
Chapter 63 - Dinner With The Horsts

Amelia was confused by this turn of events as well. All indications her father had given prior to this day had been filled with grumpiness. And also numerous innuendos of the unfortunate incidents that awaited the one who dared to touch his little girl.

What was all this about admiring his work?

And what work exactly?

Ford was covered in cold sweats. \'Have I laid it on too thick? I was caught a little off guard\'

He gained a little more composure and let go of Hal\'s hand and smiled "Welcome to our abode, now don\'t just stand there, come on in"

Hal and Amelia shared a look and in that look, Hal could see that Ford\'s attitude was strange to her as well.

He shrugged mentally, as long as there was no ill intentions towards him, then all was well.

They walked out of the lounge and into the manor in full and Hal had to admire the architecture and space of the Horst residence that was a testament to a long history of being one of Salmon city\'s greatest.

Amelia linked her arm with Hal\'s as they walked side by side. When Hal looked at her out of the corner of his eye, he could see her slightly impatient visage that told him this dinner was not truly what was on her mind.

She seemed to be trying her best not to move too quickly but also seemed more invested in \'getting this over with\' than for him to actually meet her parents.

Then they were in the large dining room and on the dining table were numerous exotic meals that helped bolster the bodies strength and helped to ease the passing through of bottle necks in cultivation.

Hal would of course savor the taste but he would hardly feel any difference in body strength. The meal won\'t help his cultivation at all either.

He sat on the right side of the table and Amelia sat beside him, close to her father who had settled himself at the head of the table.

The way Ford Horst was smiling in his direction did not help Hal keep his cool.

\'Damn, that smile is Grotesque\' Grimiore commented with a whistle.

Hal nodded secretly in agreement. There was something about Ford\'s smile that did not seem natural.

*Click* *Clack*

The sound announced the arrival of someone else to the dinner table. She was Emily Horst.

If there was something Hal could use to describe Emily Horst in one word, that word would be \'Mysterious\'. It did not matter how he surveyed her, she seemed to be hiding something that went further than the ample assets she kept covered in her beautiful looking robe.

In looks, she and Amelia had a lot in common including their slightly gray eyes and long silky black hair and fair skin, but in Hal\'s most honest opinion, this was where the similarities ended.

While Amelia was a very beautiful lady with sizeable assets, she lacked her mother\'s raw sexuality. Just walking into the room was enough for Emily to instantly garner attention. To Hal\'s quite experienced eyes, Emily was not this way because of maturity, it was simply how she was.

She was brimming with sexual appeal.

Emily locked eyes with Hal the instant she was in the room and her lips curved into an enchanting smirk. Like there was a private joke they were both sharing. And while Hal would have sworn that he had never met her before, he felt like he should know the joke.

Amelia looked at how her mother and Hal shared a look and thought \'well at least that seems genuine, because Dad isn\'t fooling anyone\'

Ford watched the exchange as well and sighed with relief \'okay, it\'s all going well\'

"Hal Payne, I have heard so much about you" Emily smiled

"Good or bad?" Hal asked with a smile of his own

Emily shrugged "A matter of perspective"

Emily did not allow the exchange to become awkward and sat gently in the chair to Ford\'s right that happened to be on the left side of the table.

Soon there was another arrival of a brown haired burly youth that Hal easily recognized as the only member of the Horst family he had met prior to this day, Frank Horst.

Frank looked to him the moment he was in the room and his eyes widened slightly

"Oh, I know you. You were at Master Swanson\'s store. You\'re his apprentice" He said pointing a shaky finger at Hal.

Ford raised his brow slightly. This was probably the most Frank had spoken since the telling off.

"Yes I am, My name\'s Hal" Hal said and proffered his hand to Frank who shook it enthusiastically.

"I\'m Frank" he replied before he went to sit by his mother\'s side, most likely so he could look at Hal directly.

"Okay, since we are all here, let\'s eat" Ford announced as the servants came over to serve the meal.

"So, Hal, I-we don\'t know much about you" Ford began with the same unnatural smile

"No one does" Frank said quietly

"So, how about a thorough recap" Ford said in what would be a casual tone of voice

"Dad, he only just got here and you are already interrogating him" Amelia said with a deep sigh

"Oh really? Then how..." Ford began in a slightly aggressive tone but he cleared his throat after a quick look to his right after which he started again in a softer voice

"How much do you know about him?"

"I know he was hidden by his \'family\' all his life, then sold to a slavehouse where he survived getting poisoned and then he was bought by Melinda Dane and only started cultivating Two weeks ago"

Ford made an impressed look that Hal, who kept his head slightly down but kept using Astral perception to monitor the scene instantly knew was fake.

"Okay, dear, you seem to know quite a bit. but is that all" Ford asked

"It\'s all that\'s truly important" Amelia said in a tone of voice that made Ford drop the conversation. Even if only for now.

Prior to coming for this dinner, Hal already guessed that the whole thing had been Amelia\'s idea (Even though she refused to admit it), he just hadn\'t figured our her angle yet.

While they ate, Hal was aware of the fact that the two Horst males were occasionally casting glances at him. Ford\'s glances were always followed by a furtive glance towards Emily who for the most part acted oblivious with a natural expression.

Frank on the other hand seemed to be bursting to ask something...

"Um, Hal..." He began and Hal looked up at him


"Well, could you speak to Master Swanson for me?" Frank looked towards his mother but she seemed to have no intention of interfering, merely putting down her cutlery and placing her cheek on her left fist

Hal narrowed his eyes slightly "Why?"

"I want to become...his apprentice too"

Hal clasped his two hands "Well, why would you want to become the apprentice of a Rune master when you don\'t have Astral sense"

Frank sighed deeply "I can\'t tell you that"

\'Oh, a secret huh?\' Hal thought

\'It seems juicy. Are you going to try and find out what?\' Grimiore asked

Hal shrugged mentally \'I couldn\'t care less\'

To Frank he said "Okay, it\'s none of my business. However, if Master Swanson has rejected you in the past, I don\'t think he\'ll accept you now"

Frank\'s expression turned downcast but Hal ignored it and instead turned to his sister

"What? Do you want to ask me about it?" Amelia whispered

But Hal just shook his head and smiled.

Ford watched the two, dropped his cutlery picked up a glass of wine to take a sip

"Hal, what is your relationship with Melinda Dane?" Emily asked with a smile

"Is it not obvious?" Hal asked with slightly narrowed eyes

Emily shook her head slightly with the very same smile

"Well, she\'s my woman"


To the surprise of none, Ford spat out the wine in his mouth and finally his smile was gone as he stood up abruptly.

"Hal Payne, I would like to speak to you in my study" He said and walked away

"Very well" Hal smiled and made to follow but Amelia grabbed his arm

"Dad, what are you doing?" She asked in outrage but Hal released her tight grip, patted her hand and smiled in reassurance before he walked past Ford who had paused not because of his daughter, but to be absolutely sure Emily was not trying to get involved.

She wasn\'t.

In fact, for the most part, after her question had been answered, Emily once again became a staunch observer.

After a sigh of relief, he turned and saw Hal standing in the direction of his study with an impatient posture.

\'What is with that posture, it\'s almost as though I\'m the one about to be in a hot seat and not him\' Ford thought.

But how could he have known that what he thought was not entirely inaccurate.

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