
Chapter 223 Long Family Patriach Plans (2)

Long Meihui didn\'t know why, but Xia Rouyan seemed to have a fondness for her, although it was the allure of her soft, comforting, and natural "bed" (breasts) that truly attracted Xia Rouyan, not Long Meihui herself.

Long Meihui quickly realized the truth, and her face contorted with a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Like father, like daughter. Both are corrupted," she muttered, sighing deeply.

She couldn\'t help but wonder why people even bothered to have children at all.

Little did she know, Xia Tian was simply having daughters for his fun.

If she knew the real intentions behind Xia Tian\'s actions, her reaction would be priceless.

Xia Tian didn\'t groom young children!

He had his own daughters and then manipulated them.

He was always one step ahead of everyone.

"Now, it\'s your turn, lady. Show me some impressive moves," Xia Tian said, his focus now fixed on his prey, Zhao Xin.

Trembling with fear, Zhao Xin attempted to step back, only to lose her balance and fall to the ground in sheer terror.

"J-Just kill me!-Gah!"

Before she can finish speaking, Xia Tian\'s fist rockets towards her stomach, delivering a bone-crushing blow.


A shrill scream tears through the air as Zhao Xin\'s body contorts, her neck arching backward and her eyes rolling back, revealing only the whites.

"Haha." Xia Tian can\'t help but revel in the grotesque spectacle before him, a twisted satisfaction spreading through his veins. With a cruel grin, he not only basks in her agony but also delivers two harsh slaps upon both sides of her face.



The force of the slaps has no effect on Zhao Xin\'s rattled mind, eclipsed by the overwhelming pain coursing through her body.

Her face bears the imprint of his fingers, the skin mottled and bruised. Her quivering lips tremble, desperate to utter words of plea, but they dissipate into thin air, lost forever.

As her torment continues mercilessly, she fades into unconsciousness, sinking into the abyss of agony for the next thirty excruciating minutes.

"Too weak," Xia Tian muttered with disappointment, his eyes fixed upon the ravaged naked body of the woman, her clothes torn in half. "She couldn\'t even endure for an hour."

Long Meihui rolled her eyes, her frustration evident. "She\'s not weak, you\'re just a demon."

As screams echoed in the background, Long Meihui hastily erected a barrier to shield herself from their torment. Occasionally, curiosity gripped her and she stole glances, only to be left speechless and bewildered by the sight.

No trace of pity swelled within her; in truth, she harbored ambitious desires for power.

However, whenever Xia Tian was present, she would shut off her brain, knowing well that attempting to deceive him was futile.

Xia Tian didn\'t let her praise resonate with him; he remained humble, dismissing the need for recognition.

"No need to praise me," he spoke dismissing her words. 

Long Meihui shook her head at last, realizing that delving into the inner workings of this man\'s mind would inevitably lead to frying her own brain.

Xia Tian was completely unaware of Long Meihui\'s intentions for being there. However, he devised a cunning plan to rescue her, his mind swirling with determination. "When you return," he whispered urgently, "make it known that you endured a terrifying accident, resulting in the tragic deaths of both women. Tell them that merciless unknown beasts descended upon you without warning. And as for this fool," he added, gesturing towards Shen Huang, "his sanity vanished long ago, leaving him a deranged shell."

The fool in question was none other than Shen Huang himself, still in a state of unconsciousness. Though uncertain of Xia Tian\'s true motives, Long Meihui couldn\'t help but trust his words, sensing an air of calculated strategy in his voice.

However, doubts still plagued her mind.

"But didn\'t you promise not to kill her?" she questioned, her tone laced with confusion and concern, her gaze now fixated on Zhao Xin.

Though Long Meihui cared little for the fate of those involved, she couldn\'t help but consider the potential value Zhao Xin held for Xia Tian. As a virgin, she thought, she may possess some utility, a way to serve his desires.

Yet, to her surprise, Xia Tian dismissed any thought of Zhao Xin, deeming her unworthy of consideration. In his eyes, she fell far short of his beauty standards.

Xia Tian\'s eyes locked onto Zhao Xin\'s lifeless body sprawled on the ground, and with a flick of his hand, a chilling energy filled the air.

Woosh!I think you should take a look at

In an instant, her limp form lifted off the ground, as if possessed by an unseen force, and drifted towards a massive, gnarled tree nearby. The thick trunk engulfed her, swallowing her existence within its dark depths.


