
Chapter 136 Su Yanling Is Disappointed

Observing Ye Suyin\'s carefree expression, Su Yanling clutched her head in frustration and let out an exasperated cry. "Is everyone here insane?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with irritation and disbelief.

With a deep sigh, she made her way back to her seat where her friend, Huo Jingyi, watched her with concern. "Are you okay?" Huo Jingyi asked, her tone filled with genuine care and worry.

"No, I\'m not okay," Su Yanling replied, her voice tinged with annoyance. She couldn\'t understand why Ye Suyin seemed to be so carefree and unconcerned, while she herself was feeling so uneasy and stressed.

Suddenly, without warning, Xia Tian appeared in the empty seat next to Su Yanling. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked over at him, wondering how he managed to sneak up on her like that. But before she could even ask him, she noticed something else that left her speechless.

Turning her gaze to the front of the restaurant, she saw that the trash who had been bothering them - Su Wei and his underlings - were no longer there. In fact, they were nowhere in sight. It was as if they had been thrown out of the restaurant and onto the streets outside.

Su Yanling couldn\'t believe it. Was it possible that Xia Tian had something to do with it? The thought left her both intrigued and a little frightened, as she realized just how little she knew about this man sitting next to her. But at the same time, there was something about him that made her feel safe, like she could trust him to protect her no matter what.

"He disappeared?"

Ye Suyin watched with confusion as Xia Tian disappeared from their table.

She couldn\'t understand how he managed to do it without any of them noticing.

She was about to ask when Bai Xue snorted coldly, interrupting her thoughts.

"Why do you care so much?" Bai Xue asked. "Isn\'t it better this way? Finally, we can eat in peace."

Wang Wenshu, who was sitting in front of them, shook her head helplessly.

She knew that Xia Tian had found a new target.

It seemed that he was always on the lookout for someone new to bother.

Ye Suyin turned around and saw Xia Tian sitting at Su Yanling\'s table.

Her lips opened and closed, but she didn\'t know what to say. In the end, she smiled wryly and perked up her ears, hoping to hear their conversation.

She was curious about what Xia Tian was saying to Su Yanling, and why he was bothering her specifically.

Meanwhile, Su Yanling was trying her best to ignore Xia Tian\'s presence, but it was difficult. She felt uneasy with him sitting at her table and kept glancing in his direction.

She hoped that he would leave soon so that she could enjoy her meal in peace.

Su Yanling couldn\'t help but feel irritated by Xia Tian\'s presence. She found his behavior rude and disrespectful, as he sat down at their table without even asking for permission. Unlike Huo Jingyi, who seemed to be completely ignoring him, Su Yanling couldn\'t ignore Xia Tian\'s piercing gaze fixed on her.

She tried to concentrate on her food, but Xia Tian\'s presence was making her uneasy. Finally, she couldn\'t take it anymore and blurted out, "How can someone be so rude to sit without asking?"

Xia Tian didn\'t say anything in response, but his intense gaze didn\'t waver. Su Yanling could feel his eyes boring into her, and it made her uncomfortable.

She grew more and more frustrated, feeling like she was being watched like a prey by a predator. Finally, she snapped, "Do you want something from me?"

Xia Tian\'s lips curled into a small smile, the corners of his mouth barely visible. "I don\'t want something from you, but you may want something from me," he said cryptically.

Su Yanling was bewildered by his words. What could she possibly want from him? She couldn\'t fathom what he was talking about, but his intense gaze made her feel uneasy.

Growing more frustrated, she shook her head in denial and said, "I don\'t want anything at all, now can you please kindly leave?"

To her surprise, Xia Tian nodded, as if he had expected this response. He turned to leave, but not before uttering a cryptic sentence. "Hmm... I did hear that she needed a Frozen Heart Lotus. Did I mishear it? Never mind."

Su Yanling watched him walk away, but something made her stop him. She reached out and grabbed his hand, surprising both herself and Xia Tian.

Suddenly, her attitude changed 360 degrees, and she forced the widest smile she could manage.

Huo Jingyi rolled her eyes, at her sudden change in attitude, but she also can\'t help but be curious, since not everyone know of that rare spiritual flower.

Su Yanling\'s forced smile turned into a genuine one as she held onto Xia Tian\'s hand tightly. "Wait, your name is Xia Tian, right? You heard about Frozen Heart Lotus? Can you tell me more about it?"

Xia Tian pretended to be taken aback by Su Yanling\'s sudden change in attitude but quickly composed himself. "Well, it\'s a rare type of lotus that grows in the coldest parts of the world. It\'s said to have healing properties and can cure even the most severe of injuries."

