
Chapter 141 Who Is Responsible For Evil?

"Hey look at him, why is he crying?" one of the onlookers asked.

A person was sitting alone in a park crying to himself, while holding his pen and notebook, while scribbling something on the paper.

"No ideas, maybe he had a breakup," another onlooker spoke.

Little did they know, the author there was crying to himself, as he was giving his years worth of insights for free.

".... My centuries worth of hard work..." he muttered between sobs, oblivious to the curious eyes staring at him.

"Maybe he\'s a bald professor," someone joked, and the onlookers snickered.

"That would explain it," another added, "they never share all their secrets with the public."

The author heard the conversation and chuckled through his tears. "You got me," he said, wiping his eyes. "But don\'t worry, I\'m not a bald professor. I\'m just a generous soul sharing my insights with the world."

The onlookers looked at him skeptically, but the author just smiled and continued scribbling on his notebook, ready to enlighten anyone who would listen.

He bled internally, finally understanding why those bald-headed professors had kept secrets from the public.

Damn, it was heartbreaking.

Nevertheless, the author refused to be small-minded.

He would reveal the truth behind one of the greatest mysteries: why were prisoners in court not sentenced to death?

Why was prison a center for rehabilitation, or rather, improvement?

Why were even those who committed the most evil and vile crimes given a chance?





Xia Tian paid no attention to the frantic women trailing behind him. With a composed demeanor, he reclaimed his seat and nonchalantly crossed one leg over the other before beginning to devour his meal, scarcely acknowledging their presence.

The princess halted in her tracks, her eyes fixed in disbelief upon the insouciant figure before her.

Xia Tian purposefully ignored the Princess of Destruction, refusing to acknowledge her presence.

But she was undeterred, and after a moment\'s hesitation, she plopped down on the ground like a wilting flower and seized one of his hands, exclaiming, "Master!"

Xia Tian and his companions raised their eyebrows in perfect unison, their expressions a mixture of amusement and surprise.

Xia Ying\'s eyes widened as she watched the princess make a move on her future husband, but she didn\'t let it bother her.

She knew that Xia Tian was a desirable man, and it was only natural that other women would be drawn to him, even the cold sister of hers couldn\'t resist his charms!

The Princess of Destruction was clearly smitten with Xia Tian, calling him "Master" and holding onto his hand like a lovesick puppy.

Xia Tian, on the other hand, was nonplussed by her advances, choosing to ignore her and focus on his food.

Xia Ying couldn\'t help but find the situation amusing.

Most women would be jealous if their husbands were being fawned over by other women, but not her.

As the conversation continued, the tension between Xia Tian and the Princess of Destruction grew palpable. It was like watching two bulls lock horns, each refusing to back down.

Xia Ying couldn\'t help but smile at the whole situation, secretly enjoying the drama unfolding before her.

Xuan Ruyan was utterly stunned as she witnessed the exchange between Xia Tian and the Princess of Destruction.

Wang Wenshu and Ye Suyin only shook their head at Xia Tian\'s nature, the latter was beginning to understand him more, Ye Suyin was silently observing everything.

While, Bai Xue was clueless about the new woman, neither did she care anymore.

Xuan Ruyan watched, her mouth opening and closing in surprise, unable to form any coherent words.

Wasn\'t this women supposed to be supreme leader of Dark Soul Sect?

What happened to her?

Did the princess shed her skin?

Xuan Ruyan was completely unaware of Xia Tian\'s mythical ability to make a women beg to him, despite their status.

"Master, come with me! I have a gift for you," the Princess of Destruction whined, sensing the disapproving glares of both Nyx and Xuan Ruyan.

Nyx couldn\'t stand the woman, mainly because she was more powerful than her.

And to make matters worse, she had no idea when Xia Tian had acquired this stunningly beautiful slave.

What could she say?

The truth was, she was filled with a seething jealousy that she couldn\'t quite contain.

"Master, please come with me," the Princess of Destruction pleaded once more, burying Xia Tian\'s hands beneath her ample bosom in a desperate bid for attention.

Xia Tian finally reacted, a look of pleasure crossing his features as he savored the sensation of her soft breasts.

They were comparable to those of his own daughters.

The Princess of Destruction\'s expression turned triumphant as she believed she had successfully seduced Xia Tian.

However, Nyx merely smiled faintly, knowing full well that seducing Xia Tian was no easy feat, even for them.

Xia Tian turned to face the women, a faint smile on his lips as he looked into their hopeful eyes. "I won\'t be coming," he said softly, before turning away.

