
Chapter 160 Chaos In Auction House (2)

Su Yanling was living a life of luxury that most women would trade their souls for.

The forbidden pleasure of lying comfortably with Xia Tian, as if they were lovers, sent a rush of blood to her cheeks. 

From the void, Nyx watched the scene with a mix of envy and confusion.

Her eyes narrowed to slits as she muttered, "She needs to die."

The four beings that surrounded her nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with malice.

They were determined to put an end to Su Yanling\'s happiness. 

Unbeknownst to them, Xia Tian was busy devising a wicked plan in his mind.

"Hey, do you happen to have a piece of paper?" Xia Tian asked suddenly. 

Su Yanling tilted her head, looking above at him with surprise, wondering why he needed it so urgently.

Nonetheless, she took out a notebook and pen from her bag and handed them to him.

Xia Tian quickly snatched them and started scribbling something onto the pages.

His hands were shaking with anticipation as he wrote down the forbidden knowledge he had been dying to share.

Once he was done, he handed the notebook back to Su Yanling and commanded her to open it and read the first page.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, wondering why he couldn\'t just tell her what was on his mind. "Can\'t you just say it out loud?" she grumbled, but still took the notebook and opened it.

As she began to read the words on the page, her eyes widened in shock. Each word seemed to freeze the smile on her face, and her heart began to race with excitement.

The text was simple, yet powerful:

"Business protection services: 100 million Rainbow crystals only."

Su Yanling\'s eyes widened in shock as she stared at the price on the page, feeling her heart sink in her chest. "Wh-What is this?" she stammered, her voice trembling with fear.

Xia Tian\'s response was indifferent, his tone laced with impatience. "Can\'t you read?" he asked, his eyes narrowing as he looked at her.

"I can, but it\'s too expensive!" Su Yanling exclaimed, her voice rising in panic as she realized that she would never be able to afford the cost of the service.

Xia Tian simply nodded, unfazed by her outburst. "It\'s reasonably priced," he replied, his tone suggesting that he had no intention of budging on the matter. Su Yanling\'s face flushed with fury, and she felt her blood boil in frustration.

"Reasonably priced, my ass! I don\'t want any service, cancel it!" she shouted, her words echoing through the room.

She could feel her hands shaking with anger as she glared at Xia Tian, desperate for a way out of the situation.

Xia Tian shook his head in response, pointing to the bottom of the page where the words \'Terms & Conditions\' were written in minuscule font.

The first condition was non-refundable, meaning that once the service was availed, payment had to be made.

Su Yanling felt her heart sink even lower, realizing that she was trapped in a situation she had no way out of.

For a moment, Su Yanling sat frozen feeling helpless and unsure of what to do next.

She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks as she tried to come up with a solution. After a moment, she gathered her courage and asked, "Is there any other way?" She knew what she had to do, even as the words left her mouth.

Su Yanling leaned forward, her cleavage spilling out of her robe, hoping to use her body to negotiate.

Xia Tian nodded, a sly grin crossing his face. "Oh, I knew you couldn\'t pay. Flip the page," he said, his voice dripping with amusement.

Su Yanling\'s face twitched in anger and embarrassment as she realized that Xia Tian had known all along that she couldn\'t afford the service.

She remembered a similar incident happening in the past, and the memory only fueled her rage. 

However the moment Su Yanling read the alternative solution, her face grew red in embarrassment. 

"This is ridiculous! You\'re taking advantage of me!" Su Yanling exclaimed, her fists clenched in anger.

Xia Tian chuckled, enjoying her frustration. "I\'m not taking advantage of you. I\'m simply offering a solution," he replied, his eyes flickering with amusement.

Su Yanling retorted with a hint of frustration, "What solution? Are you a bully or what? You always trick people into doing things for you! And let me ask you this, has anyone ever even managed to pay your exorbitant prices?"

Xia Tian put a hand on his chin and furrowed his eyebrows, deep in thought.

After a while, he shook his head in denial, making Su Yanling\'s lips twitch in annoyance. "You," she exclaimed, feeling utterly helpless at his blatant shamelessness.

Did he just openly admit that he tricked her, leaving her with no options from the very beginning?

The audacity of this man!

