
Chapter 177 You Would Meet Them Soon Enough...

Xuan Ruyan\'s eyes widened as she listened to Xia Tian speak, summarizing three different types of societies in front of her eyes.

Despite the fact that many of his words were ambiguous and abstract, she felt as if he had purposely left room for her to fill in the gaps.

Her head was swimming with information, and for a moment, she wasn\'t able to wrap her head around it.

Before she could even ask any questions, Xia Tian abruptly turned and began walking in a random direction. "Wait! Where are you going?" Xuan Ruyan yelled in desperation, her hand raised as if trying to catch him.

Xia Tian waved his hand dismissively. "A man never looks back at the mess he\'s created," he said, his back facing her.

Xuan Ruyan\'s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What does that even mean?" she muttered to herself, feeling frustrated.

\'I can\'t just let him go away like that..." She thought.

Determined not to lose him, Xuan Ruyan began to sprint after him.

However, as she tried to take a step forward, she found that her feet had inexplicably become stuck to the ground.

Looking down, she saw a strange green circle glowing beneath her, trapping her in place.

Her heart pounding, she looked up to see Xia Tian smirking at her from a distance. "Careful... standing so close to someone you just challenged," he taunted, sending chills down her spine.

"What did you do to me?" Xuan Ruyan demanded, trying in vain to wrench her feet free.

Xia Tian simply shrugged. "Just a little bit of sorcery. It\'ll wear off soon enough. By the way with this, I have officially defeated you...yet again..."

"Don\'t forget your words, Sword woman!" With this he waved her goodbye before leaving the woman in mystery as she tried to figure her way out of the ancient rune set up by him. 

The best thing about using ancient ruin was, that it was an language, which can be communicated using any medium, you don\'t need qi to make it like in case of formations, so Xia Tian can make an runw without even slightest fluctuation of qi right under her nose. 

Xuan Ruyan meanwhile was having an mental breakdown after being defeated by an teen with cultivation miles apart from her, she let out an helpless sigh, \'He did really defeated me, b-but I didn\'t even got the chance to fight..." She muttered with slighty hazy eyes. 

As she thought back on the encounter, it became clear to her that her judgement had been terribly wrong.

There was so much more to him than she had initially thought, and it left her with a sense of longing to explore those depths further. Unfortunately, he had already disappeared, leaving her with only her thoughts and regrets.

And if he were to appear back before her, what then?

How could she, a proud and fierce warrior, respond without compromising her reputation and dignity?

The memory of his words echoed in her mind, taunting her with their brazenness. \'Honour your words... spread your legs.\'

Could she really bring herself to do that?

Even if he had defeated her fair and square, with no excuses to be made in a true battle, it didn\'t mean she had to submit to his every demand.

Yet, the very thought of giving in to him made her pulse race with a mixture of discomfort and excitement.

It was like exploring uncharted territory, knowing there was danger and uncertainty ahead, but feeling the thrill of venturing on anyway.

She couldn\'t help but feel an strange twitch between her legs.

While strolling through Core Disciples Peak, Xia Tian\'s eyes couldn\'t help but be drawn to the salacious scenes unfolding around him.

In one corner, a young disciple was caught in the throes of passion with a sect elder.

In another, several female disciples were huddled together in the darkness, their fingers busily working between their legs.

But the most shocking sight was that of a female disciple engaged in a full-blown gangbang with four male disciples.

Xia Tian could hardly contain his grin as he watched them panting and writhing in ecstasy.

Filled with a sense of duty, Xia Tian sighed and decided to put an end to their lewd behavior.

Fueled by righteous anger, he grabbed a bucket of water and started throwing it indiscriminately at the residents of the peak.

The only difference was by mistake that bucket of water turned out to be flamable liquid.

"Tian, please stop," a soft voice echoed behind him in a desperate cry.

Xia Tian turned abruptly to see Ye Suyin, his toy, grasping at him with a desperate look on her face.

She had sensed his presence and immediately come out to meet him, only to find him tipped over a can of petroleum that spread like wildfire.

"I have to do something, Ye Suyin! Can\'t you see what they\'re doing?" Xia Tian ranted, gesturing wildly at the revelry around them.

