
Chapter 237 Raid Destiny?

Chapter 237  Raid Destiny?

The thought of remaining in the city any longer filled him with dread.

This lady was no ordinary being; she was a fearsome monster.

As for the humble shopkeeper, he knew better than to face the wrath of the city lord. Better to flee and live another day than to tempt fate.

Irene made a bold decision to switch places, eager for a thrilling adventure.

However, as they found themselves transported to a new realm, a realm that seemed to exist in a time long forgotten, their excitement quickly turned to shock.

The ground trembled violently as if threatened by an unseen force.

*Rumble, Rumble!*

Irene let out a weary sigh, her wry smile fading. Her gaze fixated on a distant horizon, where colossal beasts of unimaginable size were ravaging the realm with their destructive might.

In a flash, they were transported yet again, leaving chaos behind them.

After what felt like an eternity, they found themselves back where they had started, each moment filled with uncertainty and frustration.

Irene, now sitting with a downcast expression, could feel the water slowly inching up her legs.

To her surprise, the water beneath her seemed solid, as if she were sitting on an impenetrable island amidst a vast sea.

Beside her, Xia Tian couldn\'t contain his laughter, delighting in her misfortune. He taunted her mercilessly, mocking her repeated failures to find peace in their unusual journey.

"Are you done laughing?" Irene sighed, her voice a mere whisper.

Xia Tian shook his head, his laughter still echoing through the air. "No, hahaha! First a volcano erupts, demolishing your hopes for a romantic date. Then, a civil war breaks out, turning the entire country into a battlefield... mmhaha!"

Embarrassment flushed Irene\'s face, her cheeks burning.

Confusion swirled within her.

Why were these calamities chasing them at every turn?

What did it all mean?

In a final act of frustration, she reached out and grasped Xia Tian\'s waist, seeking solace in his presence.

Leaning on him slightly, a dissatisfied look settled on her face.

"Let\'s go and raid Destiny, for it must be a deliberate attempt to spoil my day!" she proposed suddenly, determined to confront their mysterious tormentor.

Xia Tian chuckled, amused by her fiery determination. "Do you even know where she is?" he questioned.

Irene\'s once confident smile faded, uncertainty clouding her eyes. "I... I don\'t know," she confessed, her voice laced with an undeniable hint of embarrassment.

Xia Tian smiled faintly, sometimes he find her quite cute.

The inner urge to squeeze her to pulp was really great, but he still held his thought to himself, when it comes to his daughters.

As the eternal moon shone above the horizon, casting a silver glow over the serene lake, Irene\'s eyes widened with a sudden realization.

She leaned in closer to Xia Tian, her voice barely above a whisper, "You know, Tian, there\'s something enchantingly peculiar about this place." As she spoke, the once crystalline water before them rippled, revealing both of their reflections as if the lake itself held a secret to share.

Intrigued by her words, Xia Tian\'s gaze locked onto the shimmering surface. "What do you mean?" he inquired, eager to unravel the mystery that seemed to captivate Irene\'s mind.

A glimmer of fascination danced in her eyes as she leaned her head on his shoulder, seeking comfort in his presence. "It\'s astonishing how humans perceive gods and Immortals," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and contemplation.

"In the tales woven by the beings of the lower dimension, they often paint a mesmerizing picture where a mere \'Human\' takes on the role of mentor, guiding \'Gods\' and \'Immortals\' in matters of emotions and love."

Xia Tian pretended to raise an eyebrow in surprise, his curiosity piqued. "How can that be?" he pondered aloud. "Shouldn\'t they know that these celestial beings possess a profound understanding of human nature and emotions? They are far from the emotionless entities those stories depict."

A thoughtful smile tugged at the corners of Irene\'s lips as she continued, her voice hushed as if sharing a cherished secret. "Yes! These mortal beings have the audacity to play the role of wise tutors, imparting wisdom to gods about emotions they have long mastered beyond their comprehension."

In a burst of spontaneity, Irene kicked the water with her legs, like a carefree young girl reveling in the simple joys of life.

The playful splashes echoed across the lake, mingling with the soft whispers of the breeze. Her laughter danced on the air, an infectious melody that seemed to dissolve the weight of the profound discussions they had just shared.

However, the beauty of the scene around them seemed to fade as Irene\'s gaze turned inward, lost in the complexity of her thoughts.

Having explored the lower dimension alone, she had witnessed firsthand the various cultures of these seemingly powerless humans, leaving her utterly confounded by their stories and beliefs.

Xia Tian gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his eyes filled with amusement "Remember, don\'t take the words of mere humans to heart. They are skilled in the art of hypocrisy, building their society upon a foundation of lies," he said, his voice reassuring. "They speak of equality and justice, yet they twist their principles to suit the whims of their leaders. When confronted with their own contradictions, they retreat into flimsy excuses to defend their beliefs."

