute female disciples.

As for whom Xia Tian was referring to in the last conversation, it was his predecessor predecessor, the first-generation God.

The Buddha said he died.

But can a true God die?

Even after his death, he passed on his powers and memories...

The story of the death of the true God for the first time in the world was always a mystery...

Xia Tian did not believe anyone can kill him in his current state, even he can play with this Baldy\'s head without any problem.

The Budha was a god as well, but Xia Tian felt he can easily defeat him.

As for how there are multiple gods?

There wasn\'t!

There was only one perfect being in the beginning...

Xia Tian never claimed himself as perfect... He had many flaws.

Even this Budha had many flaws...

No one among them was perfect... Despite having immense power...

But he was the perfect being...

Perfect from all aspects...

Whatever he created was all perfect...

Perfect being cresting perfect creations...

But the beings created by him turned out to be so perfect, he started feeling meaning less.

Each being was similar to the last one...

As all were perfect...

There were no distinguishments among them...

So he broke himself into many small parts.

The parts are what we call true Gods today.

Beings like Xia Tian and Buddha.

Xia Tian represented balance.

While Buddha Peace...

There were many more like them...

All the true Gods proceeded to make their own universes with their own rules.

If they can have multiple universes, why Xia Tian only had one?

It was related to the death of the last true God.

During his death, he created this universe in his weakened state and cast an illusion enclosing the whole universe.

Even as a void realm cultivator, Xia Tian was never able to find the end of the void...


Because there lies an illusion.

The one that even Destiny\'s eyes can\'t see through.

After inheriting the legacy of god, he can see past the illusion and the universes outside of it.

He can even see the end...

The end of the void...

Buddha was the god of one of those universes.

Xia Tian can go out and conquer other universes, and even create more...

But he felt no need for it.

As long as there is no one above him that can manipulate him, he is fine.

Wasn\'t this his original motivation?

And why Budha felt shaken by Xia Tian\'s words?

The answer was exactly this...

Xia Tian knew everything about them and other universes...

This was impossible until he had assimilated the Ego of the last true God of balance.

Buddha tried to scan Xia Tian\'s various times, and even with his divine aura, he can confirm that Xia Tian hasn\'t assimilated the ego yet.

But all this was proven wrong.

That made him doubt his own powers and senses...

Xia Tian tricked him.

But that doesn\'t end here...

If he can cheat his senses... He can cheat other True Gods\' senses as well.

But why was Xia Tian doing this all?

Why hide the fact, that he knows about them?

It\'s just to trick other true Gods...

That meant from the beginning Xia Tian was only playing with Buddha.

Only after seeing that this Bald head possess no threat to him, he led him slip by.

Xia Tian was pretending to be innocent... Waiting for the other players to come and fall into his trap.

He was pretending to be sheep and eat a tiger...

He was prepared for it even before the problem came knocking on his door.

Xia Tian was never to shy away from the trouble!

He loved trouble!

He even actively seeks trouble!

If the war wasn\'t happening already, he will be the first one to go and intimate the war!

More the trouble, the better his life!

As for the last sentence, Xia Tian spoke...

Did the God of balance really die...?

It had a simple sentence yet held a terrifying meaning.

He was implying that if he can trick Buddha\'s senses, it means he was stronger than other true Gods.

Fundamentally, and according to other gods also, that should be impossible, as all of them should possess equal strength.

It only implies that the first-generation God of Balance never showed his true strength...

It also makes sense...

He was there to maintain balance...

How can one maintain the balance if he isn\'t the strongest?

As for his death...

Only Xia Tian knew the truth...

The God of balance never died ... He allowed himself to be killed ...

He was there to maintain balance...

It was engraved within his senses...

But he possessed strength beyond other true gods?

What does it mean...

Wasn\'t he the one who broke the balance of power between the gods?

As someone who was truly obsessed with balance...

God of balance found himself in a great moral dilemma...

He preaches balance himself... If his existence breaks it, should he really exist?

In the end, the God of balance decided to end his life...

And choose a perfect inheritor for his powers.

According to Xia Tian, the god of balance was an idiot.

"An insecure fool blinded by his rigid beliefs", that\'s what describes the god of balance in a single sentence.

But that is to be expected.

All of the true gods have their own flaws...

They are not perfect...

Like Buddha decided to stop breaking mayhem into this world as he preached peace...

Xia Tian with only the powers of God but no knowledge of gods can turn out to be extremely dangerous.

So Buddha wanted to oversee him.

Little did he know, Xia Tian was the one actually overseeing him.

As for the illusion that is protecting this universe...

Xia Tian thinks, he should not remove it for now.

If any god tries to penetrate through the illusion, like Buddha, he would instantly get alerted.

This is why the watchdog also hasn\'t removed it.

Here the watchdog was his predecessor, the second generation of God of Balance...

Why did Xia Tian call him a watchdog?

Because that was his only worth...

The second generation wasn\'t even a true God, to begin with.

He was only a watchdog not worth mentioning.

Though the illusion limited the world to the other void realm cultivators.

Beings like Seer of Destiny and Eternal Star can travel through void...

So they can essentially travel to different universes if the illusion is removed...

If we remove the true Gods from the equation, the void realm is essentially the strongest hierarchy in the power levels.

Yet this universe was already big enough, so Xia Tian felt no need to remove the illusion.

If he removed it all of a sudden, the other void realm cultivators can also enter this universe which will make the situation extremely chaotic.

A universe appearing all of a sudden can cause a huge reaction from others...

If some strong cultivators ganged upon them, Xia Tian might be forced to use his god powers, as his normal cultivation is only at earth profound realm.

So he will be unable to defend against them without using his god powers...

But if he uses his god powers against them, it essentially means breaking the rule again...

Breaking the balance again...

But would Xia Tian care about it?

Was he also excessively obsessed with balance...

This universe was based on balance...

But not the others...

So should Xia Tian care about it?

If it was the last God of Balance, he would surely care...

Though Xia Tian was different...

Only time will tell, how different he is compared to other gods...

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