Silence descended upon the entire table, the only sound being the rustling of air as the Princess of Destruction sat frozen, feeling as though she had shattered into a million pieces.

Witnessing her dramatic display, Nyx became irritated and slammed down her fork with a clank.

Pointing her spoon at the Princess of Destruction, she waved her hand dismissively. "Shoo-shoo! Get away! Didn\'t you hear him already?"

Nyx\'s words caught everyone off guard, but she remained unfazed.

The Princess of Destruction let out a playful pout, "I don\'t take orders from a little girl!"

Nyx instinctively furrowed her brows, but chose to remain silent.

She knew she couldn\'t really argue against the princess, who was undoubtedly more powerful and experienced than her.

But Nyx refused to back down!

If all else failed, she still had a backup plan!

She would seek the help of her daddy!

Turning to Xia Tian to confirm the hierarchy, Nyx sought his guidance.

The princess turned to Xia Tian at the same time. As a primordial being, he should place her above Nyx.

However, Xia Tian\'s words once again shattered the princess\'s hopes.

"She is senior!"

Xia Tian pointed to Nyx and spoke, his words causing the princess to clench her fists in frustration.

Nyx flashed a triumphant grin, bringing her hands together in front of her.

The Princess of Destruction\'s expression fell, but she regained her composure quickly, as if she had anticipated this outcome.

Nyx\'s action, however, still caught her off-guard. "What do you need?" she asked, her voice dripping with annoyance.

Nyx smiled faintly, once again holding out her hands.

The Princess was initially confused before finally realizing what Nyx was requesting.

Her mouth fell open in surprise. "You want me to give you a massage?" she asked incredulously.

Nyx nodded with an innocent smile, finally feeling like she could get her revenge by using her authority.

"That\'s abuse! Master, she\'s abusing her authority!" the Princess turned to Xia Tian for help.

Xia Tian simply nodded and extended his hands as well, causing the Princess to stare at him in disbelief.

"What?" she muttered, unsure whether to laugh or cry at this father-daughter pair.

She already knew Nyx was Xia Tian\'s daughter, but the things like this didn\'t bother the woman in the least.

Living for such long, her skin is thicker than the universe itself.

In the end, she sighed and stood up.

To everyone\'s surprise, she began to massage Xia Tian\'s shoulders, occasionally whispering flattering words in his ear.

Xia Tian smiled casually, even though he was meeting the princess of destruction for the first time, she was already his slave.

He knew how to deal with her, and having a primordial being serve him was a great pleasure.

It was a new experience for Xia Tian, who loved trying new things, whether it was a daughter on top of a mother or cream on top of a biscuit.

Xuan Ruyan finally gave in to her curiosity. "Are you the true leader behind the Dark Soul sect?" she asked, suspicion in her voice.

Xia Tian nodded lightly. Xuan Ruyan did not flinch, as if her entire sect being taken away was just a leisurely activity for her. However, Xia Tian\'s confirmation incited many curious and worried glances.

The reason was clear.

"Why?" Xuan Ruyan spoke with an indiscernible expression, her eyes flashing with coldness. "Why are you causing so much destruction? Don\'t you realize how many people have died due to the actions of your sect?"

She spoke with suppressed anger. Normally, the seemingly indifferent Xuan Ruyan didn\'t care about the lives of others, but the mass murders committed by the Dark Soul sect were too much for her.

As someone guarding the northern continent, she felt angry that Xia Tian was causing chaos and making her appear as if she had failed in her duties.

Naturally, her words caused many to look at Xia Tian.

Ye Suyin looked quite nervous, as even she felt that the mass murders committed by the Dark Soul sect were unnecessary.

Xia Tian merely laughed, despite not knowing anything about the inner workings of the sect. He could come up with bullshit on the fly.

"Oh, so you dislike the evil they are causing?... Then who do you think is to blame for their evil deeds?" he spoke with a grin, signaling to his two underlings standing outside who had come along with the princess.

Those two underlings of princess must have committed lot of evil, but who is to blame for it?

The princess smiled mysteriously, knowing that Xuan Ruyan was about to get a reality check.

Xuan Ruyan knitted her brows, trying to think of a proper answer to him. "Who to blame? Why blame someone? They are only responsible for themselves!" she said, unable to come up with a proper answer.

Xia Tian chuckled, making her appear dumb. "They are responsible for themselves, so why do you hunt them like they did something wrong?"

All three sects were hunting members of the Dark Soul sect, so this was not foreign information.

Xuan Ruyan narrowed her eyes. "Because they committed evil. They killed thousands of people without cause," she calmly spoke, restraining herself.