A wistful sigh escaped Xia Tian\'s lips as he gazed at the shimmering water. "It\'s as if they prefer to live in a world of illusion, where love is but one of the many fantasies they weave," he remarked, his voice carrying a mix of contemplation and sorrow.

"Their stories teach gods about emotions and love not out of ignorance, but rather to deceive these celestial beings, painting them as benevolent entities who care deeply for the humans. They yearn for a reason, a false justification to prove that their lack of control over their emotions is a virtue."

"It\'s a way for them to justify their vulnerabilities and their need for companionship, so that two insecure individuals can continue to coexist under the veil of lies.

"The truth is, both of them are not capable of surviving alone, as they are so deeply entrenched in their insecurities, seeking distractions from reality with creations like \'love\' and \'emotions,\' followed by the notion that \'God cares for us\' and the pursuit of various roles in their societies."

Xia Tian chuckled softly, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and empathy. "Oh, the irony of it all," he mused. "The very concept of gods is based on the delicate balance between good and evil, inevitably converging to neutrality. Yet, humans construct narratives to justify their insecurities, following religious codes penned by their own kind, as if gods need words on paper to assert their authority. It\'s a reflection of their vulnerabilities, and the weaker they are, the more profound their insecurities."

"In the vast expanse of the universe, do you know what the motive of any race is?" Xia Tian asked, his eyes seeking Irene\'s understanding.

Irene smiled and shook her head, intrigued by his question.

Xia Tian continued, "I believe the motive of any species is to become independent! The humans, as they cultivate, are just walking on that path. They function collectively as a species, eliminating any individual who poses a threat to the collective, labeling them as criminals or terrorists. On the other hand, those who contribute to the collective\'s survival and prosperity are hailed as heroes. All jobs are nothing but small roles to add to this collective society."

"However, at this very moment, they find themselves in a critical stage of distinguishing themselves from the collective and establishing their individual identities, which leads to a lot of chaos."

"As they continue on, one day, one of them might become strong enough to finally reach the void, successfully separating themselves from their species and gaining their individual identity."

"Chaos reigns during the time of conflict when they are still trying to differentiate themselves; many contrasting ideas breed in their minds. They are driven by selfishness at their cores but refuse to accept it due to the collective behavior, creating concepts such as \'humanity\' to justify it."

"Human beings would countinue to breed the ideas of stupidity for the sole purpose of not feeling stupid alone in the crowd. Hence, they promote emotion mismanagement, striving to make nervous wrecks the norm around them. They encourage the institution of marriage so that if everyone is insecure, they won\'t feel foolish in their own vulnerability of impending death. They also promote the idea of humanity to assert their superiority over others, while concealing the conflict in their minds between their core selfish behavior and collective behavior. In essence, they display the epitome of ignorance in the universe, and anyone daring to challenge their ideas is promptly branded as insane."

"Imagine someone confronting them, saying, \'God doesn\'t care about your praying; He is an omniscient being. Are you attempting to bribe Him? Pathetic! As for Good and Evil, why would God bother to punish that which He Himself allows to exist? You conveniently rather than questioning or seeking evidence to disprove their feelings. It\'s as if they are drawn to the comfort of their own change the definition based on your own interests. Killing terrorists becomes not evil, but killing someone else becomes evil? Who gave you the authority to play \'God\' and judge? Why would God want to increase His followers? Isn\'t it simply a ploy to promote your self-proclaimed agendas? To mold predictable masses and maintain better control?....\'

....Humans would always tend to seek confirmation of their beliefs and emotions, always looking for reasons to validate what they feel rather than questioning or seeking evidence to disprove their feelings. It\'s as if they are drawn to the comfort of their own emotions, willingly weaving a web of perceptions that align with what they want to feel."

He watched as Irene continued to playfully interact with the water, her laughter mingling with the soft sounds of nature. "And when they experience negative emotions, like anger," Xia Tian continued, "instead of trying to dissipate it, they often look for external factors to justify and amplify that emotion.... They would always seeks reasons to credit their feelings and never discredit them... How human..."

The whole place fell into complete silence as Xia Tian\'s words lingered in the air, with only Irene occasionally nodding in deep thought.

Irene never considered herself as human, nor did anyone here, they all have long surpassed the barriers and confines of species and have their individual identities.

Regardless, no matter how much time had passed, Xia Tian\'s knowledge never ceased to amaze her, and she found herself captivated by his profound insights.

"What a amusing conversation you guys are having," Suddenly another voice rang out, and it carried a musical quality that seemed to echo through the air, captivating all who heard it.

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