
Chapter 669 Shocking Scene For Rody The Duke.

For many hours after and straight into the night, Hal continued to pound both the Duchess and her maid in various positions while never allowing either of them to use their hands.

The two got used to the deprivation soon though and it was no longer really a punishment as much as an added kink that enhanced the excitement that they gained from the session.

That said, it definitely served a purpose to Hal which was to mark his dominance over them and further signify that they were his...

He was not theirs...

This was not an equal relationship...

This was a one-sided one where he had all the power and once he branded them when his Devil mark, he sealed this by binding them to his Devil seed and further increasing his growing and creeping influence.

Eventually, even though they had swallowed a large amount of his cum and had received a massively significant boost in energy, they reached their limits and fell unconscious.

With the two unconscious in the room, their hands finally freed, Hao sat cross-legged to refine the essence he had received from the session.

And then he reasoned his next step...

The Duke was the primary target especially since after spending the last five days in close quarters with the Duchess and getting her to be more open with her words and secrets, he knew the Duke\'s regime to be quite stable...

No one was opposing his rule of the Duchy and he was known to be quite a powerful and capable fighter.

He was a four-star saint with two Elemental Ordinances that he could certainly put to proper use.

He also had his physical attributes boosted by his Arkene bloodline.

All in all, he was capable and Hal doubted he could win an all-out battle against him especially since he was willing to bet that the Duke had already discovered and comprehended his Dao.

That said, Hal never really planned an altercation... A carefully planned advantage and subtle takeover of the Duke to subvert him under his rule seemed much more satisfying and practical.

Hw was going to use the Duchess against the Duke...


When Raelyn woke up, Hal passed the full information about his plans into her mind and it began with her sending an invitation to the the Duke with a proposition to spend the night with him.

But she only sent the invitation and this proposal to him four days after the day of passion she and Alina had spent with Hal.

Why was this?

Well, Hal has decided to build upon the changing reputation that the Duchess had already been getting because of all the time she had been spending with Hal.

Before Hal even completed his plans and sealed it all with the day of incessant fucking, the Duchess had become less motivated to use her room of horrors.

Her last session there was the night before the day of fucking.

Her actions in the room had been half-hearted and it was not as exciting for her as they used to be.

The day after her one-day fuck marathon with Hal, she officially retired from her room of horrors and announced that she no longer felt the need or felt joy from seeing their faces... Whether while they worked or while she whipped and pegged them.

She was apparently just done with it all.

The Eunuchs that had already received the horrific treatment and had already breathed in the fumes in her room of horrors took the news with either disappointment or with indifference.

None of them ever looked excited.

From thy moment on, the Eunuchs who remained at her residence only actually worked for her in actual activities that actually had uses...

No longer did they have to work close to her just so she could see their faces as there was only one face that got her juices running and that was the dominantly smiling face of the Blue-eyes Devil who owned her.

Anyway, Hal knew, through the Duchess that the Dyke kept watch of her... It was not so evident a watch that it became creepy but it was watching all the same.

As such, there was no way his spies would not have informed him of the changing atmosphere around the Duchess\'s residence and in the days following the Marathon fucking between Hal, the Duchess, and Alina, Hal made sure he added to whatever news they were planning to pass across.

Every bit of information that was passed to the Duk painted a picture of a changing conviction... It painted a picture that the Duchess might finally not be as interested in her former conviction of sodomy as she had been before.

As he had never met the Duke so far, Hal was not exactly sure how exactly had taken this news.

That said, the fact that his wife was finally showing an inclination towards changing... The fact that what he had been hoping and waiting to see for centuries seemed to finally be happening was sure to have piqued his curiosity and raised his interest.

His excitement might be reserved in hopes of not being disappointed but he was sure to be excited nonetheless and there was as sure to be anticipation and expectation as well.

According to Raelyn, by their agreement, the Duke was not allowed to come over to see her without prior indication of a wish to visit.

Hal had found it comical that her husband, the Duke of the Arkene Duchy, actually needed to book an appointment before he could meet his wife but he had nothing against it if it would help his plans.

That said, he felt that while it was not to the extent of the Eunuchs and not in the same way of instance, the Duke was whipped just like the Eunuchs.

There was an imbalance in the relationship and it was only there because the Duke was lovesick and wasn\'t quite ready to just cut his losses and move on with someone else even after Raelyn expressed that this was what she wanted.

The meetings between both Duke and Duchess were few and far between especially because of the lack of intercourse between the two...

... Whenever they did get together (always during the day) it was to discuss other matters and for the Duke to remind her of his vow to change their relationship and make it conventional... Even though his method so far had been to give her space.

Four days after the fuck marathon, the narrative that been established...

The Duke already had a belief that his wife could be ready to turn over a new leaf...

Why else had she lost interest in her Eunuchs?

When Raelyn sent out an invitation and a proposal to spend the night with him, his positive reply was almost instantaneous and the game was set.

Of course, fur the four days leading up to the invitation, No Eunuch, including \'Allan\', met up with the Duchess who seemed to remain in her room at all times.

Other than the occasional exit and reentry of Alina, who was smiling more than she was frowning these days, there was almost no activity around the Duchess\' main residence.

She seemed to be completely keeping to herself.

The Eunuch named Allan who had spent five days offering services unknown was no longer in the Duchy Palace...

Rumor had it that he had displeased the Duchess and he was gotten rid of.

All of this somehow added to the narrative and Hal stopped with his disguise as he no longer had use for it.

He never walked about the Duchy Palace but why would he need to when he was usually in the Duchess\' room fucking near brains out.

He had added myrtle to the numbers and usually had her as his accomplice in torturing the Duchess and her right-hand maid before then fucking all three ladies till they could take no more.

The four days leading to the invitation were quite frankly the best any of the three ladies had ever had and neither wished for it to end.


The Duke arrived with barely an entourage even though there was clearly a large number of men ready to leap out from any hidden corners they might be to assist and defend their Duke.

Rody, the Duke of the Arkene Duchy was a large and muscular man, and even though he had quite a good poker face on, the more perceptive could detect anticipation on his grouchy face.

While he was not so deluded to think that the change he had always hoped for would happen so quickly and so seemingly instantaneously, he still anticipated that this might be the start to he had been hoping for... That this might be the foundation on which he could build a new relationship with his wife on.

He met Alina at the door and the maid bowed to him as she opened the door to the dimly lit room.

There was a sweet scent all about the room and it had a heady and mystifying quality to it and even though he could shake off its effects and keep his mind sharp, he allowed himself some time to enjoy the scent...

After all, this was a special day where wonderful things were about to happen.

Suddenly, he sensed someone else in the room... That someone seemed to have appeared very close to the singular figure he had thought was his wife.

"Honey...?" he called before the lights were suddenly bright and the scene in front of him caused the Duke\'s eyes to widen...

There was his wife, on her knees, dressed in ceremonial robes with another man\'s large cock shoved into her mouth...

"Hello," said the owner of the cock with a Devilish smile while his blue eyes gleamed with malevolent excitement.

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