
Chapter 363 - Ordinance Harnessing.

For a few seconds after those \'welcoming\' words, there was silence and even without the two saying a word to each other, there was an air of familiarity between them.

Tanya never looked away from her mirror as she brushed her hair that actually needed no grooming.

"I have to tell you, I was a little surprised when my perception picked you up. To what do I owe this... Pleasure?" She asked as she dropped the brush and turned in her chair to look at Elsa with what was clearly a false smile on her face.

"Well, I was in the neighborhood and thought I would drop by and say hello" Elsa said.

Tanya\'s eyes narrowed, 

"And how exactly did you know I was here? While I am not exactly worried enough to lay out protective runes, I still laid enough to block any form of perception." She said.

Instead of answering, Elsa took a deep breath, 

"It\'s been so long since we last met. Sixty years in fact. That\'s a long time to go by without actually sending a message or asking after an old friend" she said and glared at Tanya who chuckled.

"It is indeed a long time without contact with an \'Old friend\' but who says I have to be the one to make the first move in a long road to reconnection. If I remember correctly, you were the one who left." She said and while she was piling, there was a bit of anger to be seen in her eyes.

Elsa shrugged, 

"A difference in opinion" she said.

"No, it was jealousy. Jealousy that even with all the support and resources that were poured into you by your family back in Doxon, you could not make their one wish come true; Become better than the member of the Imperial family you were unfortunate to share a Generation with"

Elsa\'s lips tightened and without taking a single step, a repelling force was released from her form. A force much stronger than the one she had used against Ehrlich and was targeting the only other living being in the room with her.

Right before the repulse, which could be seen to be causing an actual physical phenomenon, touched Tanya, the Princess seemed to vanish from her seat which was reduced to dust and materialized on the bed.

The Ordinance Of Force.

The Ordinance of Speed.

Seated on her bed, Tanya twirled a lock of hair in her hand and rolled her eyes at Elsa who was now facing her, 

"Going right for the attack. Really \'mature\' of you. Even at the academy, you could never settle for less... Provocative measures."

Elsa smirked, 

"I never heard you complain. On the contrary, you loved it."

Tanya paused and then, a wide smile spread over her face and she withdrew a little circular disk with Runes etched on it, 

"Fifteen Minutes and you only make use of the Ordinance of Force while I will stick only to the Ordinance of speed. Neither of us is allowed to make use of any of the other Ordinances we are privy to"

"Fifteen minutes..."

Elsa nodded and did what looked like a pre-battle warm-up, complete with the cracking of her knuckles, 

"I doubt it would take that long" she said.

Tanya rolled her eyes and tossed the disk on the ground, where it expanded and released a vast amount of Astral energy as the runes left the Disk and spun in the air and morphed the room into a space of finite void in the sense that it had boundaries.

It was empty and not unlike the void that exists between two teleportation circles. 

The Disk was a void disk which was quite difficult to make and contained a time limit as it was not yet a true artifact and was not lasting. Its use involved morphing space into a void where two or more opponents could battle without worrying about damaging anything or the area around them.

This particular disk would only afford the two ladies Fifteen minutes before things were reverted to how they were supposed to be.

Immediately the morphing was complete, Tanya slammed her palms together and spread them to showcase a glowing green hexagram which she cast at Elsa.

The spell which had been cast with Tanya\'s bloodline energy was aided along by her ordinance of speed which made it impossible to evade. But Elsa did not wish to evade it.

She saw no need to.

Instead, she instinctively surrounded herself with her Forceful ordinance which acted as a repelling shield around her. It was not enough to completely block the spell but it had successfully stripped the spell of the Ordinance of speed that had been aiding it along.

While that in no way made the spell less potent, it gave Elsa the precious time she needed to cast a 7th-grade defensive skill which canceled out the spell... Or so she thought.

What she had not known was how the whole thing with the ordinance of speed and the Bloodline spell had been to take away attention from an insidious attack. One in the form of a blast of semi-saint energy...



So loud and explosive was the blast that had resulted from Elsa partially being able to block the semi saint energy, that had it not been for the void disk, the entire restaurant would have been destroyed.

And these were still mostly probing shots. The type that could be observed among sparring friends.

Such was the level of power and damage that resided within Semi-saints.

Especially between these two geniuses.

"Nnggh" Elsa groaned and looked up at the smug smiling face of her opponent, 

"You\'re at the Mid-stage of the Semi-Saint Realm" Elsa said and it was not a question but a statement of fact from what she had felt from the blast of Semi-saint energy and how much impact it had on her despite getting partially blocked.

"Humph. What, so you think I spent the last sixty years missing you and not improving myself? That you remain at the Early stage proves what you have always been reluctant to accept. That I Am Better Than You."

At first, Elsa seemed speechless, and then she burst out laughing, 

"Hahaha hahaha. Oh, you Fool!" With that she let out what it was she had been hiding in the form of a manifestation of her Forceful Ordinance.

Tanya\'s eyes widened, 

"Ordinance Harnessing... Impossible" she mumbled.

The stages of Ordinance mastery went as follows; Insight, Harnessing, Incarnation, and Finally Paragon.

It was understandable that Tanya did not want to believe what she herself could sense. Cultivating to the mid-stage as she had, she could still believe, but to actually comprehend an ordinance to Harnessing in a matter of sixty years was quite frankly unfathomable to her.

"I didn\'t waste the past Sixty years. I just focussed on something more... Challenging" Elsa said with a grin before the circle of Her Forceful Ordinance Harnessing spread towards Tanya who made the mistake of attempting to outrun it with her Ordinance insight.

Effortlessly, almost as though all of her Ordinance based abilities were rendered useless, the Forceful Ordinance pulled her right back towards Elsa whose fist was pulled back with a wide smile as she prepared to deliver her blow powered with not just her cultivation base, Semi-Saint energy but also her Ordinance Of Force...

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