
Chapter 480 - The Silver Moon Sect.

How could Tanya not ask the question?

How could she not ask it as the back of her hand which  Hal was touching was radiating such pleasure all around her body and already causing her inner thighs to moisten?

How could she not ask when she now felt like she was a Lamb and Hal was a wolf quite ready to eat her up?

Cliche as that would probably sound, that was how Tanya felt and Hal was very much aware.

How dare she attempt to tease him? 

Clearly, she had no idea who she was dealing with.

Suddenly Hal pulled her hand off his thigh and held it even tighter before he used it to pull Tanya towards himself.

Transitioning into a position where his back was against the sofa\'s hand rest and he had Tanya\'s back pressed against his chest.

Now he could look down and see the dip of cleavage between the high peaks on her chest.

He could look and enjoy to his heart\'s content as Tanya was not protesting anytime soon.

Why wasn\'t she?

Well, when they transitioned into this position, Hal\'s hands were now on her arms. Touching her smooth and creamy skin and running up and down those arms with his hands charged with {Erogenous Touch}.

So charged in fact that Tanya moaned and leaned against him even more.

The only other person in the room was the attendant and it was clear from her frown that she felt Hal was doing something dubious.

She was right of course but when she made to move, Tanya disentangled herself from Hal and put a lot of distance between them as she was now at the other side of the sofa.

A quick flick of her wrist and she pulled out a piece of clothing which she used to cover herself up.

It was more symbolic than anything and it symbolized the end of her attempt at active seduction.

Not just because she was not good at it but also because she was facing a master in the art. She wondered what would be the result if Elsa, who was the most seductive person she knew, clashed with Hal who was definitely no slouch.

Even now that Hal was no longer touching her, she could still feel tingly.

She could not help but wonder if, in her attempt to seduce him, she had not actually burned herself.

Her body craved his touch and was making her crave it more than anything she had ever wanted,

That\'s right.

It was making her crave his touch more than the accomplishment of her goals.

She shook her head and the action while having no direct effect on the calming of her thoughts and body did aid her in regaining control.

Once she was sure she had regained enough control of herself, she finally raised her head to Hal, whose Sapphire blue eyes still drew her in, and said in a calm tone of voice, 

"This mission... I want you to undertake it. Saying No is not an option" she said with a frown.

Her tone was no longer sweet with a touch of ensnarement, now it was dangerous.

Quite like how a Cosmic Semi-saint expert was supposed to speak to a Cosmic phenomenon realm junior.

Hal\'s smile remained, 

"My answer hasn\'t changed. And don\'t threaten me, you can\'t kill me" He said.

Tanya paused at the confidence in his voice,

\'What sort of backings could you have? What makes you think you are untouchable?\' She thought and then a woman came to mind.

A woman with long black hair and sapphire blue eyes. A face that was a tad bit similar to that of the young man sitting right in front of her with the similarity easy to notice once you know it\'s there.

She thought of the Blue-eyed witch, a woman she never wished to cross for more reasons than just the reputation the Doxon Duchess had built up.

Tanya was never one to follow the hype. But she knew, in this case, the hype was warranted.

"Okay then, you really want to know what the map leads to, I\'ll tell you" she said and Hal\'s eyes widened. 

He was ready to stick to his guns but he had not expected Tanya to give in. Was she really that stuck on the idea of him going on this mission?

Was it really something she could not entrust Ehrlich to do?

Tanya continued,

"You should know though, that if the legends are true and you attempt to seek it out, you will experience the worse of deaths. The fresh ripped-off bones kind of death. Absolutely horrifying." 

"Is that so?" Hal asked with widened eyes and he let his skepticism show.

"Yes, it is" Tanya replied.

And then she began;

Apparently, the map had been drawn by the First Emperor of the Haron continent to lead a worthy descendant to the secret to his success. The secret to how he had been successful in laying down the legacy of their Haron reign and the dominance they all now enjoy.

The Map led to a Nexus stone.

Or more accurately, it led to a secret vault belonging to the first Emperor and while containing much riches also contains the Nexus stone.

No one knew exactly how it worked but the little they knew through the legends said the one who could wield the Nexus stone would have unrivaled control over the continent.

However, the legend also claimed that anyone who did not possess Haron blood and wields the Nexus stone would suffer the worst of deaths. The flesh ripped off the bones sort of death.

"The map does not lead in the standard manner, it\'s more like a puzzle. And this would explain why most have been able to understand it." Tanya said.

"But you do" Hal noted and Tanya let a smile play in her lips briefly before quickly composing herself, 

"Yes, I do. But while most gave truly seem unable to understand it, there are surely those who can. Which is where it gets tricky. Understanding the map does not mean you will surely find the vault because it just leads to another clue in the puzzle.

For the past two months, I have toiled to find the clue which happened to not be where the map claimed it would be due to changing terrain of the Haron continent over hundreds of thousands of years."

\'Well, that\'s to be expected. If it is as flimsy as a piece of parchment like this map, then it is sure to have changed hands since it was kept.\' Hal thought.

Tanya continued, 

"I now know where it is and it is not at the kind of location anyone can ever attempt to rob. Or attack. This is not only because there are powerful experts there and is not only because once caught, the culprit will be punished by the Emperor himself, 

The real reason no one will ever attempt to rob this place I am talking about is because it\'s a sect chuck full of diviners." Tanya said.

Her tone was normal. Neutral. But even then, the impact of her words caused a dense silence to descend and bear heavily in the room...


... At least that was how it was before Hal burst into laughter.

"Really? You are actually talking about a place full of fortune tellers?" He asked and his tone showed how ludicrous he saw it all.

Tanya frowned, 

"Not fortune tellers, Diviners. And not just a \'place\', it\'s a sect. The Silver moon sect. Known to only accept females because they are the purest of all mankind."

\'Bullcrap\' Hal thought but said nothing.

Tanya continued, 

"The moment any ill will, be it robbery, murder, or just plain perversion is directed towards them, they will know. And they will be so locked down, any attempt at robbing the place will prove useless.

Any attempt at concealing oneself will also be rendered void as they would know of such an attempt even before it happens. In matters that involve their security as individual members or as a sect, they always know beforehand.

Even if you go in there with a clean mind in an attempt to change your mind on the fly once inside their walls and they can no longer react fast enough, it\'s pointless because they are sure to already know your plans beforehand.

No one has ever found a loophole in their system and many have stopped trying.

That\'s where I need you to go.

I need you to go to the Silver moon sect and get me the next piece of the puzzle."

Hal furrowed his brows, 

"But you\'ve made it clear that I cannot steal it. How then, do you expect me to get it?" Hal asked.

Tanya shrugged, 

"How else? Charm"

"What?" Hal asked with a mild chuckle.

"You heard me, I said use your charm. Since you can\'t steal it, then go in there with the intention to charm your way to the piece of the puzzle.

I\'ll give you my Imperial seal and it will get you through the gates. Especially if your intentions at only getting the piece of the puzzle are all you have in mind.

However, I have to warn you, once inside the sect, no one can protect you. No powerful background will save you if you cross them and you could very well lose your life if you offend them.

All things in the Silver moon sect happen according to the wishes and whims of their sect head and from what I have heard, she can be very vicious...."

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