Naturally, another thing that she did not speak but implied was that such mass murder resulted in a large loss of human resources.

Xia Tian laughed again, louder this time. "A-N-D, who are you to decide that they did evil? Who gave you the authority to dictate what is evil and what is not?"

Xuan Ruyan\'s eyes flickered. She finally realized what Xia Tian was trying to achieve, but she was not so easily tricked. "No one gives me the authority! But since they are living in the area of the northern continent, they must live by the rules. We don\'t allow needless genocides!"

Xia Tian nodded.

Xuan Ruyan\'s words were not exclusive to the Sky Jade realm, but reflected much of modern reality.

We often think we know what is good and evil, but do we really?

When we are born, we accept many things as normal, including the definitions of good and evil.

Each country has a different approach to this.

What may be a crime in one country may not be in another.

Each country has its own set of rules and laws, which become applicable to us from birth, an implied social contract.

So where do countries get the authority to decide what is evil and what is not?

If there is only one definition of evil, why are there different laws in different countries?

Who gave these countries the power to dictate their sense of definitions onto others?

The answer is nobody.

No one in this world can give authority to others except for ourselves.

We silently accept the laws that are drafted, and in doing so, give those in power their authority.

A single person alone cannot do much in a world without cultivation.

How are they supposed to develop the steel needed to manufacture guns?

How will they alone manufacture steel as well as bullets?

In all reality, no person is stronger or has more authority over another.

It is the public that provides leaders with their authority through implied acceptance.

Even in a non-democratic country like North Kor**, it can only be ruled and dictated because people allow it to be.

Do you really believe that the dictator alone could rule it if other people didn\'t cooperate?

The other people, including the police, army, and staff, are all giving their implied acceptance.

In the end, it is the public that gives authority to those in power.

Xia Tian wasn\'t going to leave Xuan Ruyan alone. "So evil is evil because it\'s wrong within the boundaries of society you have created, right?" he asked.

Xuan Ruyan took some time to grasp his words and then nodded, albeit with suspicion.

She couldn\'t believe she was feeling pressured talking to a kid.

This was unlikely.

What Xia Tian said was very broad and couldn\'t be understood until a proper example was taken.

Many people lived within the delusion that whatever they had experienced until now was the only truth and the whole world.

In a modern society, let\'s call it "Bumrica," a sexual act between a minor and an adult is a crime and a punishable offense.

For the people of Bumrica, this is the whole reality; they have grown up thinking of such an act as pedophilic and child predatory behavior.

For them, it\'s a crime, and no doubt, it\'s evil.

Now, there is another society, a small tribe living on a faraway island.

The tribe has a customary practice where boys become men at the age of 11-12 and start going hunting outside.

Meanwhile, girls become women when they get their first menstrual cycle, as they are ready to conceive and carry their legacy forward.

Even if a 20-year-old man marries a 12-year-old girl child, it\'s seen as normal as they are carrying forward their tribe.

This is their small society with their own rules.

Bumrica has its own rules, while the tribe on the faraway island has its own.

Who is right and who is wrong?

Who are we to decide?

Now, if a person who doesn\'t live in either of these societies has to join one of them, what will happen to them?

If they join Bumrica, they would have to regard child marriage as pedophilic and evil. If they don\'t, they won\'t be accepted in their society and will have to flee or accept punishment.

A similar thing goes for joining the small society formed by the tribe on the faraway island.

This is the situation in the modern world.

All these countries are societies of their own with their own rules.

If you want to live there, then you have to accept their rules, or get away from there or get punished for breaking their rules.

If peope believe strong preys the weak only work in cultiavtion world or novels, they are utterly wrong!

Because who gave the people in this society to form their own rules?

Who gave them authority to enforce it on us, if we are discontent with it?

Who gave them right to punish us?

No one!

But they can do it all, because they are stronger!

And who gave them such power?

We ourselves, by our implied support and acceptance to them!

There is no evil or good, only the rules formed by these small groups known as societies.

If you want to live there, you have to accept their rules.

Xia Tian, however, wasn\'t going to argue on this point.

He might as well burn the whole world if someone dared to dictate their own rules to him.

He simply asked a simple thing: who is blamed for their evil?

Those people were born within the northern continent itself, so who is to be blamed for their evil?

It may be evil for some but not in their eyes.

So why is that?

Who is responsible for their mentality?

Wasn\'t it their crooked society?

"... You think I run a sect? Wrong! The Dark Soul sect is nothing but a place for people where they can simply do what they feel is right! If that is genocide, so be it! I am only giving voice to their opinions and thoughts! But who is responsible for those thoughts in the first place? Isn\'t it your crooked society?"

