
Chapter 392 - Two To Twenty.

Hal was still drilling into the two and mulling over their pledges when the first truly unwanted interruption showed up.

Felix stood at the doorway and his look of shock was almost identical to that of his wife\'s when she had seen what was going on and what really made the difference is that Julie slowly went front shock to interested while Felix\'s face went from shock to horror.

He did not know what to say.

And how could he?

Was he supposed to ask what the hell was going on? 

That would be redundant ad he could clearly see what was going on.

Was he supposed to say stop?

Well, he could try that and it might actually have an effect but then again,  it had already gone on this long, so what difference would him asking them to stop make?

And finally, why the hell was he still standing there?

Well, that was entirely the fault of his body that was no longer reacting to commands and was completely rooted to the spot.

And then he heard the sounds of quick footsteps and before he could even process whoever it was, he was pushed aside and the new arrival stood at the doorway but was not frozen...

"H-h-how dare you?!" He bellowed at Hal who did not stop putting thrusting but did raise a hand in acknowledgment of the Mayor\'s presence in the room, 

"Hold on. I\'m still a little busy. We can speak on your anger and frustration when I am done" he said with a smug smile on his handsome face.

At first, the Mayor blanked and then took a step towards him while his wife remained oblivious to his presence as she moaned, 

"Oh yes, Hal. Fuck me more. More, I want more" 

And more was what Hal gave her.

The Mayor\'s face went red, 

"Why you little..." He began to say and charged a cosmic attack but Hal snapped his fingers and royal blue Runes suddenly shone on the ground where the Mayor and Felix were on.

The Mayor\'s eyes widened and he attempted to keep away from it because no in-depth knowledge of Runes was required to know that this was dangerous and needed to be avoided.

However, he was far from fast enough as the Runes morphed into a spherical orb that enveloped him and his son-in-law.

In anger and desperation to be out of the sphere as fast as he could, the Mayor let loose the cosmic attack he had charged but it failed to destroy the orb.

Of course he did not give up and attacked with even more of his cosmic attacks but there was barely an effect.

Meanwhile, now that he had achieved his aim of luring the mayor to the room with the loud moans of his wife and daughter, Hal took the ladies into the Harem space and took his sweet time with them.

It would take the Mayor at least Two hours in the Orb before he could truly make his escape, not because the Rune Orb was so strong, but because Hal had taken his time to not put down one trap layout but multiple layouts that would always replace the one the Mayor had previously broken through.

Those two hours translated into Twenty in the Harem space. Twenty hours that was more than enough for the ladies to come out of their comatose state and refine Hal\'s essence in line with the cultivation Technique he had given them.

He did not wish to take them with him.

First, he could see that they were far from ready to leave this place behind even though they had pledged devotion to him and second, Hal himself was not entirely ready to add to the Twenty plus women already residing in the Harem space.

So he decided on a compromise.

He was still going to rob the Mayor of all he had but why stop there...

Two normal hours later, 


The Mayor finally freed himself from the Rune orb and looking even angrier than before.

Felix was now lying on the floor unconscious from what Hal was sure was collateral damage that resulted from the Mayor\'s battle with the Orb.

The first person the Mayor saw upon his exit was Hal who sat on the bed, fully clothed and with his legs crossed.

Having the guts to not make an escape during the time the Mayor was locked away in the Orb.

"So glad you could finally break out. You took much longer than I thought. It seems I might have overestimated you." Hal said with a shake of his head.

"Where is Bertha?" The mayor asked in a deep voice while he took another look around the room but both his wife and daughter were nowhere to be found.

Hal shrugged, 

"That\'s none of your business, at least for now" he said with a smile. It seemed as though he was having a rational conversation with an acquaintance as opposed to someone who wished to kill him.

"How dare you? Who are you to tell me what is my business and what is not? I invite you into my home, I tolerated your insults and you FUCK MY WIFE?" He bellowed the last part.

"Multiple times" Hal added.

"What?" The mayor was a little confused and Hal shook his head at his dimwittedness, 

"I said I fucked her multiple times. I quite enjoyed it too." He clarified 

And then a blast of Cosmic attack pelted right towards him but he was able to evade it and it hit the wall behind him or at least it was going to hit the wall but was intercepted by the Array Dome Hal had prepared before the Mayor\'s exit out of the Rune Orb and only just activated.

The attack however did not remain in place but instead ricocheted off the Array and directly towards the Mayor who canceled it out with another cosmic attack.

"You should be careful where you toss that thing, Bradley" Hal said, having learned the Mayor\'s name from Bertha. 

Then the Mayor frowned deeply, 

"This nonsense again?" He asked casting a quick look at his feet to see the Array was protecting the ground as well.

Hal nodded, 

"Oh yes, it will keep our battle contained and I know what not to do since it is my creation while I am sure you will occasionally forget" he said and summoned his Cosmic armament.

The Mayor summoned his sword Cosmic armament and took on a battle stance before dashing towards Hal with speed that Hal admitted surpassed Red Beard\'s.

Relying on his instincts since he could not hope to follow Bradley\'s path with his eyes, Hal was able to raise his sword just in time to parry the Mayor\'s strike.

Or more accurately, he attempted to parry but they ended up in a stalemate on account of the Mayor being much stronger than he was physically.

And then he actually began to push Hal back.

Hal smiled and his eyes brightened, 

So this was the difference between battling with a late-stage Cosmic phenomenon realm expert and battling with a peak-stage Cosmic Phenomenon realm expert? 

Bradley was indeed a league above.

Only Red Beard\'s fire ordinance had even a chance at victory against this might.

Of course, even without an Ordinance of his own, Hal had other means of bridging the gap quite nicely and that was announced with his iris shifting from Sapphire Blue to Fiendish red...

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