Su Yanling couldn\'t help but imagine storming out of the room if it weren\'t for the fact, he was an immortal in disguise. 

This was the assumption Su Yanling had made about Xia Tian.

Two things led her to conclude this: first, his vast resources, and second, the presence of another immortal around him.

Since all her usual tactics failed to work, Su Yanling decided to get creative with her approach to Xia Tian.

She tried everything from seduction to offering her servant to him, but to no avail. The determined man was not going to be swayed.


In the end, after being completely exhausted, Su Yanling glanced back at Xia Tian with a grudge.

As she pondered her next move, her eyes caught sight of a fallen notebook on the floor. And what did it say?

Well, it was quite hilarious actually.

The clean words on the page read:

"I am so bored, you have two choices:

1. Do a dance and entertain me; or

2. I am moving to the auction floor for some fun."

As if that wasn\'t enough, there were even more descriptions of what Xia Tian would do once he arrived at the auction floor.

He planned to create all types of trouble, even the ones that were impossible!

Needless to say, Su Yanling was left in stitches. She couldn\'t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

And just like that, she knew if she choose the second option, her phoenix action house would be no more.

Thus with a determined heart, she choose to face her fate, and took out something like gramophone, but it appeared much more antique and advanced.

She placed it in the corner and awkwardly stood in front of Xia Tian, calming down her nerves.

As the music began to play, Su Yanling took deep breaths, closing her eyes, she let her body sway to the rhythm.

The melody was slow and sensual, and she let the music take control of her body. Her movements were fluid and graceful, and she seemed to be in complete control of her body.

She started swaying her hips from side to side, her hands moving up her body and over her curves.

Her fingers traced the outline of her body, leaving anyone seeing her spellbound. Her long hair flowed freely, adding to the sensuality of her dance.

As the music picked up, Su Yanling moved faster, her hips gyrating in a circular motion. She twisted and turned, the fabric of her robe clinging to her curves.

She moved her arms in the air, her fingers splaying out like feathers, adding to the exotic nature of her dance.

Her movements became more complex, and she started to incorporate belly dance moves into her routine.

She undulated her torso, her hips moving in sync with her undulating movements. Her body writhed and twisted, and anyone who saw her couldn\'t help but be mesmerized by her dance.

Su Yanling continued to dance, her movements becoming more and more seductive.

She circled around him, her hands outstretched, her fingers beckoning him to join her. She spun around, her robe billowing out around her, revealing more of her tantalizing curves.

The air in the room was thick with the sweet, floral fragrance of her perfume, which was so strong it almost seemed to have a life of its own.

It added to the already intoxicating atmosphere, making it feel like they were in a dreamland.

As the dance came to an end, Su Yanling slowly opened her eyes and looked at Xia Tian.

She could see the slight surprise in his eyes, and her heart swelled with pride.

She had done something extraordinary, something she never knew she was capable of until that moment.

Xia Tian nodded in approval, feeling that she had been useful in passing the time.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag filled with rainbow stones, the colors of which sparkled in the dim light.

He handed it over to her, his eyes filled with a mischievous glint.

The original intention was only to embarrass her, but she had done such a good job that he decided to reward her.

Su Yanling\'s eyes widened in shock as she saw the bag filled with shining crystals.

The previous embarrassment she had felt faded away like a distant memory.

She couldn\'t contain her excitement and jumped on him, kissing his cheeks repeatedly without a hint of shame. 


The woman definitely didn\'t mind being in his presence, and she was grateful for this unexpected reward.

Xia Tian\'s face twitched as he saw her sudden change in attitude. He couldn\'t help but comment, "You really love money, don\'t you?"

"Hm!" Su Yanling nodded vigorously. "You born-rich people would never understand the struggles of us poor folk," she said, her voice filled with drama.

Xia Tian couldn\'t help but shake his head, his eyes filled with amusement.

But then, like a sly old fox, his expression changed. "Oh, then tell, what difference do you see between the born rich and poor folks?" he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Eh?" Su Yanling blinked, her eyes widening in confusion.

She couldn\'t understand why Xia Tian was questioning the obvious.

"What difference? Are you kidding me? The born rich are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while the poor folks struggle to make ends meet!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

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