
Chapter 698 The Concept Of Infinity.

Both the monk and Primordial Will frowned at Hal\'s words as it added to how much trepidation they felt as they were very much aware of what the creation of a Concept meant despite this being the first time it had ever happened.

They could see and feel that it was one part Order and one part Chaos which made it a constant production of the spark that had allowed creation to begin in the first place... but while Infinity was a combination of both Order and Chaos, it was also its own thing...

Having the potential to achieve feats that both Order and Chaos were currently incapable of.

What made it worse was that the two knew that it was because of their common use of Hal and his contact with both Order and Chaos that had made this possible.

To achieve what Hal just achieved required in-depth knowledge and know-how intro very make-up and creation of the three realms.

Such information could only be available to someone who had the means of snooping into the memories of both Chaos and Order to make use of their connection and complementing nature which added to the unique Sovereign Dao could open up a path to the creation of a new Concept to rival the original two.

Hal had plotted a complete path of Infinity\'s progression which was based on a constant rumination and constant understanding of the phenomena and information that had to do with the fundamentals of the creation and existence of the three realms.

Infinity, while still being at a developmental stage of infancy had swallowed every piece of Order and Chaos that existed in the bridge leading to the Nether realm so that it was the only Concept of creation that still filled the bridge and commanded all operations and functions.

Ordinarily, this was not something that should have been possible with Infinity\'s current stage but as the bridge was marked as the point of its birth, the takeover was much easier and already put the monk and Primordial Will at a disadvantage.

There was nothing both Avatars could do to stop the birth of Infinity (seeing as it was already complete) but they still spotted a major flaw they could take advantage of.

There was a reason that Hal still retained his tether to the realm of the living through his ladies and that was because it was still his only means of returning to his body.

Infinity was created and it was impressive in both power and potential but it still lacked grounding and Hal had not truly made it his...

Powerful and all-encompassing as Hal was enveloped in Infinity at the moment, he was nothing compared to established concepts like Order and Chaos.

Order arose along with Choas and the two imbued their Avatars with active powers that went past controlling the connection that all life forms had with either Order or Choas.

Hal was now free of that connection and active battling ability was essential in their bid to stop any further progression of his created Concept.

Even as Hal watched the monk and Primordial Will power up with powers they received from their Concepts, Hal just chuckled.

The entire bridge that all three of them were in was already permeated with Infinity and both the monk and Primordial Will were in his domain.

Hal let Primprdial Will charge at him with a punch while coated in thick chaotic energy that seemed to carry along with it the authority to reduce any event or environment to utter ruin.

Making it easier to be seen, Hal extricated himself from Infinity so that his soul, which still had a tether connecting him to the realm of the living, was more clearly envisioned as separate from the created Concept.

The separation did not make it easier for Primordial Will...

Right before the attack, as fast and as powerful as it was while being preceded by Chaotic energy that was attempting to reshape the environment of the bridge, could his its target, Hal waved his ethereal hand and stopped it in place.

​ In all honesty, the moment the energy received directly from the Primordial Concept of Choas was not successfully reshaping the bridge as it should, Primordial Will was already skeptical about its plan of attack.

Alas, that was all it could do...

It had been ordered to prevent the further development of infinity by stopping Hal and that was what he would try to do... No matter how doomed to fail his attempt was.

Probably the most awe-inspiring thing that Hal did while stopping Primordial Will was how he dispersed the chaotic energy without any trouble...

He had his attention on Primordial Will and did not take his eyes off the chaotic Avatar even as the monk charged him and he did not need to because before the Monk could get more than seven feet closer, a gigantic serpentine soul imbued with the infant power if Infinity charged out of Hal\'s soul as though an extension of him...

Sassy\'s body was almost done healing but her soul that was always tied to Hal\'s was as active as ever and she was eager for at least some sort of revenge on the bald asshole who had so insolently smacked her aside.


She slammed her tail, which was allowed impact due to the Infinity it imbued, against the Monk, and before he could spin too far away or attempt to force himself to stop, she wrapped her gigantic serpentine body around him and pulled him closer while passing infinity into his body and causing a disruption in his composition that should only contain the Concept of Order.

Sassy pulled the monk to where Primordial Will was and only after she had ascertained that her master had trapped the monk did her soul retreat... Much to Hal\'s smiling praise.

At this bridge that he had permeated with his Concept of Infinity, Hal knew that neither of the two could defeat him and that was the reason for his cocky smile but there was also caution as he could not truly defeat either of the two also...

Stopping their attacks and rendering them null as he and Sassy had done to both Primordial Will and the Monk was the best he could do and that would not hold them for long.

He couldn\'t even touch either of them (being the soul that he was) and had so far only affected them with Infinity.

Speaking of which;

Infinity was only at the very beginning and nowhere near ready to take this two on not to mention the true formless concepts of Order and Choas and he did not plan to try.

In barely a second and before both the Monk and Primordial Will could truly be aware of what was going on, Hal trapped and bound them in the bridge leading to the Nether realm and he bound them tight with Infinity.

"That should hold you long enough while I make sure you leave me alone for a very long time," Hal said after the successful bind of both Avatars before he reached for his tether for a return to his body.

Before he could pull himself away from the bridge though, The Monk spoke up,

"You know what this means, don\'t you? You are declaring war on both Order and Chaos"

"A war you can\'t win" Prinordial Will added.

Hal paused and then said with a chuckle,

"We\'ll see"


Back in the Monument of Ordinances...

Melinda was seated beside Hal\'s body that had fallen backward after getting stabbed by her and close by was the apoarition of Sariel, the Primeval Virtue queen who had felt, just like every other Primeval, the birth of the new concept...

Hal\'s body suddenly got illuminated by a mixture of royal blue and gold but the colors were merely a representation of the power of his soul that was returning with a connection to the concept of Infinity that quickly began to change Hal\'s body from his very foundations.

Cutting off any connection to either one of Order and Chaos...

Nihasa\'s imprint that had returned to Hal\'s body when Melinda took him out of the Private section, was wiped from his bloodline along with the two demonic imprints she had placed inside him.

Her last words contained a smiling lamentation on how her plan of taking control of his comprehension of any Abstract Ordinance had been doomed to fail from the very start.

When her imprint as well as those of the two Demons were gone, Hal heard her voice in his ear suggesting an eventual reunion.

Even the Primordial Grimoire in Hal\'s mind space was cleansed completely of any connection it had ever had with Chaos and its driving concept was replaced with Infinity while revealing every bit of information that it had ever had in its pages... More on that later.

When Hal rose from the ground, surrounded by Cosmic energy obeying his command due to his Sovereign Dao, he was a new being...

He was both the Concept of Infinity as well as its Avatar.

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