
Chapter 108 - Scavenger Hunt. Part 2

Everyone turned to Alexander and his face went red from anger immediately.

What the heck?

Who walks into a gathering and immediately calls someone a pervert?

Besides, how could say it with a straight face when it was clear that HE was the pervert?

Alexander\'s gaze oo Hal was one of deep hatred that Hal found a little unsettling and out of place, considering they had only met twice.

Alexander was however thinking of when last they had met, during which time, for reasons still unknown, Hal had caused him to feel fear. 

Of course, Alexander was sure it was only because of his lingering thought at Hal\'s callous killing of his brother.

He had spent the last three days convincing himself that it was all psychological and he was back to normal now.

There was no way Hal could intimidate him.


Meanwhile, those in the crowd surveyed Hal. His clothes identified him as someone of status as opposed to a simple commoner, which explains why he could call an Edgar a pervert with only one female as a backup.

The part that still puzzled them was his identity. Surely someone of his looks and social standing would not be nameless.

Keep in mind that the Young generation had not being involved in the Auction which had been filled with the Adults instead.

Naturally, all males instantly hated his guts and it wasn\'t just that he had insulted a Great family scion which did not sit well with others from the Edgar family. It was because everything about him immediately made them insecure.

Hal could easily sense their envy and thanks to his Bloodline Advancement, he could feel it in a more literal sense and it only served to please his ego.

Those not from the Edgar family were able to push past those insecurities and appreciate his attack on a rival.

The Effeminate young man stepped away from his group and walked up to Hal who turned to face him as well, 

"He IS a pervert, isn\'t he?" He smiled at Hal who merely cooked his head in agreement but the young man was not done.

Stretching out his hand in a bid for a handshake, he introduced himself, 

"I\'m Leyton Fidwud, who might you be?" He asked in a polite tone that Hal saw through as fake instantly. Leyton was trying to source out the competition to know who exactly he was dealing with.

Hal grasped the hand in a firm handshake, 

"I\'m Hal Payne. Nice to meet you too" he said with a smile that was 100% genuine.

He did feel it was nice to meet him. After all, he had just made a fool of the Father three days prior. The son was a fresh... Prospect.

The moment Hal said his name, Leyton\'s smile froze and he tried to dislodge his hand from Hal\'s but the latter held it in a tight grip that seemed completely effortless.

Of course, it seemed Effortless because it WAS effortless. They were not in the same league of strength after all.

"Did he just say, Hal Payne?"

"Yes I believe he did"


Murmurs understandably broke out. No one had forgotten the event surrounding Rad Payne\'s death and the involvement of his brother who had not been heard of until that very day.

The eyes that now fell on him immediately became anxious. The art of killing was not something so gruesome in the Cultivating community. 

The issue lay in the fact that none of them had yet taken a life and the fact that a killer was in their midst was worth attention.

Eventually, Hal let Leyton\'s hand go and the poor guy stumbled due to the repulse of his pulling coupled with the sudden release. A few sniggers could be heard from the crowd.

"An outcast. You are not really a Payne and therefore not a Great Family scion" Alexander sneered and while the embarrassed Leyton did not like him on account of them being rivals, he had to agree.

Hal on the other hand chuckled, 

"You are mostly right but then again according to your Grandfather\'s order, everyone can compete, so what does that matter" 

He wound his arm around Marla\'s shoulder as he continued, 

"Besides, I\'m mostly here to spectate. Marla will be doing most of the ass-kicking"

At those words, attention was back on the dark-haired beauty who now smiled at them widely like a predator.

Leyton shrugged off his embarrassment and smiled at Hal with considerable effort, 

"Why don\'t you join the Fidwuds. It won\'t be wise to go off on your own. It\'s bound to get dangerous in there" 

He said with a not so subtle glance at the commoners. Who despite their numbers were not much compared to their upper-class opponents.

Hal smiled, 

"We\'ll be fine"

"Your funeral" Leyton said in an undertone that Hal heard and ignored.

