
Chapter 649 Six Years...

Needless to say, both Boba and Pooky were surprised by what Valerie had been able to do and wondered how she had been able to do it.

Valerie enjoyed their confusion and could not stop herself from rubbing it in their faces,

"Thie is MY mind. I mean all this is happening inside someone else\'s mental space but the valley, this battle is all possible because of my mind so, of course, I have a certain level of control over it" she said and stretched her hand to call her Warhammer back into her hand.

What she had done was simply take control of the environment that only existed because of her mind and repeat an action that had already happened.

She threw her Warhammer, Pooky dodged it so she simply had the event (the throwing of the hammer) replayed in a sort of loop so that it was thrown once again and this time caught Pooky by surprise.

Now, while she gloated about the advantage she had over the two, she did not actually tell them what she had done to retain the element of surprise and take advantage of their lack of knowledge of how the loop worked.

Of course, as was inevitable, the two were sure to eventually discover the trick to it but Valerie hoped with all her heart that that did not happen before she had discovered another advantage she could make use of.

On a side note, she looked around knowing that Hal was watching this all happen but she could not actually see him as she could not see past the valley she was in and she had also not heard his voice since it all began.

Hal had been quiet and so far had no reason to talk to her and simply watched it all unfold.

Pooky returned to her feet and the battle resumed...

There was nothing like tiredness or fatigue for the three and whatever injuries they sustained, no matter how life-threatening or deadly they were, they would always heal.

They fought for years and eventually at some point, Hal decided to remove himself from the time warp he gave Valerie to complete the discovery and comprehension of her Dao.

Time for Valerie continued to move incredibly fast and while only one hour of normal time had passed, in her mind and thanks to Hal\'s antics with the Sovereign space, six years passed.

Six years that Valerie spent fighting the duo of Boba and Pooky.

Sustaining dangerous injuries that cracked her Dao heart and she also inflicted injuries on the duo to heal the bruises and mend the cracks.

It was a tad disorienting for her mind that time flew by so fast for her but long before the end of those six years, she had followed all of Hal\'s instructions and discovered her Dao.

The rest of the time was spent truly comprehending it was only when she was at this point that Hal tuned back into her time frame.

The comprehension was complete and at that point, Valerie\'s fighting style had significantly evolved as she had taken advantage of her proprietorship of the valley to the point where she was only wielding her longsword which was the actual armament that she had formed by and for herself.

She wielded the long sword while the hammer and broadsword fought with her as comrades against the duo of Boba and Pooky.

But with the comprehension of her Dao, the battle came to an end...

Valerie\'s individualism stood tall and it restrained the two personalities and forced them to be quiet and never interfere in what she did henceforth.

The Valley vanished and Valerie, as well as the duo of Boba and Pooky, stood in the magnificent throne room that was the Sovereign space.

*Clap* *Clap*  *Clap*

Their eyes were directed at Hal whose skin was normal and was dressed in the luxurious Imperial wear that was to signify his Dao and authority.

Valerie smiled at the sound of his claps and she found herself courtesying with her longsword in hand as the broadsword and Warhammer vanished from beside her.

"Well done. You did as you said you would... You beat the odds. Truly well done." Hal said.

"Thank you for the praise" Valerie answered and Hal looked over at the duo of Boba and Pooky before he said,

"I believe you now know why comprehension of your Dao was the first and very important step while also discovering the danger first-hand"

Valerie nodded,

"Yes, I do and I did," she said and looked over at Boba and Pooky who were bowing to her.

She eyed them for a while and then waved her hand which caused them to vanish from the Sovereign space to be forever silent in her mind.

"Without your Dao which marks your individualism, you won\'t be able to suppress their voices and influences and without silencing them, you can not comprehend an Ordinance which is the next step in the process.

You will need to comprehend an Ordinance if you want to rid yourself of their meddling. Once the personalities are gone, the way will be clear for you to once again be capable of normal cultivation.

Then I will coach you to make the cultivation you gained from the inheritance your own so that it is no longer a borrowed power"

Valerie bowed,

"Thank you," she said and the gratefulness was clear in her voice.

Hal said nothing and watched her.

Eventually, Valerie raised her head,

"My Dao..." she began but Hao interrupted with a light smile,

"It is connected to me right?" he asked and Valerie nodded.

Hal was not too surprised as he was beginning to see a pattern considering that he remembered Lillian\'s Dao had been something similar at the time of her discovery and even comprehension of it.

If he had to pick a reason for this, he would assume it was because they were involved with him and belonged to him before they tried to discover and comprehend their Daos.

Being his women had an impact on how they viewed themselves and hence had an impact on what their Dao was.

It was a bit funny to think that their individualism was tied to their dependency on him. It sounded a bit like a contradiction.

"I-I\'m not complaining. I was just wondering why that is" Valerie said.

"I know," Hal said with a light smile and then he sighed,

"You know as well as I do that it is that way because you know and have accepted the truth that you are mine. Whatever you do, whatever you become, you will still be mine.

Take it as narcissistic if you wish, but it all boils back to me because I am the center, the pinnacle of the party to which you now belong."


When Hal exited the Sovereign space, he exited with Valerie who returned to her body but her eyes did not open.

She still had quite a bit to do in regards to her Dao and also needed to be refamiliarized with normal time flow as the mental time warp had been white daunting.

Hal stood from the bed and then he passed on information, that could also be taken as an order, into the heads of all his ladies as well as everyone who was connected to him and was a part of his force.

Every Blood knight, every Emissary, and everyone who was under the banner of the Sapphirine Prince by virtue of direct contracts or marks received from him were instructed to begin working on the comprehension of their Dao.

Some, the likes of Rita, Marla, and Karmen had actually started during the year that Hal was away and had been spreading the word of the importance after they received details from Lillian on her successful Dao comprehension.

That said, with Hal passing it as an order, it became the number one priority for all those who were a part of his force and had not yet already discovered their Dao.

When Hal was done passing the information, Valerie had opened her eyes and got freshened up before putting on new sets of clothes (as Hal had torn the one she wore before) and prepared to leave the Harem space with him.

For all the time they had spent in the Harem space, only about Six hours had passed on the outside and when they returned to the outside right in front of the party hall, the merriment was still ongoing.

It was meant to go on until the next morning and as it was not yet daybreak, it had not yet been dispersed.

Valerie felt a tad embarrassed about her outburst before and while it seemed to have happened ages (and in a way, it actually had happened ages ago) she decided she might as well sit out the rest of the party and go to her room for some quiet meditation.

Hal, however, returned to the hall to continue to celebrate with Melinda till dawn and till the end of the party because come morning, he would have a meeting with Tanya, and who knew where the conversation would have him go.

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