Soon, the forest reverberated with anguished cries, resonating from deep within the confines of the tree.

"What\'s with these weird screams?" Long Meihui trembled as fear crept into her voice.

Never in her life had she heard such desperate, haunting screams before, not even during Zhao Xin\'s horrific ordeal.

"Her body is now trapped within the tree\'s ancient roots," Xia Tian nonchalantly remarked, as if discussing the weather. "The roots pierce her flesh slowly, tormenting her endlessly. She won\'t die, her body will mend itself, but the suffering will continue for eternity."

To Long Meihui, it felt like witnessing the cruelest punishment devised by the heavens.

Picture it - a body being pierced by countless sharp needles from all directions, inflicting relentless agony without end.

Long Meihui realizes that another angle beside Xia Tian\'s actions exist. There is no way her words would foolishly be believed by the Shen family.

Therefore, when the investigation team comes here, the screams coming from the tree will further confirm her words.

Unbeknownst to Long Meihui, that very tree would transform into a legendary tale of a vengeful druid, attacking any unfortunate souls passing nearby.

Even now, the air around the tree seemed to carry the echoes of those tortured screams, haunting all who dared venture close.

In the future, this macabre tree would be a prominent reason why the natives of Mystic Peak courageously avoided lingering near its vicinity, especially after nightfall.

Regardless of the situation, as Long Meihui evaluated the grave consequences of killing Feng Xiao and Zhao Xin, Xia Tian cunningly crept up behind her. The little girl in Long Meihui\'s arms desperately tried to warn her, but it was futile—the moment had already slipped away.

Xia Tian swiftly wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin seductively upon her shoulder.


Suddenly, a shiver ran down Long Meihui\'s spine as she trembled uncontrollably.

Her heart pounded in her chest as Xia Tian\'s hands began to explore near her abdomen, one slowly gliding down towards the depths of her hidden desires.

The anticipation sent waves of both fear and desire coursing through her body.

Her voice quivered with nervousness as Long Meihui asked, "Should I undress now?" Every inch of her body shook beneath his touch, her abdomen tingling with anticipation.

With deliberate intent, Xia Tian continued to ignite her senses, trailing his fingers along the sensitive skin just below her abdomen.

His voice dripped with playful taunting as he spoke, "You want to play in the open? I never thought you were this shameless, woman." Each word was accompanied by a mischievous squeeze of her waist, punctuating his teasing remarks.

Long Meihui couldn\'t help but grit her teeth, her breathing becoming labored with each passing second.

She truly didn\'t know how to communicate with him. His actions and words didn\'t align.

Suddenly, a shiver rippled through her entire body as she felt his hand slip down between the delicate gap of her thighs, lightly caressing the tender skin just above her womanhood.

With a bitter smile that masked her inner turmoil, Long Meihui managed to utter, "Could you at least let me find a safe place for her? She doesn\'t even comprehend these things yet." It was worth noting that she still cradled Xia Rouyan in her arms, the little girl innocently bewildered by why the usually composed woman\'s face had turned crimson.

Xia Tian chuckled, his gaze fixated on Xia Rouyan\'s wide, innocent eyes that stared back at him. "Then she should learn sooner rather than later," he retorted, mischievously. In a brazen move, he swiftly guided Xia Rouyan\'s head closer to him, testing the boundaries of her curiosity.

Confusion danced within Xia Rouyan\'s innocent eyes as they blinked in puzzlement, unaware of the significance of the situation.

Her cute, pink lips formed a slight pout, mirroring her innocent bewilderment.


When Xia Tian\'s large lips enveloped those cute small lips, he didn\'t just passively partake or engage in a mere act of passion. It was a burst of intense affection that surged through his body.

He pressed his lips against hers, savoring the softness and warmth. The sensation was accompanied by a delightful, soothing scent that emanated from her lips, a fragrance that filled his senses. As he kissed her tenderly on the lips and cheeks, he couldn\'t help but be overwhelmed by the sweet taste of her skin, so enticing that he found himself longing to devour this small piece of precious jade.

All of these breathtaking moments unfolded right beside Long Meihui\'s head, just above her shoulder, while she still held Xia Rouyan.

Long Meihui\'s jaw practically dropped to the ground in sheer astonishment, her voice catching in her throat as she tried to utter a response, "Y-Y-Y...."

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