
Chapter 195 Blue Star Realm!

Before Xia Chen could utter a word, several sharp, gleaming eyes materialized out of nowhere, sending shivers down their spines.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Knives were hurled towards them at crushing speeds, aimed at eliminating all three of them in one fell swoop.

Xia Chen deftly maneuvered, avoiding the assault. On the other hand, Xia Tian was caught off guard as one of the knives pierced his neck.

Unfazed, he effortlessly yanked it out and carelessly flung it aside, much to the horror of the attackers who were visibly shocked.

In the next moment there was a sudden shockwave, and all the attackers had vanished without a trace.

Evelynn\'s question broke the silence. "What do we do now?" she asked.

Xia Tian turned to look at her with a sly grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

She returned his gaze with a knowing smile, as if they shared some kind of secret.

Xia Chen watched them warily, his brow furrowed in suspicion.

He could sense something was up, but he couldn\'t quite put his finger on it.

Out of nowhere, Xia Tian announced, "We would jump." And before anyone could react, he leapt inside the crack.

"What!?" Xia Chen\'s eyes widened in shock, but before he could protest, he felt a forceful kick to his back, causing him to stumble and fall into the dimensional crack.

Evelynn let out a soft chuckle before gracefully diving into the crack as well, disappearing from sight.

The whole area was engulfed in an eerie silence, and Xia Chen felt a shiver run down his spine.

He had a sinking feeling that he was in way over his head.

Just then, another figure emerged from the bushes.

It was Xia Ying, looking slightly hesitant as she peered down at the crack. Without a word, she took a deep breath and jumped inside.

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, two more shadows materialized beside the dimensional crack. 

As Nyx peered through the dimensional crack, two additional shadows emerged, distinctly larger than their own.

She turned to Selene, the first figure, seeking her opinion. "Are you going to follow?" Selene asked, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Nyx paused, casting a thoughtful look towards the mysterious shadows, then shook her shimmery hair as a signal for negative.

"Evelynn is there," Nyx whispered softly, her eyes fixed on the shadows.

Selene\'s previously relaxed demeanor shifted dramatically.

Her expression contorted with concern as she grappled with the gravity of Nyx\'s words. "Isn\'t that the problem to begin with?" she inquired, her tone strained.

Leaving Evelynn and Xia Tian alone in that dimension was tantamount to disaster.

Adding another narcissist like the one in front of them would only make it worse.

Selena considered her options, but every potential action seemed to involve more destruction.

If she asked Isabelle to accompany them, it would increase the chances of greater devastation.

Irene was not an option until Selene could figure out what was going on with that mysterious woman.

Nyx had already stepped forward to volunteer. 

"It appears their fates are doomed," Selene sighed, shoulders slumping in helplessness, not for Xia Tian or the others, but for the innocent citizens of that dimension, who had no idea what was about to befall them.


[Master, was it a wise decision to jump? We have no idea where it will lead us.]

Luo Xue\'s voice quivered with worry as Xia Tian continued his descent through the unknown abyss.

Straining her eyes, she searched for any sign of their companions, but it seemed they had been separated.

If that were the case, Xia Tian was facing this perilous journey alone.

Anxiety gnawed at Luo Xue as she considered the consequences.

What if he landed in the realm of a powerful immortal? It could result in immediate annihilation.

The fairy realized that cautioning Xia Tian would be futile.

His face exuded unwavering confidence, as if he could gallivant through the heavens, charming immortal women along the way.

The concept of restraint seemed foreign to him.

While contemplating these thoughts, a foreboding sight unfolded before them—a small, ominous black vortex materialized amidst the dimly lit streets of Beijing, China.

It pulsed with an eerie energy, casting an unsettling aura.

Reality itself tore open, revealing a dimensional crack within the Blue Star, specifically in the enigmatic land known as China.


With a swift motion, Xia Tian emerged from the vortex, landing gracefully on both feet.

His surroundings were littered with discarded black garbage bags, emitting a pungent stench.

"Ah, so this is the exit they chose," Xia Tian murmured, his voice laced with intrigue and speculation.

The air felt thin, suggesting that this dimension belonged to a lower realm.

However, the peculiar location of the exit hinted that a cultivator from the Sacred Sky Jade Realm had embarked on a covert mission here, defying the jurisdiction of the ancient families entrusted with the guardianship of these realms.

