
Chapter 350 - Abstract And Elemental Part 2

Outside of the mind space, Hal looked sideways to see Melinda had taken advantage of his brief (as his conversations with Grimoire always tended to be to those not participating) silence to begin refining the essence he had spilled into her.

Essence that was rich with tempered Blue gem energy.

She was cross-legged and her eyes were shut in concentration.

Then Hal went cross-legged and began to attempt to sense an Ordinance in the Harem space.

Even as he began his attempt, he knew it to be a little bit silly as he had no idea what to actually sense for. Closing his eyes and screaming Ordinance in his head did not look like it would bear fruits.

Grimoire, however, gave him instructions which mostly hinged on him keeping his mind open and his senses keen. He needed to listen to the invisible forces in the atmosphere and let them drive him but not overpower him.

And try to overpower him they would.

Because while Hal took them with levity as he did not truly understand then just yet and neither did he know of the role they would play in his life in the future, this were as they had been advertised;

The true dictators of World order.

The history of the Abstract and Elemental Ordinances even went further than what most Gods were aware of and was intricately tied to the way the three realms (mortal, Cosmic, and Nether, especially the first two) were now.

It was intricately tied to why the Mortal realm Hal was from completely lacked the ability to hold Coemic energy for those living in it to cultivate.

It was intricately tied to why the Cosmic realm was mow divided into the won\'t of neglected worlds and the Paradise of the Gods.

It was tied to everything...

Anyway, Hal would do well to at least take them semi-seriously. It would not be enough but it would still be something.

He was to go with the current but not let it wash him away.

Clearing his mind was easy as it was a discipline any runemaster would have once they had a good enough grasp on their mind space and Astral perception.

Soon, he could \'feel\' it. Or more accurately, he could \'feel\' them for they were many.

He could feel what he felt must be space and he could also feel what he felt must be time as both were the most predominant and he felt it was because of the Time Warping array and the very nature of the Harem space which was a dimension created with a knowledge of space ordinance.

And then there were more that he could feel. They were not as predominant as those two Abstract ordinances but they were present enough to make it impossible for him to concentrate.

Hal decided upon another approach which was to be completely focused on one particular ordinance as he now felt he had a clear view of what it was he was sensing for which was obviously one of the two Abstract Ordinances.

\'You\'re being too ambitious. There is a reason Abstract ordinances are the most powerful and it hinges a tiny bit on the fact that they are hard to gain insight into.\' Grimoire said.

However, it no longer needed to inform Hal as the blue-eyed Devil was already finding it all out the hard way.

Hal decided to switch to one of the Elemental ordinances but even that proved impossible to do.

\'It won\'t matter how hard you try, you will not be able to gain insight.\' Grimoire told him.

"Is it my cultivation?" Hal asked because he refused to believe it was due to him being incapable.

\'No, it\'s not. I mean below the Phenomenon realm, no cultivator should even attempt to gain insight into an Ordinance. The monument of Ordinances will not even admit them.

But you are well past that level of restriction.

The issue lies with the Ordinances themselves and how like I said before, nigh impossible it is to gain insight if you don\'t find locations extremely dense with a particular Ordinance.

Believe it or not but it is actually easier within the space. Because here, time and space are quite dense, just not dense enough.\' Grimoire explained.

Hal shrugged, 

"So what\'s the deal with the monument of Ordinances. I mean from its name, it can be assumed that there are numerous ordinances within it. How can it be that it still makes it easy to sense and gain insight to them?" Hal asked.

And Grimoire began his informative explanation;

\'The monument of Ordinances holds an infinite number of ordinances by which I mean that it holds all Ordinances. Elemental and Abstract. However, it does a sort of scan for all those who enter it and determines which ordinances they have an affinity with.

It also determines their aptitude in which case, if it is high, the possibility of an Abstract ordinance is high and if low, the possibility of an Elemental Ordinance is higher.

It is actually rare to see someone have an aptitude for Abstract ordinances this early.\'

Hal narrowed his eyes, 

"This early?"

\'Oh yes. You see, there is nothing wrong with gaining an insight into an Elemental ordinance while still mortal as that grants the chance to ascend to godhood and once you become a god, you have a lot of time to gain insight into an Abstract ordinance.

So elemental is good enough for now.

Seeing a mortal gaining insight into an Abstract Ordinance is not only rare, but it\'s also a blessing to that person and their family.

Not only in this world but even in Paradise.\'

(Paradise is what the area of the Cosmic realm the gods reside is called. It was mentioned in an earlier chapter).

The most notable gods who have gained considerable proficiency in Abstract Ordinances are the Primeval gods. Your mother included.\' 

"So Isabella..." Hal began but Grimoire interrupted.

\'... is a genius. The same I suspect can probably be said of the Haron emperor and certain others on this continent.

Anyway, the Monument determines your affinity and aptitude and then manipulates space to give you ample room to be alone with the Ordinances it chooses to be perfect for you while keeping all others out.

There, you have no distractions and will be able to be completely focused to gain insight. 

It\'s a wonderful opportunity especially since it does not offer limitations in the number of those it allows entry.

However, not all those who enter the monument are able to gain insight during the days it remains open which is usually one month. In fact, out of one hundred percent of entries, only thirty or even less actually succeed.\'

Hal\'s eyes widened slightly as he understood what Grimoire was trying to say; gaining insight into an ordinance is incredibly difficult and success is not guaranteed just because you enter the monument.

Not to mention that there was another major issue which was the inevitable clashing of Haronians and Dystopians.

In fact, Hal was sure the monument was a constant site of violence and an opportunity for both continents to reduce the number of talented youngsters their enemies had.

Cruel as it was, Hal could see and understand the appeal. After all, whatever power was gained in the monument would eventually be used against their opponents in future wars.

Hal sighed and even though he said nothing, Grimoire understood why he was melancholic which did not go past the fact that there were more than Four thousand more years to wait until the opening of the Monument again.

Otherwise, he would have to search for an alternative as it was completely impossible to open the monument before its time.

No mortal no matter how powerful had ever been able to put a dent in the magnificent structure that it was and Hal was not putting his hopes on something that seemed so far-fetched.

However, the monument was not the only place where he could sense and gain insight into an Ordinance. He could simply search for locations that were dense in a particular Ordinance and make use of that sight.

Although this venture was a long shot, Hal felt he had a high chance of at the very least getting it done before the Monument opened again in thousands of years.

"So if gaining insight into an Ordinance is one of the important elements of godhood, what are the others?" Hal asked.

\'The second is Bloodline. To attempt ascension, you need to possess a divine Bloodline and that can be gotten in two ways.

The first is that you are born with it or inherit it from a godly parent like you have and the second is only possible for a Demi-god which is to synthesize the already existing bloodline drop by drop. The lower the status was, to begin with, the harder it is to synthesize.

The third is the most tricky and actually only refers to the first to become a god of a World devoid of gods such as the Nexus World and other worlds in the Ring of Neglected worlds,

The third element is Faith..."

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