
Chapter 201 Xia Shuiyao's Suprise! (1)

One day, a bald man who could have been mistaken for a monk was scribbling away when he suddenly clutched his head in frustration.

It turns out that this man was not a monk, but instead a narcissistic author who had plucked out all his hair. 

"Baby, what happened?" A girl with shockingly large breasts and an hourglass figure ran towards him.

She was not just any girl, but the author\'s new disciple and, more importantly, his sugarmama.

Poor guy, it looks like he\'s only surviving on her and his bad scribbling skills.

The narcissistic author had already collapsed due to information overload, and maybe only death awaited him.

Well, at least he\'ll have some peace and quiet then.

But his disciple, in her infinite wisdom, took his pen and began writing, putting the author\'s future story in her own hands to give him more time to pick his nose or something.

Boing! Boing!

Suddenly, the girl was startled by the narcissistic author waking up and rubbing his face against her gigantic mountains that looked like Jello that would never jiggle.

She was glad the poor chap had finally opened his eyes and saw the light, but she wasn\'t expecting him to use her chest as a pillow.

While the narcissist author was lost in his own thoughts, his disciple took control, starting to write a small arc to give the narcissistic author some time to figure out his future story.

[Once this \'Earth\' arc is over, there would be an time skip.]







The morning sun cast its golden rays upon Xia Tian as he awakened, greeting the day with a sense of calm that seemed to be his constant companion.

While the world around him braced itself for the challenges and tribulations that lay ahead, Xia Tian remained untouched by the chaos that unfolded.

It was as if he had a secret shield, an invisible force that shielded him from the troubles that plagued others.

His serene countenance belied the mischievous thoughts that danced in his mind.

He reveled in the knowledge that it was others who suffered from terrible days, while he remained a spectator, a mere observer of the havoc that surrounded him.

He would often ignite a spark in someone\'s life, watching their world burn with intensity, and then retreat to a place of peaceful slumber, wearing an innocent expression reminiscent of a holy child.

It was this façade that allowed him to traverse the world with ease, never arousing suspicion or doubt.

If only people could see beyond the surface, beyond his charming smile and captivating presence, they would realize the depths of his cunning and the extent of his mischievous nature.

But alas, Xia Tian was a master of deception, his true self hidden beneath layers of charm and charisma.

On this particular morning, Xia Tian awoke slightly later than usual, relishing the warmth of the sheets that clung to his body.

He couldn\'t help but smile, knowing that yesterday had been a day of turmoil for Lin Ruoxi.

He pictured her in his mind, waking up in a state of panic, clutching her head in despair before storming out with trembling legs.

As a gentleman, Xia Tian decided not to disturb her departure.

After all, he had other matters to attend to, and her presence would only serve as a distraction.

Although he acknowledged that Lin Ruoxi possessed the potential to be a captivating plaything, Xia Tian had no interest in accumulating toys at this moment.

The world was filled with beautiful women, each offering a unique allure and charm. Xia Tian believed that it was always those who lacked capability who settled for less, desperately clinging to whatever they had.

They preached about contentment and spouted nonsensical philosophies to convince themselves that they were satisfied.

But Xia Tian saw through their charades; he understood their inner desires and the void they sought to fill.

After a refreshing shower, Xia Tian shamelessly made his way to the hotel\'s dining area, relishing in the anticipation of a delectable breakfast using the card he had stolen from Lin Ruoxi.

The lobby bustled with activity, as guests and hotel staff went about their morning routines.

Xia Tian\'s mischievous nature sparked an idea in his mind, and a faint smile crept onto his lips.

"Let\'s have a bit of fun, shall we?" he murmured to himself.

With a flick of his wrist, the illusion began. Seemingly of its own accord, a pair of men\'s pants slid down, leaving everyone stunned and perplexed.

The surrounding women furrowed their brows and stood up in surprise.

A lady gasped, "Oh my! Did you see that? His pants just fell off!"

Her companion chuckled, "I\'ve never seen anything like it! This hotel must have some peculiar tricks up its sleeve."

But Xia Tian had more in store.

In a sudden twist, the air crackled with electricity, and their hair caught fire, creating a scene of chaos.

 Panic ensued as objects around them began to catch fire as well.

