
Chapter 203 *Is It An Love Letter?*

Oblivious of the damage he had inflicted, Xia Tian nonchalantly strolled into the reception area. His eyes, filled with predatory desire, eventually settled on the beautiful receptionist, who stood trembling due to the chaos surrounding her.

She looked distraught, and although the fire raged on, the flames were quickly doused after a few rigorous minutes. However, as the fire alarms blared and chaos reigned, it was evident that the incident had caused a tremendous mess, with panicked people running around and frantically searching for exits.

Now, with the evacuation complete, the once-bustling hotel lay silent and empty except for its remaining hotel staff and the firefighters who had rushed to the scene. They dashed through corridors with haste, bayonets at the ready, their eyes glowing like a brushfire in the night.

As Xia Tian closed the distance, Qing Xueqin glanced up and found herself momentarily blinded by his appearance. Compared to the man she saw in the eerie darkness of the night, he seemed more alluring now, his eyes luminescing like a starry night sky.

Little did she know, however, that this man was not all he seemed, and that appearance can be deceiving.

Qing Xueqin regained her composure and greeted Xia Tian courteously before informing him that Lin Ruoxi had entrusted her with a letter to be delivered directly into his hands.

Xia Tian\'s eyebrows shot up in suspicion as he took hold of the intricately designed envelope. "Did she fall in love with me?" the self-obsessed narcissist mused to himself.

However, only Xia Tian could entertain the thought of a woman falling in love with him after he had treated her so poorly the night before.

But that wasn\'t completely false. When it comes to sexual pleasure, it\'s more about the psychological aspect than physical.

As long as you don\'t traumatize a woman and don\'t cross a line, even if you rape her, she may still enjoy it. However, this statement is not true. 

There have been many instances of women being raped and then waiting for their rapist to come and do it again the next night.

If not, then why is the SM category of sex so popular?

Enhanced: Regardless of the situation, Xia Tian\'s curiosity got the better of him, and he opened the letter. As he scanned its contents, his eyes landed on an unfamiliar address written on it. 

Desperately trying to recall any memories he had stolen that might help him identify the address, Xia Tian came up empty-handed. He pondered over the possibility that it might be a wealthy neighborhood where peasants like him were not allowed to enter.

Just then, Qing Xueqin\'s eyes seemed to flicker with recognition as she glanced at the address on the letter. Sensing an opportunity to get some answers, Xia Tian turned towards her with a questioning look. "Do you know this place?" he asked.

Qing Xueqin hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "That\'s a coffee shop in the neighborhood," she pointed out.

Xia Tian felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him as he realized that his curiosity would finally be quenched. He decided to reward Qing Xueqin for her assistance in helping him solve this mystery.

However, Xia Tian\'s idea of a reward was not what most people would consider appropriate. His predatory eyes fell on Qing Xueqin, who was still oblivious to the danger she was in. Driven by his narcissistic tendencies, Xia Tian thought that the best reward for her would be to give her an opportunity to serve him.

He couldn\'t help but wonder why it was socially acceptable for women to offer an kiss or her body for showing her utmost gratitude, the same thing when when a men did it, there were so many protests.

As a believer in equality, Xia Tian found this double standard quite hypocritical.

Without wasting any time, Xia Tian moved in closer and captured Qing Xueqin\'s lips in a forceful kiss, leaving her stunned and helpless.

Que Xueqin was caught off guard, and her heart raced at his stern gaze. She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Xia Tian\'s commanding voice.

"Accept your reward for helping me, woman! Or do you want to decline me?" he said, his eyes piercing through her.

Que Xueqin felt like she couldn\'t breathe under his powerful gaze. Her legs felt weak and her body trembled as she gulped, unable to find her voice. She leaned against the cold, hard wall to support herself, afraid of collapsing to the ground.

As Xia Tian approached her, his gaze became even more intense, and she felt her senses dull. His strong arms snaked around her waist, pulling her towards him. Que Xueqin\'s body melted into his as she gasped for air.

She was barely an adult, only eighteen, and still naive about the world. She never imagined that she could be violated in broad daylight in the lobby of a premium hotel.

Ignoring the stunned staff who were watching them in suprise, Xia Tian continued to kiss her passionately, his hands roaming over her body. Que Xueqin was powerless, her body succumbing to his will.

The people around them thought they were lovers, and a few snickered at their brazenness as they walked away. Some even hated Que Xueqin for slacking off during work, but at that moment, they turned a blind eye to what was happening.

