
Chapter 692 Where It All Began... Part 2.

The Primevals were practically created to be overseers of all that was created by Order and Choas and although they were products of a combination of the two forces of creation, the ten were still divided among both forces.

Meaning that Five Primevals were agents of Order and the other five were agents of Chaos.

As such, there were two parties; The Party of Order and the Party of Chaos.

​ While the Primevals are mostly equal in power and had so far not had a definitive victor among each other, there were still main representatives of their parties and they were; Sariel the Primeval Virtue Queen (Main representative of Order), and Nihasa, the Primeval Devil Queen (Main representative of Chaos).

The Primevals were powerful from the mommet they were created as they were agents of the two Primordial forces of creation but they did cultivate to achieve their proficiency with their various Ordinances as well as the true importance of their Supreme Daos as well as their top statuses

When the idea and knowledge of Cosmic energy cultivation became so widespread that it became the order of the day, it was inevitable for quite a few to turn their second sights on the Priemevals but as Hal saw through Order\'s memories, no one ever succeeded.

No one could ever best the Primevals because they were blessed by the forces of creation with something that no other cultivator had been able to achieve through cultivation alone... They possessed Divinity.

This went past simply being a power that could be achieved through cultivation and was quite literally a blessing bestowed upon the Primevals to set them apart and above every other creation.

They were meant to only ever remain truly second to the duo of Order and Chaos.

Now, as for what was going on internally with the Primevals, Order\'s memories were foggy and vague which Hal took to mean that it was uninterested.

Ambition set into the minds of the Primevals and their thoughts of forever cementing their places at the very top, as well as a true establishment of the hierarchy, resulted in the division of the living realm into two; the mortal and the Cosmic realm.

Both realms expanded and grew more than large enough to accommodate all manner of beings that exist and live in them...

The Cosmic realm, divided into Ten planes belonging to each Primeval, officially became known as the realm of the gods while the mortal realm was stripped of its ability to house gods.

The only path to godhood for cultivators was to achieve special favor from a god (not necessarily a Primeval) who would then cause them to ascend to the Cosmic realm.

Order quite liked this system... It was orderly... It was uniform... It was fine.

Alas, this was only one of the few things that were \'fine\' about this new Realm Order.

The fact that they could not truly defeat each other did not stop Primevals from having the occasional territorial and pride-driven battles... A need to be better than their peers was always within them all...

They bestowed their favors on gods in their Plane and these gods bestowed favors on cultivators in the mortal realm to bring them up to the Cosmic realm to fight in their battles.

Attaining godhood certified immortality in the form of living forever with the same body and look as one possesses at the time of attaining godhood but it does not mean they could not be killed.

Any of them could have their souls sent to the Nether realm as violently as was possible.

The Nether realm was not really a place of peace... it was not really a place of anything.

It was just a region for multiple souls to exist aimlessly while they await reincarnation which actually happens less often than one would imagine.

Hal saw something in the making of the Nether realm... Its monotony was instantly similar to the monotony that had existed at the very start of all things.

It had a similar feeling to when only the concept of Order and Chaos existed... No love, no hate, no agendas... Just existence.

Anyway, the Primevals had the occasional battle between each other (one on one without proxy) and while there was always a victor, there was never really a \'winner\'...

... However, the magnitude of these battles of theirs was the kind that caused destruction across the entirety of the Cosmic realm.

That was how powerful they were... The destruction caused by the shockwaves of their battles was enough to kill even gods serving under them.

While there were means to avoid this sort of widespread damage, the Primevals simply decided they preferred pitying the god\'s underneath them against one another in intense battles.

Sometimes, when they were feeling particularly cooperative, they would join up with other Primevals that were part of their Party (Order or Chaos) and then fight against the other party in large scale wars of the type to impact the lives of not only those in the Cosmic realm but also those in the Mortal realms usually by association.

It was not only the Priemevals engaging in battles... All across the worlds in the mortal realm, there were battles... For whatever reason, there was always conflict.

To the point where it became a natural part of life...

Order considered itself a peaceful force but it hated it all... And there it was; A feeling it had never felt before, Hatred.

It wanted the unruliness, the selfishness, and the overall negative feelings to end and it blamed all these feelings on Chaos.

At some point, Chaos had not only corrupted their creations but also Order itself which was why Order was also having negative feelings and intentions.

Thing was, even Chaos admitted to how much he liked the occasional outburst of Chaos, the occasional destruction of uniformity.

It pointed out the irony in the fact that the War Order so disliked actually involved uniformity and a standard chain of command.

Order rebutted by saying that battles were not the only way to achieve uniformity.

Order\'s main agenda became that with the achievement of true peace -true order- there would no longer be a need for battles...

Order believed that if it could get rid of all negative feelings (starting from the source) then it could truly create the sort of environment that it deemed true to what it considered to be Uniform and Orderly.

Hal noticed that the more recent the memory he was witnessing, the better he could understand and interpret the said memory and he immediately knew why;

It was because the more recent the memory, the more Order became like its creations...

No longer was it filled with vague ideologies and impossible-to-understand concepts...

No longer was it content to just exist as the all-powerful and formless concept that it was... It now had ambitions... It had goals... It had a nemesis.

Hal took a moment to wonder (as it was not clear from the memories) if Order had always possessed these ambitions but had long suppressed them because there was nothing besides it and Chaos in existence or had it been corrupted by its creations that had been corrupted by Chaos.

The answer was still unknown but Hal realized that the more he learned, the less worried or attached he was to what was actually going on with him at the moment... The knowledge was- Empowering.

Anyway, the difference in opinion led to the most devastating battle that had ever been seen across the three realms.

A battle whose effects went past anything the Primevals had ever done or ever been capable of.

The battle was only seen by a few (The Primevals) and it was understood by even less.

It was similar to how Order and Chaos had come together to create the spark that set off creation...

This time, contact between the two resulted in a violent blast that absolutely wrecked the mortal realm.

Every bit of cosmic energy was wiped from the Mortal realm and every living being in the realm was vaporized...

The Cosmic realm had it better but not without the united efforts of the Primevals who the two battling Primordial forces did not care about as they clashed.

The damage to the Cosmic realm was restrained to the part that is now regarded as the Ring Of Neglected Worlds and while many were killed in the catastrophe, the Neglected Worlds in the Cosmic realm still retained the ability to hold Cosmic energy and still went on to give rise to cultivators.

The effects of their battle took both Order and Chaos by surprise seeing as this was their first time doing battle, but neither cared for their creations ... What really mattered to the two (According to the Order\'s memories) was that the battle resulted in a tie.

Such destruction and still no clear victor? Unacceptable!

Not to mention, both concepts had been so damaged by their conflict that they were now on the mend... Their healing was a naturally occurring process that did not require them to do anything other than wait.

The urge to win was still within the two...

Order still had its dream of uniformity... And so it created its Avatar in the form of the monk who then approached a certain Devil Queen for a scheme to guarantee him victory when next he did battle with Chaos...

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