Su Yanling\'s eyes widened in amazement. "Really? Do you know where I can find it?"

As Xia Tian was deep in thought, Su Yanling pounced on him like a wild animal, begging him to stay and stuffing food in his face. Xia Tian couldn\'t resist the delicious aroma and gave in, munching away while pondering the task at hand.

The bystanders were gobsmacked, their eyes popping out like a cartoon character.

"What in the name of all that is holy?"

"Am I hallucinating or did she just do a complete 180?"

Her sudden change of heart was enough to make anyone question their sanity.

"Is she a shape-shifter? How did she change her attitude so fast?"

Su Yanling overheard their whispers and her eyebrows shot up like a rocket.

She thought about throwing them out, but decided to let them stay and witness her mood swings like a circus act after all she has much more important task to do, that is to coax Xia Tian!

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Xia Tian nodded his head.

"You can\'t find the Frozen Heart Lotus here," he began, his eyes meeting Su Yanling\'s. "But I have something even better."

Su Yanling\'s hands froze midair, her expression shifting from elation to disappointment. She had been so hopeful that Xia Tian had a solution to her problem, but now it seemed that all was lost.

Su Yanling let out a long, drawn-out sigh and asked without much enthusiasm, "So what could it possibly be?"

Despite Xia Tian speaking with unwavering confidence, she couldn\'t bring herself to believe that he actually possessed something that could heal her illness.

Even her friend, Huo Jingyi, shook her head in disbelief. She knew that this guy was nothing but a scammer.

Huo Jingyi even entertained the thought that Xia Tian concocted this story in order to win Su Yanling\'s favor after offending so many powerful forces. After all, even without her strength, Su Yanling was known to possess an enormous amount of wealth.

Sure, here\'s the revised text with the name change:

Right when both the women were doubting Xia Tian\'s capability, with an unfazed look he put his hand down on the table and took out something that made everyone\'s eyes go blind for a few seconds. The silver light blinded them, even the calmest of them had their hearts shook, as they spotted a shining silver lotus with a thousand petals in his hand.

"This is the Celestial Yin Lotus," Xia Tian said calmly. "It\'s a rare and precious flower that is said to have the power to heal any illness and even restore a person\'s strength, it\'s effect are multiplied when used on a female cultivator."

Su Yanling\'s eyes widened in amazement as she stared at the lotus in disbelief. Even Huo Jingyi was stunned and speechless for a moment.

Xia Tian continued, "My friend had obtained this lotus after a long and difficult journey to a distant land, and she handed it to me to keep it within my safe custody. I have kept it hidden ever since."

Su Yanling\'s excitement knew no bounds when she spotted the Celestial Yin Lotus. She could hardly contain herself and immediately offered, "I am willing to buy it! What do you want in exchange for it?"

She was ready to part with her entire fortune to get her hands on the mythic flower. While everyone else was in awe of the silver lotus, she felt like she was in a dream come true. The aura emanating from the flower made it clear that it was indeed a genuine product.

Huo Jingyue couldn\'t help but feel happy for her friend\'s miraculous find, but she couldn\'t quite comprehend Su Yanling\'s excessive excitement. Shouldn\'t she have been more reserved and cautious in her approach to negotiate a better deal with Xia Tian?

By showing her cards too early, Su Yanling risked losing the negotiations before they even began.

Su Yanling was acutely aware of the true worth of the Celestial Yin Lotus, having devoted her entire life to the study of spiritual herbs and flowers in the hopes of discovering a cure for her illness. She knew that this flower was beyond priceless, and even if all the riches of the Sacred Sky Jade Future were pooled together, they still wouldn\'t be enough to purchase it.

Despite the incredible value of the lotus, Xia Tian seemed unnervingly calm. Su Yanling could only assume that he was fully aware of the flower\'s extraordinary effects, and that his willingness to show it to her meant he was prepared to offer her assistance.

As Su Yanling pondered her next move, she knew that it was imperative to convey her deep need for the flower. She couldn\'t afford to appear unenthusiastic or indifferent, for fear that Xia Tian might change his mind about helping her.

Su Yanling didn\'t even bother to question why a stranger would go out of his way to help her, it never even crossed her mind. It was as if the world revolved around her and her needs. This was the typical mentality of someone who was used to receiving favors from others.

As Xia Tian leaned in closer to her, Su Yanling eagerly brought herself closer so that she wouldn\'t miss a single word. And then, one by one, he spoke: "I-Will-not-sell-it."

Those words shattered Su Yanling\'s fantasy, like a glass breaking into a million pieces inside her mind.

The disappointment was clear on her face as she realized that this rare and precious Celestial Yin Lotus was not something that she could buy with her wealth.

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