Xia Tian jumped past the reception counter, leaving Que Xueqin stunned and breathless.

"Y-you?" she stammered, barely able to form a sentence. Her world had been turned upside down in just a few moments, and she wasn\'t sure how to handle it.

Before Que Xueqin could utter a single word, Xia Tian\'s pants unzipped themselves and slithered down his legs. His powerful hands gripped her head, holding her in place despite her attempts at resistance.

Que Xueqin\'s body tensed and she grunted as she struggled against him, but Xia Tian\'s grip was too strong. In a flash, something large and heavy struck her on her face, sending her reeling backwards in shock.

Xia Tian wasted no time in pushing his manhood towards her open lips. He began rubbing the tip up and down, his eyes boring into hers as if daring her to stop him.

Que Xueqin\'s eyes filled with tears, a mix of sadness and anger pulsing through her veins. She glared at the towering figure in front of her with fiery, bloodshot eyes.

As panic began to grip her heart, Que Xueqin took stock of their surroundings. They were both crouched behind the reception desk with only Xia Tian\'s upper body visible to any potential onlookers.

Thankfully, the lobby was deserted. Had anyone walked in on them, Que Xueqin would have been instantly fired. However, the thought was quickly discarded in light of the situation - why should she lose her job when she was being forced into such a disgusting act?

Her aggrieved eyes stared intently at Xia Tian once again, filled with a mixture of anger and fear.

She dared not part her lips, as his manhood was constantly rubbing against them, as if looking for an opportunity to barge in.

The sensation made her feel violated and disgusted, but she couldn\'t bring herself to speak out.

Even her lips were softer than silk, and the scent that emanated from her was intoxicating. Xia Tian couldn\'t help but think that the quality of women here was exceptional.

Little did he know, he was merely scratching the surface of this depraved world.

Que Xueqin\'s attempted resistance was futile, and soon her mouth was completely filled with his manhood.

It was so large that it made her gag, and she struggled to breathe.

The tears streamed down her face, further wetting his member. 

Xia Tian pretended to be slightly confused, but he couldn\'t hide the twisted pleasure he felt from her suffering. He couldn\'t understand why she was crying, after all, he was just rewarding her. Shouldn\'t she feel honored, rather than repulsed?

Xia Tian\'s sadistic tendencies were unparalleled, and sometimes his acts of cruelty even confused himself as to who he truly was.

Of course, he didn\'t bother pondering on these deeper complexities when a young woman was at his mercy.

He held her head in place, ignoring her muffled screams, and forced her to continue to pleasure him.

Que Xueqin\'s resistance initially showed on her face, but she soon realized that she had no other option but to cooperate.

She tried to bite him off, but Xia Tian\'s little brother was coated with a thick layer of Qi protection, prepared for unexpected situations just like this one.

Women are really wild when playing with him. All of them just want to bite off his dick.

Suddenly, Xia Tian sensed a few acquaintances nearby. He quickly took his essence and sprayed it inside of Que Xueqin\'s mouth, catching her unaware.

Shocked, she tried to spit it out but Xia Tian\'s grasp on her jaw was too tight.

She had no other choice but to swallow it down, and the nausea hit her hard.

It was her first time doing anything like this, and her nose flared up as she instantly vomited everything into the nearby dustbin.

"Gah ...cough... Cough." 

Her face was exhausted, but what showed in her eyes was a mixture of anger and humiliation.

Before she could face off with Xia Tian, he had already vanished from the scene, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Later that day, Que Xueqin decided to file an official police complaint against Xia Tian.

It was the first time this would happen, but it was no surprise that it wouldn\'t be the last.

No matter where he went, Xia Tian always found a way to make a name for himself.

Outside the hotel, holding what Xia Tian believed to be a love letter, he managed to locate the three individuals he was searching for outside - Evelynn, Xia Ying, and Xia Chen, all of whom were frantically scouring the area for him.

It was a simple matter of fact that they had found him - Xia Tian had already made the headlines with his recent actions that had sent shockwaves throughout the city.

Knowing Xia Tian\'s proclivity for creating chaos, Evelynn had deduced that the only way to locate him was to follow the trail of destruction he had left in his wake.

No one could match her \'Daddy\' in terms of causing trouble, not even the sons of deities or young masters who were always one step behind.

Despite accomplishing his mission, Xia Tian was not ready to reveal his discovery just yet. Instead, he walked towards them, but abruptly changed course and began to walk in the opposite direction.

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