His words made Xuan Ruyan ponder once again.

In the end, she didn\'t find any words and pressed her lips together in silence, still unconvinced.

Xia Tian merely laughed.

He continued to explain many things, finally making the ignorant ones more enlightened and filled with wisdom.

By the time he was finished, even Ye Suyin\'s views were changed on how she judged people.

In modern times, people often see a serial killer and pass judgment that they should be hanged to death.

The same goes for a rapist or any person who has committed some vile crime.

But why does the court only sentence them to prison for a limited time?

Why can\'t the courts decide that it\'s better to kill them than to retain them?

Killing a few wouldn\'t do much damage to human resources anyway.

This is where the common people\'s thinking becomes shallow.

The court has thought much further ahead.

They know their rules are not universal.

Now, even if the person named David is born in their country and ends up committing a crime, they won\'t care who committed what crime.

But why was the crime committed in the first place?

If killing criminals solved the problem, prisons should remain empty after a single genocide of criminals.

But crime isn\'t done by a person, it\'s done by a mentality that doesn\'t correspond with the existing one in society.

Naturally, the person possessing such a mentality broke the rules, but who is to be blamed for their mentality?

There can only be two causes of it: nature or nurture.

If it is nurture, if the person is what they are because of their experiences, then who is to be blamed?

If a serial killer was born out of an innocent peace-loving person, who is to be blamed? Wasn\'t it society that made them like this?

Isn\'t it due to their experiences that they became what they are today?

And who gave them those experiences?

The society itself.

So who is to be blamed now?

The person or society?

If the problem is the environment and not the person, will killing the person solve the problem?

Of course not!

You can kill hundreds today, but hundreds tomorrow will be born with a similar mentality.

There is no definite description of good or evil, leading to the current mess.

The society, schools, and institutions never bothered to be frank and explain these points to students and the actual need behind law and order.

Rather, they told them as folktales, as some absolute universal rules that one shall be punished if not abided by.

Naturally, the rules are not universal, as we can see in the case of Bumrica and the small tribe situated on the faraway island.

Now those children who grew up listening to such universal rules of good or evil are left contradicted within their hearts as there exists no such rule.

Their whole life is spent figuring out whom to believe, themselves or what they have heard or seen until now.

Their heart wants to do something, but it is deemed evil by society.

The society never bothered to explain the true reason behind claiming it as evil and merely told it as a universal fact, leading to this conflict, which resulted in the birth of what we call as criminals.

So who is to blame now?

If such criminal mentality is shaped by nurture, then society is undoubtedly to be blamed for the person becoming what they are today.

However, some people may argue that if it is nature, and the person is a criminal from birth itself, then they had no control over it.

Since it is complete nature after all, are they still guilty?

Of course not!

But how does it make society at fault?

What part did they play here?

Here\'s the trick: what forms the nature part of psychology?

It is the DNA fibers and the hereditary information contained in them.

Where do that hereditary information come from?

It comes from the experiences of past generations.

Now nurture side of psychology is nothing but the accumulated past result of the nature side of psychology.

Since the past generation experienced something that made the child born as evil, who is to blame? Of course, the society in which they live.

This is what the court and law understood, but the people don\'t.

The courts don\'t hang them to death as it was never their fault for questioning and not accepting the rules of society.

In all reality, it isn\'t the fault for either parties, it is nothing but difference in perception, one overpowering the another using brute force.

The court and law knew it all.

This is the secret to criminal psychology.

If criminals are made, then it\'s not their fault but society\'s fault.

If criminals are born, then they can\'t be put at fault as they are what they are by birth itself.

Just as we blame them for being different and thinking differently, they can blame us similarly for having a different mentality than them.

Once a person understands how different societies form their own good and evil, they can\'t help but question: Is the thought of suddenly assaulting a beautiful woman on the road truly wrong within their heart?

Should they keep it suppressed? If yes, why? There is no absolute good or evil, so why restrain?

They should restrain because they have to live within the same society.

Either change the rules or conform to the existing rules of society.

If you want to rebel, do you think you possess enough power?

Enough power to suppress the whole society and make it submit to you?

Xia Tian didn\'t know about others, but he possessed enough power to rebel and do what he liked.

If he wants to burn the world, he shall do it gladly.





I have explained why criminals are not criminals for the reason you believe.

Yet I have to futher explain, why does society have laws of what it has today... like why does society discourage murder using a punishment?

How do society decide its rules and on what basis?

Why is immortal world is much more fierce than the mortal world!

Why mass murder in Immortal world is tolerated but not in mortal world!

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