
Chapter 671 It’s Sad Really...

"Arrgghhh" Rody yelled out as he was struck by his wife\'s Armament that was coated with a bit of the dark energy still on her chest.

Seeing as they were Cosmic Saints capable of effortless flight, the battle between the two soon took place above ground, with Hal watching from below with a smile as they exchange moves.

It was quite a sight to behold...

While Rody was still mostly holding back against his wife, Raelyn had no such issues and obeyed her master\'s order to strike her husband with her full might as a Cosmic Saint.

The Duchess was quite impressive... Despite the lack of an Ordinance.

Hal knew already that had discovered her Dao before they met and it was tied to get the sadistic urge to cause pain and derive pleasure from it.

And although he had subdued her and made her his, all the while making her submissive, it did not really change her Dao.

She was still a sadistic bitch... That was still her Dao and it still showed in the way she attacked her husband at optimum points that would cause him to most pain.

While she looked sorry outwardly, Hal knew that she was grinning in her mind and craving to deliver more punishment...

Sadism remained true about her personality but whenever Hal was involved, she would be different.

She would be tame to him... Because he owned her...

Anyway, a battle in the air provided some nice dynamics and whole new takes on agility as the two moved effortlessly in the air...

Rody did so to defend and evade while Raelyn did so to attack.

After Rody had made his decision to go after the blue-eyed bastard and put an end to this situation, he quickly found it hard to do.

For one thing, his wife was never too far away to protect the bastard from his (Rody\'s) blows, and the more he tried to just fight past her, he found that he always hurt her more.

To fight past her and get to the smugly smiling bastard, Rody would have to let go of any of his restraints and attack to thoroughly put his opponent down... Even if his wife got in the way.

And that was exactly what he did...

For the first time since the battle started, he took an actively attacking stance to hurt his wife...

H coated himself with Cosmic energy while also making use of both of his Ordinances.

The next time Raelyn struck at him, he caught her hand and sunk a blow into her midsection.

Raelyn groaned in pain and her reaction to the blow was meant to incite compassion in her husband... It had worked before but this time it was unsuccessful because Rody as steeled himself to emotion.

He followed up his strike to her midsection with an uppercut that sounded thunderous and instantly knocked the Duchess out.

Raelyn fell to the ground so fast and so hard that she formed a crater while Rody turned his sights at Hal.

The way was clear...

"I\'m ending this" Before he was even done speaking, he was already descending at an incredible speed with his target being a smiling Hal.

His blow, backed with his ordinances, was about to land when Hal said,

"I don\'t think you are"

Immediately, every bit of devil energy that had been. lying dormant in Rody\'s body activated as they quickly coated his body in a light layer that forced his momentum to halt.

He was frozen with his punch mere inches away from Hal\'s face.

Rody tried to fight against the Devil energy in his body and he found that he was succeeding...

He decided not to worry about the fact that there was nefarious energy in his body without his knowledge and rather focus on how to fight against its hold.

He was still very much in top shape both physically and mentally and he refused to believe that energy this weak could actually have a lasting effect on him.

From now on, he would be more alert and be more on the lookout for such sneaky actions to make sure that his body was never infiltrated again.

Rody remained confident that his opponent could not take full advantage of his frozen state as he would soon be free.

Even now as he fought against the energy, he was already activating his bloodline ability that would enhance his physical attributes.

Hal smiled as he moved away from the front of the blow and walked closer to say into Rody\'s ear,

"You wanna hear a secret? I\'m not controlling your wife" he said with a happy grin.

Rody\'s eyes widened but Hal was not yet done.

"Well, actually, I am in control because she belongs to me but it is more like a consensual control. She wants to be controlled. That dark energy you see on her chest, that\'s just for show.

If you look carefully, you will see that all of her expressions while impressive and sympathy-inducing are actually fake.

When you saw my dick inside her throat, she was loving it...

I don\'t have to force your wife and I would never force her to have sex with her because she loves it...

In fact, she begs for it.

Whatever she does to you is because she wants to... Just like her fucking me for the past five days with hardly any break has been totally because she wants it"

The more Hal spoke, the deeper Rody\'s breathing became and the more visibly annoyed he became.

He never made a sound...

Never said a word but the pain was evident.

But Hal was not yet done.

"But maybe you think I\'m lying. After all, you know your wife...

She would never beg...

She is sadistic...

She only feels sexual pleasure when she is causing pain...

Well, Dear boy, that was before.

Those are no tales of the past...

Now she loves being fucked in all her holes while being forced to plead earnestly for release.

See for yourself" with that Hal placed two fingers at the frozen Rody\'s temple to pass graphic details of all that had occurred between himself and Raelyn directly into his mind.

Rody was close to breaking free but he did not break free fast enough not to see everything Hal showed him along with a brief scene where Hal, Alina, and Raelyn planned the scene that he saw in her room.

The fact that Hal had punched Raelyn for real to further sell the fake scene and the fact that she had liked getting punched by him only made it all worse.


With a loud yell thick with emotional turmoil, Rody finally broke free of his bonds of Devil energy and he grabbed hold of Hal\'s neck while his physique swelled.

Rody was already a large man but the complete activation of his bloodline saw his body get even larger and even more imposing.

There was a sort of a red twinge to his eyes that made him seem more like a beast than a man and Hal would not be surprised if the Arkenes could trace the source of their bloodline ability to the Dystopian Continent.

Speaking of Hal, he never stopped laughing because he had gotten what he wanted...

"It\'s sad really," he said quite comfortably despite the large and veiny hand grabbing his neck.

Rody pulled his fist back to punch Hal as hard as he could while he began to summon the stars of his Sainthood, but he was forced to stop because of a sharp pain in his chest.

So sharp and painful was the pain that it could not be ignored or resisted...

Rody let go of Hal and clutched his chest with both his hands while howling in pain.

"You really love her. If you didn\'t, I would not have been able to use it against you. I would not be able to afflict you with a Heart demon."

Despite the problems and the lack of a conventional relationship, Rody\'s love for Raelyn had never shaken and to a point, her sadism had been a relief to him.

At the very least, he knew that no man would ever enjoy her the way he wished to enjoy her... It was probably a twisted way of thinking but he found comfort in the thought that what he could not get, no one else could get either.

The very thought of her having conventional intercourse or at least intercourse that did not involve her whipping her partner hurt him.

He could not stand it... Stupid as it might seem, he was still jealous and that was why he only allowed her to have men around her if said men were not really men (i.e Eunuchs).

Evidence that what he feared and had been so confident she would never do with another man had actually happened broke his heart... Figuratively and a bit literally since Hal used his Devil energy to take advantage of the heartbreak and implant a heart Demon of his creation.

Hal stepped back and while Rody clutched his chest, Raelyn stood from the crater she had formed from her sky-high descent to strike her husband on the back of the head with a kick that sent him face-first to the ground.



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