Disgust twisted Luo Xue\'s delicate features as she voiced her displeasure. [This place is utterly repugnant. The air is thick with pollutants, and the meager traces of qi barely sustain us.]

Night draped the cityscape in an enchanting tapestry of shimmering lights emanating from towering buildings, creating an illusion of a vibrant metropolis.

Luo Xue\'s mind spun like a whirlwind, attempting to decipher the origins of this unfamiliar domain.

[Master, it is possible that we were transported separately from the others. They might have been directed to different exits. It would be wise for us to maintain a low profile for now], Luo Xue suggested, her voice tinged with caution.

As she surveyed their surroundings, a perplexing question tugged at her thoughts:

Why was the qi in this realm so feeble?

It seemed significantly diminished compared to other lower-level dimensions she had encountered before.

It was as though something had drained the vital life force from this place, leaving behind a desolate vacuum.

"The external restrictions have effectively cut off this realm from the outside world," Xia Tian declared, his voice carrying a mix of realization and suspicion. 

Stepping away from the squalor of the street, he started to trottle around the vibrant street of modern city.

Luo Xue nodded in agreement, her surprise evident.

It became clear that this realm had deliberately isolated itself from external influences, sealing its boundaries with formidable barriers.

Such measures were often taken by civilizations struggling to defend against the relentless onslaught of advancing cultivators or to mitigate the repercussions of ancient wars.

In this case, it seemed that the former scenario held true.

Despite the presence of advanced technologies within the realm, none of them would withstand the devastating might of cultivators infused with the essence of Heaven and Earth.

A peculiar observation caught Xia Tian\'s attention, prompting a quizzical expression. "Time flows differently here," he mused, contemplating the implications.

Why would someone choose a dimension with such a slow passage of time?

Spending a single day here would be equivalent to a year in the outside world.

Dimensions like these are quite rare...

Shrugging off the enigma for the moment, Xia Tian began to explore the nocturnal streets of Beijing.

The locals couldn\'t help but cast puzzled glances at him, their voices barely above a whisper.

"Hey, look at him, mother!"

"Hush! Don\'t point; it\'s impolite."

"But, Mom, his clothes are so strange. Is he an actor from a drama company?"

Whispers and curious gazes surrounded Xia Tian as he strolled confidently through the streets, adorned in his distinctive robes.

Unfazed by the attention, Xia Tian responded with a charismatic smile, waving his hand as if he were a revered celebrity.

Luo Xue was speechless at Xia Tian\'s conduct, but the time she had spent with him, was enough for the little fairy to realize, that Xia Tian was an top grade narcissist.

Suddenly, a stunning beauty sauntered up to Xia Tian, her voice dripping with allure.

"Hey there, handsome. Are you all alone? How about letting this big sister keep you company?" Her words were accompanied by a subtle display of her cleavage, enticing Xia Tian\'s attention.

Though he maintained an impassive expression, he could discern a surge of potent yang essence emanating from her body, indicating she was quite an casual woman, despite her looks.

Responding with a barely perceptible smile, Xia Tian took her hand and led her towards a desolate street, away from prying eyes.

The woman\'s initial surprise quickly turned into a mischievous giggle. "So, you want to have some fun in public? That would be quite an exhilarating experience for me," she teased, her anticipation palpable.

Just as the beauty began to anticipate a passionate encounter, Xia Tian swiftly maneuvered, delivering a precise strike near her neck.

Startled, her eyes widened, but before she could utter a word, her vision blurred, and she crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Xia Tian chuckled softly, positioning his hand above her head with calculated precision.

[Master, are you extracting her memories?] inquired Luo Xue, her curiosity evident.

With a nod, Xia Tian acknowledged his intent. Though the extraction process held grave risks for mortal minds, he remained indifferent to the consequences, driven solely by his pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

As the memories flowed into his consciousness, the woman\'s lifeless body thudded onto the pavement.

Overwhelmed by the flood of recollections, her fragile mind succumbed to the strain, resulting in her untimely demise.

Xia Tian\'s eyes sparkled with a profound light, his understanding deepened as he absorbed the wealth of information within the memories.

Now armed with intricate details about this unfamiliar realm, he felt a surge of confidence, ready to create some trouble here!

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