
Chapter 122 Answers

Hi guys, so you really hated the Brrada name, so without making the fuzz bigger, I will keep the Parada name, so from now on the name will be *The Parada family*


Laws are the most strange and mysterious existences in the world. Even after hundreds of thousands of years of studying these entities, humans still do not have any solid knowledge about them. All the big and small powers on the continent are willing to pay any possible price to understand the secrets of the laws. Queen Fozya and others also realize the importance of this knowledge. And they understand that if they could get even one new piece of information from Fray on these entities, the skill that Fray wants will be a very cheap price.

"Alright, Mr. Parada, if you answer our questions, we will give you the skill that you want." Queen Fozya said in a serious voice.

(Well, I\'ll remove the eyes on me and I\'ll get the skill, this is actually a good very deal) Fray thought before asking in a calm voice as he pointed to the knights, "Okay, but do you want me to talk with them here ?"

"They are all loyal to us. Don\'t worry. You can speak freely," Queen Fozya said in a confident voice.

" Then, what do you want to know?" Fray asked in a calm voice, without prolonging the conversation on the matter of the knights any longer.

"Well, can you tell us how you managed to figure out where the ritual sacrifices were?" Asiya asked, curious. while looking at Fray.

"...." Fozya Noelle, Alexander, Foran Hajar, and all the other attendees including Zina, all looked at Fray intently, waiting for his answer.

"Well, in fact, after the angel appointed me as an investigator, he temporarily gave me a skill called the Eye of the Unknown, which can analyze small pieces of information and, using an unknown method, can provide new clues for its host" Fray replied honestly.

"The Eye of the Unknown!? Is it one of the Seven Eyes of Wisdom?" Alexander asked with interest

"I not sure," Fray replied lightly

"So by using the Eye of the Unknown you were able to find the places of sacrifices," asked Queen Fozya

"Yes, by using a secret method I was able to communicate with my escorts who were waiting for me outside, asking them to collect the information that the Eye of the Unknown needed to be activated," Fray said with a serious expression.

"Wait!? The escorts who suffered from a psychological attack!? was that your doing?" Hajar asked in a surprised voice.

Actually that night the royal guards found the escorts that accompanied the guests in a very miserable state, as they were all unconscious with stiff and painful expressions on their faces, but for some reason the escorts, after waking up they couldn\'t remember what happened to them that night which confused everyone and created another hole in the case. Although the royal family had here suspicion they were never sure until now.

"Yes indeed, it was my servants\' doing," Fray answered truthfully with the same indifferent expression

"So you\'re saying that it was you who tortured our escorts that day? Do you know that because of that accident most of those escorts become traumatized and some of them are now suffering mentally? Couldn\'t you have found any other solution besides that?" the high Judge Philip said in an angry voice.

"Philip stop," Queen Fozya said in a cold voice

"I-I apologize your majesty." Phillip after hearing the queen\'s cold voice suddenly stopped talking with a blank face, as he realized that he really messed up.

Queen Fozya trying to move on said again wi a serious voice "Harsh conditions call for harsh solutions. Mr. Fray hasn\'t done anything wrong. In fact, Mr. Parada\'s plan was very good for the situation," said Queen Fozya in a calm voice.

(No, it\'s not just good but it\'s actually a genius plan. In such turbulent circumstances, he could think logically and without letting his feelings control him, he was able to come up with such a detailed plan. I wonder if I was in his place, would I can be able to come up with a such plan?) Asiya, who is known for her intelligence and her intellect, thought.

"So, Mr. Parada, can you tell us why the angel chose you as an investigator in the case?" Alexander asked

"No, I also don\'t know why he chose me," Frey replied in a calm voice

"Angels are not good communicators. It\'s natural for the angel to not explain why he chose you," said Her Majesty Queen Fozya. "But could you at least explain to us what privileges the angel gave you after choosing you?"

"According to what the letter announced, I had the right to give orders to the suspects and control the course of the investigation, but I didn\'t use these privileges much so I\'m not sure," Fray said in a calm voice.

"Giving orders to the suspects!? Does that mean you could have forced the guests to listen to your words?" said Foran, in an interested voice

"Yes, I think so," Fray replied lightly.

"Yes, I remember the angel said something like that night, but you never used that authority, Can you tell us why you didn\'t?" Noelle asked suddenly.

"Because I wasn\'t sure how to use it," Fray said

"..." Hajar looked at Fray\'s face with a strange expression for some reason unable to believe his words.

And in fact, Hajar\'s feeling was correct. Fray, of course, knows what will happen when that authority is used, but Fray also knows that this is not the last trial or the last angel experience on the human continent, and since he was not in a desperate state, of course, Fray will keep that hidden cart a secret for now.

Thus, Fray continued answering their questions calmly with half the truth. In the conversation, many important topics were discussed, such as the one that made Zina so uncomfortable, which is the topic of the first sacrifice that Fray solves on his own.

In fact, no one even suspected Zina, not only because she is too weak to be able to participate in the ritual, but in fact, they didn\'t even notice her absence on the day of the party, after all, it was a chaotic atmosphere that night, and Zina isn\'t a person that the others care for, in addition to that, one of the jobs of the curse formation is to blur the reality to hide the persons participating in the rituals from the angle and the guests.

Fray, of course, only told them that he got rid of the sacrifice, and he did not say any other information.

And the third important topic that was discussed was about the angel and about the reason that made him stand still without interfering, after all, he had many occasions to end the problem quickly, but for some reason, he did not do so, in this subject Fray himself was not sure, yes from the novel Fray has Some specific ideas as to why he didn\'t intervene but he\'s not sure exactly.

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