His flame of passion ignited Ye Suyin\'s own personal reserve of patience. "But this isn\'t the way to handle it!" she cried desperately.

Xia Tian nodded in agreement to her words, and in a moment of, let\'s call it, "carefree multitasking," he decided to strike a match and throw caution (and, umm, common sense) to the wind by tossing it at some petroleum nearby.

Needless to say, the area was treated to one fiery performance!

Flames licked at the sky, and the ground trembled as the fire roared.

"Sword fairy will be really angry," muttered Ye Suyin in disbelief. Although there was little she could do to stop him, she knew Xia Tian was up to his old antics.

Suddenly, a man emerged from the flames in a frenzy, carrying his trousers in his hands and shouting, "What\'s going on?" in desperation. Following behind him was a young lady with only a white towel wrapped around her body.

Another came out screaming, "Not again! My wife is going to kill me!" as he glanced about frantically, his whole body was devoid of clothes.

As the flames consumed the buildings, more and more disciples rushed out of their caves chaos erupted in the mountain peak.

"I can\'t believe this is happening!" cried out a woman, barely clothed in the heat of the moment.

"What\'s going on? How did this start?" exclaimed a young man, still in shock.

"Is everyone alright?" shouted a concerned disciple, trying to take control of the situation.

But as they looked around, they realized that some of the more unscrupulous members of the community had taken the opportunity to sneak out through the chaos, hoping to avoid detection for their illicit affairs.

"I have to get out of here before my husband sees me!" whispered a woman, scurrying towards the exit.

"Wait for me, we can sneak out together!" a man yelled back, equally disgruntled.

Amidst the confusion and panic, it was hard to tell who had caused the fire, but as they sifted through the rubble and debris, it was clear that some secrets would soon come to light.

Due to heat, sweat trickled down Ye Suyin\'s forehead, she urged Xia Tian, "Quick, this way!" She shouted, all too aware of the increasing chaos around them.

They tried to navigate through thick smoke and flames as the crowd behind them stumbled blindly, tripping over one another in their half-dressed stupor.

"Watch out!" yelled Ye Suyin as she tackled a flailing figure, and Xia Tian gentlly shoved that person back into the fire, all while responding back to Ye Suyin glare with innocence.

As they stumbled through the blaze, they could hear the desperate cries of people scrambling for shelter. "Who cuased the fire?!" one shouted, while another screamed in shock.

Ye Suyin stumbled out of the peak, gasping for breath as she emerged into the cool night air.

The raging inferno behind them had left her dizzy and disoriented. "What have we done?" she muttered to herself, shaking her head in disbelief, as she let out an deep extended sigh.

But Xia Tian was grinning from ear to ear, clearly enjoying the chaos they had caused. "See, now all of them are exposed!" he exclaimed, savoring the scandal they had unleashed.

The fire had been quickly extinguished, but it had already attracted a lot of attention.

The crowd was in an uproar, and even the Sword Fairy had been forced to come and intervene.

Ye Suyin leaned heavily against Xia Tian\'s back, her body shaking with a mixture of exhaustion and adrenaline.

As she looked up at him, she couldn\'t help but notice the twisted expression on his face. "The more I get to know about you," she said with a wry smile, "the more I realize you are quite dark."

Xia Tian\'s dark personality was starting to surface more and more in Ye Suyin\'s mind.

It was both unsettling and intriguing, and she found herself drawn to him despite herself.

But amidst all the chaos and excitement, Ye Suyin couldn\'t help feeling a pang of homesickness. "It\'s strange," she murmured, her chin resting on Xia Tian\'s shoulder, "I miss my home already."

Xia Tian\'s face softened, and he looked back at her with interest. "Do you want to see your parents?" he asked.

Ye Suyin nodded, biting her lip anxiously. She had mixed feelings about seeing her parents again - they were not always the most supportive of her choices.

As if sensing her hesitation, Xia Tian\'s face lit up. "Don\'t worry," he said with a gentle smile, "you will meet them soon enough."

But little did Ye Suyin know that the meeting would not be a pleasant one, and that her life was about to take a much darker turn.

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