Alexander sneered while he glanced once again from Hal to Marla.

Hal was about to caution him but Marla beat him to it, 

"You\'re still looking? Want me to gouge out your eyes?"

The words immediately caused the sneer to wipe off Alex\'s face as he doubled back while Hal chuckled.

"Welcome," said a loud voice that drew their attention to the boundary of Tretch forest where they could still hear the occasional growl of Demon beasts.

The one who had addressed them was none other than Darryl Edgar who remained the most healthy of the victims of the events Three days prior.

Marlon still lay on his sickbed, apparently too weak to stand but Hal knew the coward was faking and merely taking his sweet time to rest properly in preparation of his remarriage or more accurately, in preparation for re-consummation.

By Darryl\'s side was Hector\'s trusted man, Karon who would be in charge of the participants\' security.

Meanwhile, Darryl continued, 

"In a short while, you will be allowed to delve into this forest and brave it\'s many dangers so I will not do you any disservice by not telling you all you need to know. 

"For starters, the Salmon\'s lair has been reduced to rubble. Whether it was due to an altercation or simply it\'s own desire, we are not clear but the whole forest has been thoroughly searched and it is nowhere to be found so at the very least we are sure the forest is safe from it"

At this point, Darryl paused and allowed all murmurs and conversation both in whispers and carrying tones to die out before he continued, 

"That being said, the Forest, even free of the Salmon is still a danger on it\'s own. We have selected the least dangerous location for this competition. The Demon beasts here are not above your strength. At least not by too much. So unless you have a death wish, do not go into the Southside."

Human psychology dictates that humans are always drawn to where and what they are not allowed.

You tell a child, "Do not go in there" and he only becomes even more curious.

And that was exactly what Hal was. 


The tone of Darryl\'s voice was enough to warn those gathered not to seek out the southside. After all, they were here to prove they were the best among their peers and not to seek an end to their short lives.

\'What\'s in there\' he asked Darryl telepathically.

Darryl told him in detail, placing more emphasis to discourage him the more but the more he cautioned, the more curious Hal was.

Human Psychology.

Had never been more accurate.

It was not that Hal had a death wish. He just had certain insights that made him interested in the source of the southside distress.

Darryl continued with his speech, 

"A \'small\' section of the Northside has been littered with Rune tiles. One hundred of them to be precise. You will find them in different locations. A little hint: They are close to Demon beast lairs with some of them actually inside the lairs.

"To retrieve them you will most likely have to engage the Demon beasts. The moment you realize you can not handle them, step back and do not engage in a pointless struggle. Especially not one that can kill you"

Some commoners in the crowd secretly jubilated. 

Hal could tell they were hunters and must frequent the forest to hunt. He had to admit that their expertise would prove useful.

"The Rune Tiles can not be stored in spatial treasures and must be displayed on your person at all times," Darryl said and instantly caused slight confusion.

It was never stated that the tiles could not be seized, displaying them was stupid at best, unless...

"This brings us to the most important part of the competition. Searching for tiles can not prove you better than your peers. Tiles can be seized and are encouraged to be seized.

"And just so you know, each tile is worth 100 Gold coins. The one with the most tiles at the end of the competition wins and even if you don\'t hold the most amount, you can still exchange the ones you have for Gold."

Eyes widened all round.

The lure was not limited to commoners, all were tempted and Hal could see them already riled up and practically salivating to grab the tiles.

\'So they replaced a Salmon Hunt with a Scavenger hunt. What happened to good old fashioned dueling competitions? Very well if you want to give me even more of your money, I\'ll gladly accept. I am, after all, a generous man first and foremost\'

Darryl could see the salivation as well,

"The competition will end at Sundown. Begin!"

The crowd instantly dashed in as fast as they could, Alexander did not bother trying to catch his father\'s eye cause he knew it was of no importance. His father valued fairplay the most.

Soon Hal and Marla were the only ones left outside of the Tretch forest.

Hal turned to her,

"Shall we?"

She smiled in reply,

"We shall"

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