
Chapter 560 - Emily The Tomb Raider. Part 2

Hal raised his brow, 

"Tomb raiding?" The question came out with much more surprise than he had actually wanted to put in but it was mainly because he had never thought Emily to be interested in such.

Emily nodded with a smile, 

"Oh yes. How better to get rid of the boredom I feel in your absence than to desecrate the final resting place of a cosmic saint who died hundreds of millennia ago" she said with such a bright and cheery tone and expression that one could very well think she was being sarcastic.

But Hal knew that was not the case.

Emily was bright and cheery because that was actually what she thought of the prospect of violating a tomb.

"There is always a lot to acquire in the tomb of such selfish people and they can prove helpful for me personally as well as my sect in general." She said.

Now Hal raised his head off her laps to smile at her, 

"Selfish?" He asked with a tone that held a bit of curiosity to how Emily had decided to describe the one in the tomb without actually knowing who said person was.

At least, he guessed she did not know who was in the tomb.

Emily nodded,

"Oh yes. No one dies right now, whether by reaching the end of their lifetime or by dying from unnatural courses and locks up what they have in a tomb out of reach of everyone.

They leave whatever they have as a legacy for those to come.

I\'m not saying I am against selfishness cause I am not. Not really.

Not everyone feels Camaraderie with their family or friends.

Many walk the path of cultivation as it probably should be walked; Alone... Well, alone with their partner in the case of us Dual cultivators." She said.

Hal could see what she meant by that and smiled to himself when he realized that by this definition, the first emperor had been selfish as well. Having a vault he kept away from his family and stored the most precious of all he had; The Nexus stone.

Sure he had left behind a map to lead to the stone and had also handed down a story that was actually a true story of sorts disguised as more of a legend but in all honesty, he must have been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, and his descendants are yet to find it. 

The one who was searching earnestly for it was right now left stumped trying to figure out the map to the pieces of an orb she chose to believe was not a complete waste of time.

"Have you ever done this before?" Hal asked Emily who shrugged with a smile, 

"Twice. But both times had mostly been a test of prowess and the owners of the tombs, as well as the securities outside and within the tomb, were nothing too extravagant.

At least not too much that youngsters, as I was back then, like me could not handle once we buckled down and really went all out. 

And as this tomb is said to be the final resting place of a Cosmic saint, there is so much more to gain" she said.

"Were you planning to go alone?" Hal asked. 

"Not exactly. I can have my pick of experts in the Sensual palace to take with me to face the dangers of the tomb. Also, either one of Andrei or Dimitri volunteered as well. Both can\'t come along though as father wants a son to remain in the sect with him.

Why? Do you want to come along?" Emily asked and Hal grinned.

"Do you even have to ask? Of course, I want to come along. I wouldn\'t miss it" he said.

Emily nodded with a smile, 

"Okay then. We head there tomorrow"

A brief moment of silence passed in which the two just enjoyed each other\'s presence before Hal then said, 

"So how has it felt, with Amelia gone most of the time" he asked as he put his head back on her laps.

Ever since Hal left the Duchy, Amelia had become even more of a member of the Sensual palace. Now going about her business as a disciple with her clique that comprised of Jelena and Vanya (her Antonov cousins) as well as Delaney.

Apparently, they were now tagged as untouchables.

The ones to admire from afar but never dare to get close to.

They were apparently taking the sect by storm.

Establishing a visage of a dominant group that every young lady in the sect wished to be a part of.

Emily chuckled, 

"How is it supposed to feel? I feel proud. It\'s not the first time Amelia has been away from me and she is not even actually away. She is still in the same environment as me. Just spends more time with her clique than with her mother.

She is now independent... I like that" she said and continued stroking Hal\'s hair.

"Good... I like that you like that"

Another brief moment of silence that the Antonov woman decided to break,

"You\'ve been talking so much that I wonder if you think a conversation is all I require from you during this reunion" Emily said. Hal sat up and looked over at her with a smile, 

"It\'s words like that that makes me think you don\'t know me at all" he said before pulling her closer to mash their lips together in a passionate kiss that had the woman grabbing hold on to him even tighter to better indulge in the said kiss.

The doors of the lounge were closed and with the abysmal amount of guards in the residence, Emily had no thoughts that they would be interrupted and saw no reason to take the quickly heating up session anywhere else.

At least not for now.

Hal for his part merely informed the dueling and practicing ladies on the outside to not allow for any interruptions which they were all more than glad to do.

Emily deserved the hot and steamy reunion she wanted.

When they separated, Hal pulled her shirt open to reveal even more of her neck since Emily was dressed elegantly but quite well covered up.

He dipped his head and kissed her neck while reaching his hand into her dress to grab hold of her breast and knead it while Emily\'s hand held his head harder against her to increase the pressure of the kisses...

... While she thrust her chest forward into his hand.

While he kissed her neck, a kiss that quickly turned into a suckle the longer it went on, Hal grabbed her nipple and pinched it as hard as he could and the result was a clamping of Emily\'s thighs in a hopeless bid to stop her pussy juices from leaking out.

"Mnnghhh" Emily groaned.

She really missed this and knew Hal could feel her enthusiasm much more than she could possibly express in words.

While one hand kneaded her breast and his mouth left her her neck to take hold of her mouth again, Hal\'s other hand went down to her clamped thighs, where he pulled up her skirt or tore it open (Emily was not sure and did not care as her entire mind focus, even body focus for that matter, was on the pleasure she was feeling) and one touch later, Emily spread her thighs apart to allow her man access to her snatch.

To do with it as he pleased.

And to surprise her with immense pleasure as he always found a way to do.

And indeed, Hal did not dilly dally one bit with his fingers going straight past her underwear to her plump pussy lips where he began his teasing.

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