A woman cried out, "My hair! It\'s on fire! What is happening?"

A man rushed to her aid, desperately patting out the flames. "Stay calm, I\'ll put it out! How did this even happen?"

Xia Tian, with his innocent expression intact, walked away as if nothing had happened.

He reveled in the chaos he had created, knowing that he had disrupted the mundane routines of those around him.

As he made his way towards the reception area, the commotion grew, spreading like wildfire.

It appeared that the restaurant had indeed caught fire.

The staff ran around in a frenzy, attempting to control the flames and ensure the safety of the guests.

Amongst the chaos, some hotel staff members addressed Xia Tian as "Sir" and expressed concern for his well-being.

A hotel staff member approached Xia Tian with a worried expression. "Sir, are you alright? Is there anything we can do to assist you?"

Xia Tian flashed a charming smile, his eyes glimmering with mischief. "Oh, I\'m perfectly fine, my friend. Just enjoying the morning excitement. Carry on with your duties, and thank you for your concern."

With his charming smile lingering on his lips, Xia Tian continued on his way, leaving a lasting impression in his wake. 


Meanwhile, immediately after Xia Tian departed from the sacred Sky Jade Realm, Xia Shuiyao stood in the bath, her mind swirling with contemplation over his unexpected words.

She simply hadn\'t seen it coming—the resolute rejection from Xia Tian to have a child.

Though she maintained a composed expression, inside she felt a profound sense of dejection and lack of purpose.

Knowing full well the limitations of their relationship, Xia Shuiyao believed that offering him a daughter, someone who resembled her and could provide companionship, was the best she could do.

It was her way of ensuring that even if she were no longer around, there would be someone to stand by his side.

It was a daunting thought, but Xia Shuiyao also felt sacred.

She understood all too well that Xia Tian would not hesitate to end her life if necessary, which only fueled her desire to offer something meaningful before that fateful day arrived.

A deep, melancholic sigh escaped her lips, echoing her profound helplessness in this complex matter.

The matter of conception among cultivators is similar to that of ordinary mortals, albeit with noticeable differences.

Women in the cultivation realm experience regular menstrual cycles, except for immortal women who possess the ability to control or even halt it at will.

On the other hand, when a man embarks on the path of cultivation, he gains the ability to suppress his essence, making it impossible for a woman to force him into impregnation unless he willingly chooses to do so.

While not every cultivator possesses the skill to master this technique, Xia Shuiyao was not naive enough to believe that Xia Tian would go around impregnating women left and right.

Otherwise, he would already have millions, if not billions, of children.

A week went by, and Xia Shuiyao spent her days in a daze, occasionally painting and remaining dedicated to her cultivation practice.

However, a few days later, she was taken aback by a strange sensation coursing through her body.

As she woke up one morning, her face appeared slightly pale, and her once porcelain-like skin seemed to have lost its luster.

Filled with worry, she couldn\'t help but thoroughly examine her body, searching for any signs of what might be happening.

After an hour of deep meditation, she opened her eyes, only to find that there was nothing discernible within her meridians and dantians, the energy pathways and energy centers of her body, respectively.

"What is happening... Why am I feeling so tired..." Xia Shuiyao\'s words were abruptly interrupted as she suddenly felt her stomach churn, and an overwhelming urge to vomit swept over her.

Without wasting a moment, she hurriedly rushed towards the bathroom, desperately seeking relief.

Exhausted and with a heavy heart, Xia Shuiyao emerged from the bathroom, still unable to comprehend the reasons behind her body\'s abnormalities.

However, to her surprise, another visitor awaited her at the door.

Standing there was an exquisitely beautiful woman with stunning blue hair, emanating an aura of tranquility and serenity.

Xia Shuiyao was mesmerized by the fairy-like figure before her and couldn\'t help but whisper, "W-who are you?"

Strangely enough, despite the stranger\'s presence, Xia Shuiyao didn\'t feel the need to be on guard.

The soothing aura radiating from the blue-haired woman put her at ease.

Sensing Xia Shuiyao\'s curiosity, the woman gently parted her lips, and her words flowed like a soothing melody.

"You can call me \'Irene,\' but more importantly, we need to address the matter at hand," Irene pointed out, gesturing towards Xia Shuiyao\'s condition.

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